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Categorization of Library Function Call Patterns

Categorization of Library Function Call Patterns. Noritoshi Atsumi † Shinichiro Yamamoto ‡ Kiyoshi Agusa † † Dept. of Information Engineering, Nagoya University ‡ Dept. of Information Science, Aichi Prefectural University. Outline. Introduction Background

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Categorization of Library Function Call Patterns

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  1. Categorization of Library Function Call Patterns Noritoshi Atsumi† Shinichiro Yamamoto‡ Kiyoshi Agusa† †Dept. of Information Engineering, Nagoya University ‡ Dept. of Information Science, Aichi Prefectural University

  2. Outline • Introduction • Background • The problems on retrieving • Retrieval of know-how • FCDG (Function Call Dependency Graph) • Categorization of • same FCDG • similar FCDG • Our System • Conclusions and Future Works • Introduction • Background • The problems on retrieving • Retrieval of know-how • FCDG (Function Call Dependency Graph) • Categorization of • same FCDGs • similar FCDGs • Our System • Conclusions and Future Works

  3. Background • Source codes of many programs are acquirable • know-how for coding know-how source code retrieve archive

  4. The know-how for coding • Library Function • is used in various programs • primitive function • is used by certain combination Common Vocabulary developer find out it string retrieval by grep or some tools know-how = combination of library function

  5. Outline • Introduction • Background • The problems on retrieving • Retrieval of know-how • FCDG (Function Call Dependency Graph) • Categorization of • same FCDGs • similar FCDGs • Our System • Conclusions and Future Works

  6. The problems on string retrieval • Too many retrieval results • Indistinctive the difference among retrieval results library function call in source tree of FreeBSD fh = fopen(“/var/log/log”, “a”); ftrace = fopen(file, “a”); if ((fp = fopen(name, “r”)) == NULL) { if ((fp = fopen(dumpfile, “r”)) == NULL) { fp = fopen(“acp”, “w”); fopen : 332 socket : 212 getopt : 175 It’s necessary to categorize the results

  7. fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) The retrieval results by string

  8. if ((sockfd = socket (res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol)) < 0) err_sys ("Can't open socket"); if (udp) { … } } if (setsockopt (sockfd, SOL_IP, IP_TOS, (void *) &tos, (socklen_t) sizeof (tos)) != 0) { err_sys ("Failed setting IP type of service octet"); } if (!ttcp && !icp) { if ((errno == EINTR) && (timeout_flag)) { printf ("Timeout while connecting\n"); close (sockfd); continue; } if ((nr < 0 || nr != n) && timeout_flag) { close(sockfd); } } close(sockfd); if ((sockfd = socket (res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol)) < 0) err_sys ("Can't open socket"); if (udp) { … } } if (setsockopt (sockfd, SOL_IP, IP_TOS, (void *) &tos, (socklen_t) sizeof (tos)) != 0) { err_sys ("Failed setting IP type of service octet"); } if (!ttcp && !icp) { if ((errno == EINTR) && (timeout_flag)) { printf ("Timeout while connecting\n"); close (sockfd); continue; } if ((nr < 0 || nr != n) && timeout_flag) { close(sockfd); } } close(sockfd); Dependencies between library function calls • complex control structure • long code description make unclear dependency How combine with the library functions?

  9. Outline • Introduction • Background • The problems on retrieving • Retrieval of know-how • FCDG (Function Call Dependency Graph) • Categorization of • same FCDGs • similar FCDGs • Our System • Conclusions and Future Works

  10. Function Call Dependency Graph [’98Miura] • Nodes • Definition Node • stores the return value of a library function call in a variable • Reference Node • referes the return value of a library function call as the argument of a library function call • Controlled Node • depends on the truth value of the condition • Control Node • refers to the return value of a library function call in the condition • Edges (Data and Control Dependencies)

  11. The Dependencies in FCDG • Data dependency • the return value of function call f is referred in other function call g 1. g ( … , f ( ), … ) ; 2. a = f ( ) ; … ; g ( … , a , … ) ; • Control dependency • whether function call f is executed or not is determined by the condition c while ( c ) { f ( ); } if ( c ) { f( ); }

  12. Example of FCDG fd = fopen (fname, "r"); if (fd != NULL) { ptr = fgets(line, sizeof(line), fd); if (ptr!= NULL) { p = strstr(line, NAME); if (p != NULL) { p++; strcpy(name, p); } } fclose(fd); } fopen t !=NULL t fgets fclose !=NULL t strstr !=NULL t strcpy

  13. Example of FCDG fd = fopen (fname, "r"); if (fd != NULL) { ptr = fgets(line, sizeof(line), fd); if (ptr!= NULL) { p = strstr(line, NAME); if (p != NULL) { p++; strcpy(name, p); } } fclose(fd); } fopen t t !=NULL t t fgets fclose !=NULL t strstr !=NULL t strcpy Library Function Call Pattern

  14. Outline • Introduction • Background • The problems on retrieving • Retrieval of know-how • FCDG (Function Call Dependency Graph) • Categorization of • same FCDGs • similar FCDGs • Our System • Conclusions and Future Works

