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School Creation Taxonomy Corrinne Collett 10/4/2006

School Creation Taxonomy Corrinne Collett 10/4/2006. Contents Slides Overview of topic taxonomy ……………………………………………………………………….. 2-4 Taxonomy terms with pull down order models …………………………………………………………….…5

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School Creation Taxonomy Corrinne Collett 10/4/2006

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  1. School Creation TaxonomyCorrinne Collett10/4/2006 Contents Slides Overview of topic taxonomy ……………………………………………………………………….. 2-4 Taxonomy terms with pull down order models …………………………………………………………….…5 Organizing principles of pull down models …………………………………………………………………..…6 Individual terms with alternates and notes …………………………………………………………….….7 – 23 Additions to mode/type taxonomy …………………………………………………………………………….24 Deeper & process focused taxonomy (from 8/2006)…………………………………………...……….25 - 26

  2. School Creation TopicalResearch, articles, best practices1/3 General Planning team training Application portfolio & guidelines Completed proposals Samples Core beliefs & values 10 Principles Of Effective Schools Stakeholders & partnerships What went wrong at Manual High School Training Session Handouts Session #2- Requirements For a Viable Partner session # 3 – 2007 School Team Checklist Dreamyard Proposal Session #4 – Developing the Mission Statement Session #4 – Developing the Mission Statement Round 1 Application Reframing Education: The Partnership Strategy and Public Schools Academy for Environmental Leadership Session#5 School Culture & Core Values 2007 Transfer School Applications Partnership Question and Answer EWSIS New School Application New School Creation Calendar 9-06 Key = Term New School Executive Summary Application Checklist = Artifact

  3. School Creation TopicalResearch, articles, best practices2/3 Curriculum & instruction Assessments & data Personalization Recruitment & hiring practices Budgets & scheduling Operations Training School creation NV Internal Advisory Recommend- ations World Cafe Session 6 Connecting Theme, Rigor & Curriculum Session 7 Assessment of Student Learning Preparing Students for Opening Day Meeting Notes Session 3 Proposal/ Concept Paper Checklist Session#5 School Culture & Core Values Café Tuesday Lessons Learned: School Theme Café Tuesday Lessons Learned: School Theme Advisory Recommend- ations World Cafe Key Café Tuesday Lessons Learned: Partnership = Term = Artifact

  4. School Creation TopicalResearch, articles, best practices3/3 Other possible terms Media relations Grant requirements = Term = Artifact

  5. Taxonomy TermsModels for labeling order Institute Training Trajectory Alphabetical 10 Principles Of Effective Schools General See next page for pros and con arguments for each of these models. Application portfolio & guidelines Planning team training materials Assessments & data Application portfolio & guidelines Budgets & scheduling Completed proposals Curriculum & instruction Application element samples Core beliefs & v alues Core beliefs & values General 10 Principles Of Effective Schools Stakeholders & partnerships Operations Personalization Curriculum & instruction Assessments & data Planning team training Proposals Personalization Recruitment & hiring practices Recruitment & hiring practices Budgets & scheduling Samples Operations School creation NV internal Training [Professional development] Stakeholders & partnerships School creation NV internal Training [Professional development]

  6. Organizing Principles Topic List • 1) Trajectory of training for institute: • Positives – • Closely allied categories are contiguous • Participants in training will find order reflects their needs • Negatives • Those not in training program may not follow logic of list • 2) Alphabetical: • Positives • Will be transparent to all users • Negatives • Allied categories will be separated • Heavily used topics may fall at bottom of list

  7. Term Alternate Terms Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB General General articles & research Find general articles & research What went wrong at Manual High School General information, articles & research • Notes: • Do you want to limit the label to articles and research? What if you want to include other media, videos of conferences, a photo essay, etc? • How will these be sorted – by post date? Are there other options? These articles may require considerable curator attention to the description. • Ten principals – rather than creating a category – code the ten principals to appear here? • Missing: • Review other artifacts on the K-Base and add metadata to bring up under School Creation. • Gloria has articles on her jump drive • Unclear who else will hold appropriate general materials within NVPS.

