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Periode taal:engels

Periode taal:engels. Aan klas 8b door Nathalie French. St Valentine’s Day. In the third century there lived a Roman priest named Valentine. The Emperor at that time, Claudius ll , banned (=verbieden) marriages because he believed unmarried men were better soldiers !?!

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Periode taal:engels

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Periode taal:engels Aan klas 8b door Nathalie French

  2. St Valentine’s Day In the thirdcenturytherelived a Roman priestnamed Valentine. The Emperor at that time, Claudius ll, banned (=verbieden) marriages because he believedunmarried men werebettersoldiers!?! Valentine didnot accept thislawandmarriedcouples in secret. When Claudius found out, he sentenced Valentine todeath.

  3. St. valentine’sday While he was in prison, he fell in love with the jailer’sdaughterandjustbefore he was put todeath, on 14th Febraury, he wrote a finalmessageto her andsigneditFromyour Valentine. Not long after his death, Valentine was made a saint.

  4. St Valentine’s Day The story of Valentine spread anditsoonbecametraditiontosend a card to the person yousecretlyadmired. The cards werealwayssignedFromyour Valentine. In the 19th century, the first commercial mass-produced cards appeared.

  5. St valentine’s Day Today we send over a billion Valentine cards eachyear. Seventy percent of them are sent bywomen.

  6. Valentine cinquainpoem Line 1: write a noun Line 2: writetwoadjectivesdescribing the noun in Line 1 Line 3: Write threewordsendingwith –ing (action words) thatdescrivewhat the noun in Line 1 might do Line 4: Write a phrasedescribing the noun in Line 1 Line 5: Write a synonym of the word in Line 1

  7. Example Neil, Humourous, solid Loving, caring, challenging The rock in my life Soulmate

  8. Now I wouldlikeyoutowriteone

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