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Dynamical Phenomena for Bulge and Disk Formation

Dynamical Phenomena for Bulge and Disk Formation. Outline:  Disk formation scenarios AM transfers, radial migrations Bars and gas flows Bulge formation scenarios. Françoise Combes Ringberg, 21 May 2010. Disk formation. 1- Fall & Efstathiou (1980), van der Kruit (1987)

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Dynamical Phenomena for Bulge and Disk Formation

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  1. Dynamical Phenomena for Bulge and Disk Formation • Outline: • Disk formation scenarios • AM transfers, radial migrations • Bars and gas flows • Bulge formation scenarios Françoise Combes Ringberg, 21 May 2010

  2. Disk formation 1- Fall & Efstathiou (1980), van der Kruit (1987) AM conservation during the collapse of a uniformly rotating uniform sphere (rm=0.2h) produces an exponential disk, with a cut-off at 4.5h HI extensions accreted later?? The baryons cannot lose AM, since it is barely sufficient  Disks too concentrated Van der Kruit 1987

  3. Possible scenarios • 2- Star formation threshold, for the stellar exp disk (Kennicutt 1989) • But extended UV disks: 2 SF prescriptions? • 3- Maximum AM of the cooled gas (van den Bosch 2001) • But again, large central concentration • Problem:AM acquired by tidal torques • before virialisation • In mergers, baryons lose AM against DM • Too small disks Gas-dominated mergers at high z? (Robertson et al 2006) Zf begin to accrete with a speed ~a M= 5 E11 Mo, l =0.129

  4. Face-on Edge-on Debattista et al 2006 Surface density breaks Consequence of AM exchange Outer and inner disks breaks Rbreak ~ ROLR Could be a stellar processus (Pfenniger & Friedli 1991) Or a gas process, with SF threshold (Roskar et al 2008)

  5. Break moves radially outwards TreeSPH simulation of collapse: break moves due to gas break and Toomre Q increase Stars Gas SFR Age Spiral and bar transfer inner stars to the outer parts Roskar et al 2008

  6. Age gradient reverses after 8kpc M33: CMD diagrams from HST/ACS (Williams et al 2009) --- Mo et al 1998, … all radii _____ inside 8kpc

  7. All stars with small epicycles CR DL OLR ILR Migrations of stars and gas Resonant scattering at resonances Sellwood & Binney 2002

  8. DL exchange without heating Invariant: the Jacobian EJ= E- Wp L  DE = WpDL DJR = (Wp-W)/kDL If steady spiral, exchange at resonance only In fact, spiral waves are transient The orbits which are almost circular will be preferentially scattered Sellwood & Binney 2002

  9. Chemical evolution with migration O/H, and O/Fe Thick disk is both a-enriched and low Z Churning = Change in L, without heating Blurring= Increase of epicyclic amplitude, through heating Gas contributes to churning, and is also radially driven inwards Shoenrich & Binney 2009

  10. Transfert of L, and migrations Bars and spirals can tranfer L at Corotation Transfer multiplied if several patterns with resonances in common Much accelerated migrations Bar Spiral Minchev & Famaey 2010

  11. Effect of coupled patterns Time evolution of the L transfer with bar and 4-arm spiral, in the MW Top: spiral CR at the Sun Bottom: near 4:1 ILR Minchev et al 2010

  12. Migration extent Time evolution of the L transfer with bar and 4-arm spiral Explains absence of AMR Age Metallicity Relation +AVR relation Initial position of stars ending in the green interval after 15 and 30 Rotations Black: almost circular s = 5km/s Minchev et al 2010

  13. Bar+spiral migrations Overlap of resonances Minchev et al 2010

  14. Bar Strength Time (Myr) Bars formation andre-formation Self-regulated cycle: Formation of a bar in a cold disk Bar produces gas inflow, and Gas inflow destroys the bar +gas accretion Gas accretes by intermittence First it is confined outside OLR until the bar weakens, then it can replenish the disk, to make it unstable again to bar formation 2% of gas infall is enough to transform a bar in a lens (Friedli 1994, Berentzen et al 1998, Bournaud & Combes 02, 04)

  15. gSb-dmx no No gas accretion

  16. gSb-dmx ac With gas accretion

  17. Mhalo=Mbar gSb models --- Purely stellar --- With gas and SF+feedback --- With gas accretion (5Mo/yr) --- Double accretion rate (10Mo/yr)