  8. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB Planning team training Planning team training materials Find Planning Team training materials Orientation One Agenda Session 3 Main Round Application 2006-2007 Calendar Access session agendas and handouts Access session agendas and handouts Session 2- Requirements For a Viable Partner Session 4 – Developing the Mission Statement • Notes: • Come up with a title format for each session document. Already discussed with Ashley, make a coversheet template that will help promote consistency in titles. • Consider the issue of replacing materials yearly • do they get deleted? • do we need an archive level, work around – sort by date? • How to gather hand outs with agendas and main artifacts • By session title and number? • If no subtopics permissible, curators will need to create one document of all handouts per session – which may be awkward considering different formats – i.e. Word vs. PDFs. • These problems could be solved if at least one other level of folder permitted. • Missing: • Not all session materials are here, i.e. session 1 • Unclear if all handouts within session are here. • Gloria has some, check with Jennie as well. • To identify what is missing, need to go into each session agenda and look at hand-out list. • DOE sessions not here at all Session 2- New School Development Process Session 5 Developing the Thematic Construct Session 2- Essential Elements Of effective Partnerships Session 6 Information Packet Theme Rigor Session 3- Proposal/ Concept Paper Checklist \Session 7 Assessment of Student Learning

  9. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB Application portfolios Application portfolio & guidelines Find application forms & guidelines session 3 – 2007 School Team Checklist • Notes: • Consider the problems of keeping note of the most current version, plus retaining previous years will be difficult without sub categories. • Do you extract samples application parts here (i.e. Executive Summaries), or keep them under Proposals or Samples? • There are many duplications of the application uploaded. • Missing: • Are these the key forms and guidelines needed? What about the “Toolkit” (Jennie mentioned this document) Round 1 Application 2007 Transfer School Applications New School Creation Calendar 9-06 New School Executive Summary and Application Checklist

  10. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB Proposals Proposals & samples Look at successful proposals funded By NVPS Dreamyard Proposal Proposals & executive summaries Look at completed proposals funded By NVPS Academy for Environmental Leadership • Notes • For Complete proposals • Consider where to put samples, maybe here or in application proposals, if clearly titled. • If only one choice, how should proposals be organized? Ideally, their should be at least two choices, or a sort function, by name or by year. This is less important if there are sub categories • Create consistent title format – use formal name of proposal. This is especially important if there are no sub categories. • Consider other kinds of proposals at NVPS – will this term be confusing? Should proposal be a type/mode term in the NVPS wide lexicon? • The stage of the Executive Summary is important to NVPS – should this be its own category? If there were sub categories, they could easily remain here. • What about unsuccessful ESs and Proposals? Do they need special coding, or sub categories. Will you post them at all? • Missing: • Are there other proposals from this year – I thought I spotted more in Gloria’s files. • There are no Executive Summaries for the current round posted on K-Base. EWSIS New School Application

  11. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB Stakeholders& partnerships Stakeholders, partnerships & community Learn about working with partnerships, stakeholders & the community Session #2- Requirements For a Viable Partner Reframing Education: The Partnership Strategy and Public Schools • Notes: • Evaluate what else should go here. Do you want just materials about each of these ideas, or do you want samples of documents that are part of the Portfolio? Are there documents about the process of building relationships? • This category could get large and confusing without sub categories. Create separate terms for flexibility, but map into one section for now. • Suggest that the documents get separate codes for each term, but they get mapped to this level. This will give flexibility to break out should this get unwieldy down in the future. • What about Community – is the community considered a stakeholder? Are there general documents about importance and process, or will the artifacts be specific to each planning team (and therefore need only be coded to appear in the Planning Team group)? Should Community be added to the category name? • Do you want to post samples of letters and agreements here? • Missing: • Gloria has materials under Partnerships, possibly Presentations in her files. Possibly Youth Voice. • Jennie may have more. • So far nothing on Students, Parents. Partnership Question and Answer Missing – samples of Statement of relationship agreements between partner organization and school leader Statement of mutual responsibilities and accountability Partnership description of capacity and resources included in Concept Paper Community asset map Parent Orientation materials Summer Bridge Plan

