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Development of M&E framework

Development of M&E framework. Capacity Building Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluating Progress in Education in the Pacific 27 – 31 October 2008 Nadi, FIJI. Prepared by Nyi Nyi THAUNG, UIS (Bangkok). Strategic sector planning Basic logical steps of the plan preparation.

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Development of M&E framework

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  1. Development of M&E framework Capacity Building Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluating Progress in Education in the Pacific 27 – 31 October 2008 Nadi, FIJI Prepared by Nyi Nyi THAUNG, UIS (Bangkok)

  2. Strategic sector planningBasic logical steps of the plan preparation 1. Situation analysis 2 Policy,goal and target setting 3 Formulation of priority action programs 4 Preparation of financial framework 5 Preparation of monitoring framework 6 Consolidation of draft sector plan 7 Final revision and adoption of the plan 8 Preparation of yearly operational plans

  3. Strategic planningThe strategic planning cycle

  4. Key Questions • How can we link data from MIS to information needs at the Nation Education Strategy • How can we develop M&E framework • What are the framework for developing indicators in education sector • What does it mean by information and data?

  5. Linkage between policy and data Policy Statement/ Goal Target(S) Benchmark Baseline Measurable indicator(s) Disaggregation Data required to produce the indicator Interactive Dynamic Data Data Data Source of data Method of collection Frequency QC

  6. M & E Framework • A document describing all these information agreed by all stakeholders • Usually matrix • Linkage • Vertical : Goal toward data • Horizontal : collaboration among all stakeholders particularly in data providers and users

  7. What is • data • information • indicators

  8. Data • Raw facts and number used for reference or further analyses • Atomic level (basic) pieces of information that by themselves have little meaning • e.g. number 23 can mean nothing or many things • Several data may have to be combined to achieve required meaning / understanding • State of unprocessed • “A collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn; “Statistical Data” • Sometime, defining data vs information is depend on the user

  9. Information • Data that have been processed • It may require several data to construct a piece of information to result to a better understanding • Information is a collection of data that is understandable by itself • in previous example, add another piece of data, the character string “age=” so that “age=23”, and we now have better understanding • Facts or knowledge provided or learned as a result of reasoning, research, or study (data analysis)

  10. Data vs. Information From a set of data, an analysis can be made and Information can be drawn

  11. Indicators One way of transforming data into information is by constructing indicators. An indicator is a self-contained piece of information

  12. Indicators

  13. What is an indicator? An indicator: • indicates a state or level • acts as a gauge or meter for a specified purpose • shows current situation, progress made so far and the remaining distance towards achieving the desired target • Like a ‘road sign’ • shows whether you are on the right road • how far you have traveled, and • how far you still have to go in order to reach your destination (or attain your objectives)

  14. Why do we need to set indicators? • Indicators are set: • to serve as benchmark, guide • to act as a “measuring rod” in comparing different population groups, localities, levels, sex, etc. • to lead systematic and appropriate analyses • to help defining relevant objectives and outputs • Indicators are: • basis for measuring progress towards objectives • prerequisite for a monitoring system

  15. What is good indicators • Indicators should be smart: • Specific • Measurable • Achievable or Attainable • Result oriented, and • Time-bound • A GOOD INDICATOR MUST BE: • Direct • Objective • Adequate • Quantitative, where possible • Disaggregated, where appropriate • Practical • Reliable

  16. Education Indicators • Enable management to monitor effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of education services • Enable judgments on key aspects of the functioning of the education system • Useful tools to identify and measure changes in the education system over time, including the effect of planned interventions • When indicators are produced on a regular basis they can reveal possible changes in response to policy actions

  17. Identificationof Indicators of Education Framework: "Education as a Production Function" The education system can be viewed as a form of “production“ which has three components: • Inputs • Processes • Output (and Outcome) Then, basic education indicators can be identified and grouped under these categories.

  18. Identification of Indicators of Education Framework: "Education as a Basic Social Service" If education is viewed as a “basic social service“, basic education indicators can be identified under three areas: • Access • Quality, and • Management

  19. Monitoring Education from Various Aspects Management, Quality and Equity Access Next Level Education System Participation Access Labour Market Drop-out

  20. Monitoring Education from Various Aspects Access Education System • Access to education • Gross Intake Ratios • Net Intake Ratios • % of new entrants with ECCE • Equity • Indicators by sex • Gender parity Index Next Level • Participation • Gross Enrolment Ratios • Net Enrolment Ratios Access • Output • Survival rate to last grade • Completion rate • Performance • Promotion, Repetition and drop-out rates • Internal efficiency • Quality • Pupil-teacher ratio • % of trained teachers Labour Market Drop-out

  21. Analytical Framework

  22. Sources of Education Data Supply-side Information Demand-side Information • Schools • School info • Student info • Teacher info • Achievement • EMIS • Households • Socio-economic • Health and nutrition • Relevant info for student’s participation, achievement, drop-out • Awareness and value to education • External efficiency (link to labour market • Surveys • Education providers • Provision to education (finance) • Management • Policy • Curriculum • Reports Research and case studies - Findings

  23. Basic Indicators of Education

  24. Basic Indicators of Education Access

  25. Basic Indicators of Education Quality

  26. Basic Indicators of Education Quality

  27. Basic Indicators of Education Quality

  28. Basic Indicators of Education Management

  29. Difference use of education statistics and Indicators • Planning and resource allocation • Address special problems • Monitoring • Evaluation • Accounting • Management and decision making

  30. Basic Steps in Selecting Indicators • Common steps in selecting indicators for monitoring (or evaluation) purposes are: • step 1 Setting clearly defined objective(s) • step 2 Developing a list of possible indicators • step 3 Assessing each possible indicator • step 4 Selecting the “most appropriate” indicators

  31. Some suggestions in selecting indicators

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