  18. Scenarios of bulge formation uMajor mergers vMinor mergers wBars xClumps • In major mergers, the tidal trigger first forms strong bars in • the partner galaxies, which drive the gas inward • Formation first of a pseudobulge Then the merger of the two galaxies could provide a classical bulge Which will then co-exist with the pseudo ones Alternatively, after a classical bulge has formed subsequent gas accretion, could re-form a bar, and a disk and drive the gas towards the center,  pseudobulge Clumpy galaxies at high z  bulge formation Again problem for the bulgeless galaxies

  19. Major merger, N4550 prototype  bulge formation gas stars gas stars

  20. stars gas 2 CR stellar disks, but only one gas rotation Red= prograde galaxy,Blue= retrograde galaxy, Black=total

  21. Angular momentum exchange Red= prograde galaxy,Blue= retrograde galaxy, Black=total Full lines= orbital AM, Dash lines= individual spins The gas settles in corotation with the thicker, more perturbed, disk Formation of a bulge with low n ~1-2 Special geometry, of aligned or anti-aligned spins Crocker et al 2008

  22. Pseudo-bulge formation Combes & Sanders 1981 Combes et al 1990 Pseudobulges have characteristics intermediate between a classical bulge (or Elliptical) and normal disks (Kormendy & Kennicutt 2004) Sersic index m ~ r1/n, with n =1-2 (disks: n=1, E: n=4 or larger) Flattening similar to disks, box/peanut shapes  Bluer colors Kinematics: more rotation support than classical bulges

  23. Multiple minor mergers The issue is not the mass ratio of individual mergers But the total mass accreted If 30-40% of initial mass  Formation of an elliptical 50 mergers of 50:1 mass ratio Even more frequent Than 1:1 Bournaud, Jog, Combes 2007

  24. Formation in clumpy galaxies Rapid formation of exponential disk and bulge, through dynamical friction Noguchi 1999, Bournaud et al 2007 Chain galaxies, when edge-on Evolution slightly quicker than with spirals/bars?

  25. Frequency of bulge-less galaxies Locally, about 2/3 or the bright spirals are bulgeless, or low-bulge Kormendy & Fisher 2008, Weinzirl et al 2008 Some of the rest have both a classical bulge and a pseudo-bulge Plus nuclear clusters (Böker et al 2002) Frequency of edge-on superthin galaxies (Kautsch et al 2006) 1/3 of galaxies are completely bulgeless SDSS sample : 20% of bright spirals are bulgeless until z=0.03 (Barazza et al 2008) Disk-dominated galaxies are more barred than bulge-dominated ones How can this be reconciled with the hierarchical scenario?

  26. BRAVA kinematical results: Milky Way The bulge of the Milky Way is compatible with only pseudo Old stars (99% > 5Gyr) +a large variety of O/H, Fe/H Fe/H decreases with z  Not only a bar? (Zoccali et al 2008) BRAVA+ Rangwala et al 2009 Shen et al 2010

  27. bulge halo Age (Gyr) Metallicity indicators Bulge stars are old and a-enriched But inner disk stars are not known bulge thin thick Zoccali et al 2009

  28. No possible classical bulge Even a classical bulge of 8% Mdisk worsens the fit to the data Older, low Fe/H stars have been scattered at high z, for a longer time Several bars? Shen et al 2010

  29. NGC 4565: SBb, No classical bulge In addition to the bar, a pseudo-bulge of 6% in mass Pseudo, since flattened, and Sersic index 1.3-1.5 HST 1.6mm Spizer-3.6m Spizer-8m Kormendy & Barentine 2010

  30. SB09 Thick disk formation At least 4 scenarios: 1) Accretion and disruption of satellites (like in the stellar halo) 2) Disk heating due to minor merger 3) Radial migration, via resonant scattering 4) In-situ formation from thick gas disk (mergers, or clumpy galaxies) Orbit excentricity of stars could help to disentangle Sales et al 2009

  31. CONCLUSION • Disk formation poses problems to the standard model: too concentrated, too small, loss of AM • Radial migration, resonant scattering by spirals  Bars efficient to AM exchange, gas radial flows • Fraction of bulgeless galaxies: challenge for hierarchical scenario? •  Thick disk formation: several scenarios • Bulge formation: coexistence of many processes • Some major mergers could keep a disk • Multiple minor mergers lead to spheroids • Clumpy galaxies at high-z

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