  12. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB Core beliefs&values Integrate Core Beliefs & Values into your proposal Session 4 – Developing\ the Mission Statement Session 5 School Culture & Core Values Notes: Is this a productive category? What else would go here? How does this category affect process of school design? Missing: Post ten principals here? Sample mission statements?

  13. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB Curriculum&Instruction Develop Curriculum & Instruction materials for the proposal NSDI Session 6 Connecting Theme, Rigor & Curriculum Session#5 School Culture & Core Values Café Tuesday Lessons Learned: School Theme • Notes: • This category may become very large. • Create separate terms for flexibility, but map into one section for now • Missing: • Sample sections of the proposal? • Gloria has many useful documents under her file “Curriculuminstruction” and possibly Graduation Requirements, Teaching and Learning, Practices, Promising Practices Missing – samples of Guidelines and Framework for developing course outlines Course of Study Catalogue Guidelines and Framework for developing course outlines Courses of Study for the ninth grade or other entering grades Sample lesson plan Curriculum Map Assessment criteria (Curriculum) Student summer reading assignments

  14. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB Assessments& data LAB Session 7 Assessment of Student Learning Notes: Create separate terms for flexibility, but map into one section for now Missing: Gloria has documents under assessment, NYS Standards files Missing – samples of 4 year Regents Testing Plan 4 Year assessment schedule of student skills and knowledge

  15. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB Operations Preparing Students for Opening Day Notes: Needs clarification. Does budget, scheduling, recruitment, Campus planning / Handbook belong here? Gloria thought items in her Personnel file would belong here. Budgets cross over with hiring and recruitment, and crosses over with operations. Consider coding Budgets, Schedules, Hiring Practices, Recruitment Practices (Staff), Recruitment Practices (Teachers), Recruitment Practices (Students) as separate terms, but map to operations. Missing: Practically nothing was posted to the K-Base Missing – samples of Staff Orientation Materials/ Preliminary Handbook inserts Student Handbook/ Orientation Materials - Culture and Rules section Completed Handbook Assignments of Individual Staff and Administrative Duties

  16. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB Personalization Advisory Recommend -ations World Cafe Notes: Does this really make sense to have its own category in the context of School Creation? So little was posted it was difficult to evaluate Missing; Gloria’s jump drive – look at: advisory files, possibly Overage - Undereducated Missing – samples of Explanation of supports for ELL and Special Education students Advisory curriculum for entering grade

  17. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB Recruitment&Hiring Practices Recruit students, Teachers and staff Session 3- Proposal/ Concept Paper Checklist • Notes: • Gloria thought this could be part of operations if we need to condense. • There is cross over with budgets, as in budgeting for staff. • Create separate terms for flexibility, but map into one section for now • Missing: • Look in Gloria’s recruitment, recruitment students, teacher recruitment Missing – samples of Job Descriptions for each position vacancy Staffing Plan and Calendar for Hiring Committees Hiring Criteria and Procedures (Interview questions, simulations etc.) Student Recruitment outreach plan School Brochure and other school marketing materials

  18. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB Budgets & Scheduling Session 3- Proposal/ Concept Paper Checklist • Notes: • Gloria thought this could be part of operations if we need to condense. • There is cross over with hiring and recruitment for staff. • Create separate terms for flexibility, but map into one section for now • Missing: • Look in Gloria’s files foradditional material Missing – samples of DOE Budget Audit format Master schedule of class periods per week. Weekly Schedule and special schedules Student Schedule sample Teacher Schedule sample Summer Schedule Summer Bridge Program

  19. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB Training Staff development Professional development • Notes: • Professional Development seems to be the more common NVPS • Teacher training could be a lexicon term mapped to Professional Development. • If sub categories permitted, then divisions such as Teacher Training; Parent Workshops; and others can be integrated. Difficult to access the problems without having actual documents to analyze • Missing: • No documents at all were posted to K-Base Missing Professional Growth Plan Form Professional Development Institute outline of activities and outcomes (? Is this just for candidates / planning teams?)

