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CHS-Clubs and Organizations

CHS-Clubs and Organizations. Warrior Wednesday. Make Friends. Shows you care. Have something to put on college applications. Learn new skills. Become a leader. Time will go by faster. Why should you join a club?. Club Recruitment Fair August 30 th During All Lunches. Academic Clubs.

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CHS-Clubs and Organizations

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  1. CHS-Clubs and Organizations Warrior Wednesday

  2. Make Friends Shows you care • Have something to put on college applications. Learn new skills Become a leader Time will go by faster Why should you join a club?

  3. Club Recruitment Fair August 30th During All Lunches

  4. Academic Clubs

  5. Academic Bowl Team    Astronomy Club  To encourage Student interest in learning more about Astronomy, Space Exploration and the Universe. After-school meetings, field trips to Space-related locations, educational astronomy dvds, activities using our Club telescope including evening Star Parties, Internet presentations on Astronomy, etc. Advisor:Ms. Seng • The Academic Bowl Team is comprised of serious scholars who desire to learn and understand World Civilization. Specialists in science, mathematics, history, geography, art and architecture, music, mythology, religion, and literature hone their skills in order to compete against scholars from both private and public schools. • Advisor: Ms. Smith

  6. Book Club • The book club of Cherokee High School, is dedicated to building a strong and lasting reading community by providing students of Cherokee High School with the opportunity to read young adult literature and discuss the reading with friends and teachers.  • Advisors: Mr. Jolley; Ms. Coury; Ms. Townsend

  7. Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Team  Latin Club    The Cherokee High School Latin Club invites Latin students who want to increase their knowledge of Roman culture to join the fun. Each year we go to Fall Forum to compete and have fellowship with other Latin students from Georgia. At Christmas we sing Christmas carols to senior citizens in Canton. The highlight of the year is the State Latin Convention at Rock Eagle in April, a wonderful event with 1200 other Latin scholars from all parts of Georgia. Advisor: Mr. Lange  • The Reading Bowl Team is a competitive reading team of about 10 students.  It is similar to an Academic Bowl Team.  The team members read and become experts on 3 or 4 books.  All 20 books in the competitions are from the current year’s list of Georgia Peach Teen Book Award list. Great Books for all to read! At the competitions the team members answer questions on the books, with speed of buzzing- in being critical.  • Advisors: Ms. Anderegg, Ms. Barbre

  8. French Club Sign Language Club

  9. Chieftan Staff Sequoyah Yearbook Taken as class Designs & produces the yearbook Advisor: Mrs. Collins • Taken as class • Designs & produces The Chieftannewspaper • Advisor: Mr. Jolley

  10. National Honor Society    Science Olympiad    The Science Olympiad is an international nonprofit organization devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student interest in science and providing recognition for outstanding achievement in science education by both students and teachers. Advisor: Mr. Lowery  • To promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership among secondary school students. • Advisors: Ms. Hemphill; Ms. Hall

  11. Spanish Club  Spanish Honor Society  To recognize high achievement in Spanish. The society will be active mainly as a service organization to the Foreign Language Department. Some activities include tutoring, aiding Spanish teachers, hostesses, and hosts for special school events. Advisor: Ms. Connolly  • Advisors: Mr. Huller & Ms. Galindez

  12. Mayors Youth Design Team • Advisor: Ms. Robertson

  13. AFJROTC    This program is designed to help young adults become better citizens for America. Cadets are involved in building relationships with the local community through service projects (visit nursing home, highway cleanups, direct traffic at football games, etc); co-curricular activities (parades, color guard presentations, etc) and curriculum in action (field trips, military aircraft familiarization, etc). Advisors: Lt. Col Eddy Stanfill, Chief Alicia Price  Career/Tech Clubs

  14. FBLA - Future Business Leaders or America    FCCLA - Family, Career, Community Leaders of America    FCCLA is the only school student organization with the family as its central focus. This club is open to all current and former Family and Consumer Science students. FCCLA provides students with the opportunity to participate in community and leadership activities, such as the Festival of Trees, MUST Ministries, March of Dimes and volunteering at the Cherokee Family Violence Center and local nursing homes. Advisors: Ms. McCrary, Mrs. Andrews • Georgia FBLA is a nonprofit student organization committed to preparing today's students for success in business leadership. With over 50 years of experience, Georgia FBLA is the premiere organization for student leaders. FBLA is an important partner in the success of school-to-work programs, business education curriculums, and student leadership development. FBLA is recognized by the U.S. Departments of Education and Labor as an integral part of a co-curricular approach to business and leadership education. The FBLA mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. • Advisors: Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Thornton

  15. FFA - Future Farmers of America  SkillsUSA SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry representatives working together to ensure America has a skilled work force. It helps each student excel. Advisors: Mr.O'Bryant, Mr. Hagan, Mr. Zoeckler, Nurse Argonis-Basto • To make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. • Advisor: Ms. Scarborough

  16. Video Club  • The Video Club is open to students in grades 10 – 12 that are currently enrolled in any level of Video Production or have completed Intro to Video Production A. Students interested in film making and videotaping are encouraged to participate. Students who have completed at least two levels of Video Production will have access to the video equipment to tape special events and to learn more about video production. Some of the projects include the production of the Video Yearbook, Athletic events, or the taping of special events with permission of the advisors. • Advisors: Mr. Stewart & Ms. Stewart

  17. Service Clubs

  18. CHS/CTI Advisors: Ms. Uboh Alpha/Gamma Advisors: Ms. Smith, Ms. Coffee, Ms. Gay, Mr. Manzella Canton Mentors Advisors: Mrs. Hall BETA Club Advisors: Ms. Hendrix Environmental Action Club Advisors: Ms. Hendrix, Mr. Gusten

  19. Red Cross Club  The Red Cross Club is open to all students. The club provides opportunities for young people to make a difference for others. Activities in which club members will be involved are the bi - yearly blood drives, creating a school chest, and membership campaign to help local children through the Red Cross. The members help with sign up, and during the drive - organization, running the canteen and assisting those giving blood. Last year we collected over 300 useable pints of blood. Enough to help 900 individuals. Advisors: Col. Stanfill, Chief Price, Ms. Martin, Ms. Hendrix 

  20. Fine Arts Clubs

  21. Cherokee Players  Advisors: Ms. Taylor    Art  Advisors: Ms. Lambert, Ms. Culbertson  CHS Camerata Advisor: Mr. Ellis  National Art Honor Society Advisors: Ms. Lambert, Ms. Culbertson  Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, Room 102 

  22. Social Clubs

  23. Exists to support CHS outside events • Membership has its privileges • Dues are $20 • Advisors: Mr. Sosebee, Mrs. Pannell • Membership has its privileges! • T-shirt • Free admission to Tuesday & Thursday events (Except Creekview football game) • Tailgating & cookouts Warrior Tribe Spirit Club 

  24. See Advisor for Details

  25. See Advisor for Details

  26. Exercise your democratic right by voting for the 2012-13 Student Government representatives. • Each grade level will elect a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary as well as class representatives. • Teachers please click this link to view the campaign videos for your homeroom’s grade level. (There will not be a video for every candidate) SGA Elections

  27. Voting starts today. The voting window will close Friday, August 31 at Midnight. You may only vote once. • Students must log on to Moodle in order to cast their ballots for SGA class officers & representatives. There may only be one person running for a position. That person will hold that office. SGA Elections Begin Today

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