  15. fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) Categorization of same FCDGs

  16. Same FCDG fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) Categorization of same FCDGs

  17. Same FCDG fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) Categorization of same FCDGs

  18. Same FCDG fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) Categorization of same FCDGs

  19. Same FCDG fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) fp = fopen(...) Categorization of same FCDGs

  20. Number of function call Number of FCDG type fopen : 332 socket : 212 getopt : 175 fopen : 78 socket : 43 getopt : 22 The problems on categrization of same FCDGs • Same FCDG • in many programs • in a few programs include only a few know-how a few nodes include many know-how many similar FCDGs many nodes

  21. Outline • Introduction • Background • The problems on retrieving • Retrieval of know-how • FCDG (Function Call Dependency Graph) • Categorization of • same FCDGs • similar FCDGs • Our System • Conclusions and Future Works

  22. Similarity between FCDGs • wij: weight value of edge(ni, nj) • sim(Fx, Fy) : similarity between FCDG Fx and Fy same edge occur in many FCDGs otherwise natural dependency characteristic element in FCDG

  23. Same FCDG Categorization of similar FCDGs

  24. Same FCDG Similar FCDG Categorization of similar FCDGs

  25. Similar FCDG Categorization of similar FCDGs

  26. Extraction of know-hows • From FreeBSD-4.5RELEASE source tree (/usr/src/usr.sbin) • target program : C language • number : 162 , line : 311,653 • Library functions • Declaration in /usr/include categorization of similar FCDGs categorization of same FCDGs fopen : 332 socket : 212 getopt : 175 fopen : 78 socket : 43 getopt : 22 fopen : 10 socket : 6 getopt : 4

  27. Outline • Introduction • Background • The problems on retrieving • Retrieval of know-how • FCDG (Function Call Dependency Graph) • Categorization of • same FCDGs • similar FCDGs • Our System • Conclusions and Future Works

  28. Retrieval System Configuration Diagram source code retrieval system categorize extract FCDG FCDG DB

  29. Retrieval System of Library Function

  30. frequent dependency socket – setsockopt socket – bind socket – close return value check Result of Categorization $1 = socket(); if ($1 < 0) { } $2 = setsockopt($1); if ($2 < 0) { } $3 = bind($1); if ($3 < 0) { } $4 = listen($1); if ($4 < 0) { } close($1); $1 = socket(); if ($1 < 0) { } $2 = bind($1); if ($2 < 0) { } $3 = listen($1); if ($3 < 0) { } $1 = socket(); if ($1 < 0) { } $2 = setsockopt($1); if ($2 < 0) { } $3 = bind($1); if ($3 < 0) { } $4 = ioctl($1); if ($4 < 0) { } close($1);

  31. frequent dependency socket – setsockopt socket – bind socket – close return value check Result of Categorization $1 = socket(); if ($1 < 0) { } $2 = setsockopt($1); if ($2 < 0) { } $3 = bind($1); if ($3 < 0) { } $4 = listen($1); if ($4 < 0) { } close($1); $1 = socket(); if ($1 < 0) { } $2 = setsockopt($1); if ($2 < 0) { } $3 = bind($1); if ($3 < 0) { } $4 = listen($1); if ($4 < 0) { } close($1); $1 = socket(); if ($1 < 0) { } $2 = bind($1); if ($2 < 0) { } $3 = listen($1); if ($3 < 0) { } $1 = socket(); if ($1 < 0) { } $2 = setsockopt($1); if ($2 < 0) { } $3 = bind($1); if ($3 < 0) { } $4 = ioctl($1); if ($4 < 0) { } close($1);

  32. frequent dependency socket – setsockopt socket – bind socket – close return value check Result of Categorization $1 = socket(); if ($1 < 0) { } $2 = setsockopt($1); if ($2 < 0) { } $3 = bind($1); if ($3 < 0) { } $4 = listen($1); if ($4 < 0) { } close($1); $1 = socket(); if ($1 < 0) { } $2 = setsockopt($1); if ($2 < 0) { } $3 = bind($1); if ($3 < 0) { } $4 = listen($1); if ($4 < 0) { } close($1); $1 = socket(); if ($1 < 0) { } $2 = bind($1); if ($2 < 0) { } $3 = listen($1); if ($3 < 0) { } $1 = socket(); if ($1 < 0) { } $2 = setsockopt($1); if ($2 < 0) { } $3 = bind($1); if ($3 < 0) { } $4 = ioctl($1); if ($4 < 0) { } close($1); $1 = socket(); if ($1 < 0) { } $2 = setsockopt($1); if ($2 < 0) { } $3 = bind($1); if ($3 < 0) { } $4 = ioctl($1); if ($4 < 0) { } close($1);

  33. Conclusions • Extract the know-how for the usage of library function • Dependency between library function calls • Extraction of FCDG • Retrieve the usage of library function • Categorization of FCDG It enable to find out the objective usage easily

  34. Future Works • Inter-function dependency analysis • To extract much more patterns • Agent system for coding • To navigate coding Such as MS-Office Asistant

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