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U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration

U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration. ARRA Performance Accountability and Updates: What About the Numbers? Karen Staha Office of Performance and Technology Employment and Training Administration. Overview.

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U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration

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  1. U.S. Department of LaborEmployment and Training Administration ARRA Performance Accountability and Updates: What About the Numbers? Karen Staha Office of Performance and Technology Employment and Training Administration

  2. Overview • Review of what’s required in the world of performance accountability • A look at the data—what does it tell us? • What’s next?

  3. Setting the Stage - Employment Conditions

  4. National Monthly Unemployment Rate January 1976 – April 2009Source: BLS Labor Statistics

  5. The Geography of the Recession - County Unemployment Rates Jan. 2007 – Sept. 2009Source: BLS, Local Unemployment Statisticshttp://cohort11.americanobserver.net/latoyaegwuekwe/multimediafinal.html

  6. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Emphases of Recovery Act: • Transparency and Accountability • Increase numbers of customers served • Provide more in-depth services • Increase number and proportion of customers who receive training

  7. Total Number of WIA Participants and Exiters PY 2000-2008Source: State Annual Reports as of 11/30/2009

  8. Total Number of WIA Adult Participants and Exiters PY 2000-2008Source: State Annual Reports as of 11/30/2009

  9. Total New WIA Participants by Program May/June – October 2009Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  10. Total WIA Adult ParticipantsOctober Program to Date Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  11. Total WIA Dislocated Worker ParticipantsOctober Program to Date Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  12. Focus of Recovery Act For WIA Adults and Dislocated Workers Programs; National Emergency Grants: • Low-income individuals; public assistance recipients (WIA Adults) • Eligible UI claimants • Provision of training services • Provision of supportive services

  13. Low-Income as a Percent of Total WIA Adult Exiters PY 2003 - 2007Source: WIASRD Files

  14. Low-Income as a Percent of Total WIA Adult Exiters PY 2007Source: PY 2007 WIASRD

  15. Total WIA Adults by Selected Characteristics October 2009Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  16. Percent of WIA Adult Exiters Receiving Training PY 2007 Source: PY 2007 WIASRD

  17. Total Number of WIA Participants Trained PY 2005-2008Source: State Quarterly Reports as of 12/1/2009, cumulative 4th quarter

  18. WIA Adult Training Services PY 2001 - 2007 Source: WIASRD

  19. Total WIA Adults by Training Characteristics October 2009Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  20. Total WIA Adult Participants in TrainingOctober Program to Date Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  21. Active WIA Adults by Training Characteristics May/June – October 2009Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  22. Total WIA Adult Participants in OJT October Program to Date Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  23. Change in Number Receiving Training PY 2008 Q1 and PY 2009 Q1Source: WIA State Quarterly Reports as of 12/1/2009

  24. Total Number of WIA Dislocated Worker Participants and Exiters PY 2000-2008Source: State Annual Reports as of 11/30/2009

  25. Total WIA Dislocated Workers by Selected Characteristics October 2009Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  26. Percent of WIA DW Exiters Receiving Training PY 2007 Source: PY 2007 WIASRD

  27. Total Number of WIA Participants Trained PY 2005-2008Source: State Quarterly Reports as of 12/1/2009, cumulative 4th quarter

  28. WIA Dislocated Worker Training Services PY 2001-2007Source: WIASRD

  29. Total WIA Dislocated Workers by Training Characteristics October 2009Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  30. Total WIA Dislocated Worker Participants in Training October Program to Date Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  31. Active WIA Dislocated Workers by Training Characteristics May/June – October 2009Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  32. Total WIA Dislocated Worker Participants in OJTOctober Program to Date Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  33. Focus of Recovery Act For Wagner-Peyser Employment Service: • Universal access • Workforce information services • Reemployment Services for UI claimants • Referral to WIA services

  34. Total New Wagner-Peyser Participants by Program May/June – October 2009Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  35. Total Wagner-Peyser Employment Serviceby Selected Characteristics October 2009Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  36. Total Wagner-Peyser ES Participants October Program to Date Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  37. Total Wagner-Peyser Reemployment Servicesby Selected Characteristics October 2009Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  38. Total Wagner-Peyser RES Participants October Program to Date Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  39. Focus of Recovery Act For WIA Youthprogram: • Summer Youth Employment • Work Readiness • Education and Employment Services

  40. Total Number of WIA Youth Participants and Exiters PY 2000-2008Source: State Annual Reports as of 11/30/2009

  41. Total WIA Youth by Selected Characteristics October 2009Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  42. Total WIA Youth Participants in Summer Employment October Program to Date Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  43. Active WIA Youth by Selected Characteristics May/June – October 2009Source: ARRA Monthly Reports

  44. Performance Accountability Give us your best data!

  45. Performance Accountability • Check distributions • Should the male/female ratio be 80/20? • Compare data over time • Are there any significant shifts in the data? • Watch for related fields • If a customer received OJT (WIASRD 340), in what occupation was the customer trained (WIASRD 342)?

  46. States Missing Training Occupations – WIA Adult Exiters PY 2007Source: 2007 WIASRD File (April 2007 – March 2008)

  47. States Missing Training Occupations – WIA DW Exiters PY 2007Source: 2007 WIASRD File (April 2007 – March 2008)

  48. Top 10 Training Occupations WIA Adult and DW Exiters PY 2007Source: 2007 WIASRD File (April 2007 – March 2008)

  49. PerformanceAccountability • Submit the data on time • Cross-train so that more than one person can submit the data • Limit the number of data revisions • Check data ranges • We have seen data from exiters born during the Renaissance

  50. Performance Accountability • Populate optional fields when possible • Tell a complete and compelling story • Check totals • For the WIA Annual Report, table M should be “equal” to the sum of the totals for locals in table O • Read Understanding the WIA 9090 Report Counts • http://www.doleta.gov/Performance/Results/Quarterly_report/Cheat%20Sheet%20on%20the%209090%20-%20Understanding%20The%20Counts1.doc

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