  20. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB Samples Application portfolio samples by section View Application Portfolio sections. Missing Most documents listed in ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO REQS 5.18.06.doc Notes: This category – could be folded into the application and guidelines, but it may be of great convenience for the team to have a specific place for samples of all kinds: mission statements, job descriptions, letters of intent, etc. These will have to be created. If possible, consider sub-category organized by process or benchmarks (see ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO REQS 5.18.06.doc or BENCHMARKS NCHS 5.12.06.doc). If subcategories are not possible, it may be necessary to collate them into one large document for each kind of sample. This will create the problem of adding single docs as them come up. Another possibility is to create a naming protocol. If the system sorts by title, then this will gather like documents into once group. Missing No documents posted to K-Base

  21. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB School Creationteam internal documents School Creation team meeting notes Explore New Visions Discussions on School Creation School Creation meeting Notes, August 15th Meeting notes 8-8-06 Notes: Missing: Logic model and other strategic thinking documents – talking points August 10th Meeting Notes Café Tuesday Lessons Learned: School Theme Café Tuesday Lessons Learned: Partnership Advisory Recommendations World Cafe

  22. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB 10 PrinciplesOfEffective Schools Notes: Does this make sense? In Gloria’s files there were only different versions of the 10 principles document, no article about the Principles themselves.

  23. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB Grant requirements Notes: Jennie’s suggestion – is this a NVPS wide category, or specific to School Creation?

  24. Term Alternate Term Active verb form for label Artifacts currently in KB Media relations Notes: Jennie’s suggestion May be better for a enterprise wide topic

  25. School Creation Modes General Resource Articles/ Research Guidelines Budgets Meeting notes DOE Materials Forms Rubrics Lesson Plans Assessments Applications The arrows indicate related terms. NVPS may want to consider adding these modes. Some may apply to other areas. Example Description School Practice Presentations Executive Summaries Data and Data Analysis Workshops Proposals Link to other site Training Materials Mission Statements Curriculum / Sequence Letters of support Key = Current mode = Proposed mode

  26. Key = Term Deeper Taxonomy Sample = Actual artifact in KB World Café notes- Theme.doc What Went Wrong at Manual High Discussions / Overviews Core beliefs & Values Themes Application extracts So far Operations not explained, so its not clear if this doc – belongs here or stakeholders at all – its an example of a how to prepare for students arrival – a “to do” list. It certainly is more a toolkit kind of doc. School Creation opening_ day_ students Operations opening_ day_ students Stakeholders Students General What Went Wrong at Manual High Advisory Recommendations World Cafe Sample paths for “About” Taxonomy with placement of Artifacts 8/26/2006 C. Collett

  27. Key New_School _transfer_ application_ guidelines ELEC- TRONIC PORT- FOLIO REQS 5.18.06. BENCH- MARKS NCHS 5.12.06. = Term Current Application & Guidelines Process Taxonomy Sample = Actual artifact in KB = Label Executive Summary / Letter of Intent Final Application Portfolio New School Application Process Interviews Assessment School Creation Applications Chancellor approval Forms & Guidelines 2006- Dream_ Yard East-West Proposal Consider successful vs. unsuccessful? Applications By Date Completed 2005 New School Creation Toolkit Placement of artifacts 8/24/06 C. Collett 2004 Application By School Name East-West Proposal Dream_ Yard

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