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Liz Sidwell, the schools commissioner

"In a mono-culture, in particular seaside areas and coastal areas, they don't have the energy – they haven't come from a culture where they've got work, they think there's a more limited range of things they can aspire to. Liz Sidwell, the schools commissioner.

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Liz Sidwell, the schools commissioner

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Presentation Transcript

  1. "In a mono-culture, in particular seaside areas and coastal areas, they don't have the energy – they haven't come from a culture where they've got work, they think there's a more limited range of things they can aspire to. Liz Sidwell, the schools commissioner

  2. "In a mono-culture, in particular seaside areas and coastal areas, they don't have the energy – they haven't come from a culture where they've got work, they think there's a more limited range of things they can aspire to. Liz Sidwell, the schools commissioner

  3. Hidden deprivation Aspiration The coastal context

  4. Context Marine Academy Plymouth

  5. The Context:

  6. Context Educational Context in Plymouth Funding NEETs Marine Academy Plymouth

  7. Perception and reputation Failing school Intergenerational unemployment ‘Not for the likes of us’ The challenge

  8. Raising aspiration and Broadening horizons The marine industry Marine experiences Transferable skills The Marine Specialism

  9. Raising aspiration and Broadening horizons The Marine Specialism

  10. Raising aspiration and Broadening horizons The Marine Specialism

  11. Raising aspiration and Broadening horizons The Marine Specialism

  12. Raising aspiration and Broadening horizons The Marine Specialism

  13. Raising aspiration and Broadening horizons The Marine Specialism

  14. Ensuring Choice 100 minutes Academy Day / week Courses / subjects Curriculum

  15. Ensuring Choice Curriculum

  16. Ensuring Choice Curriculum

  17. Ensuring Choice 100 minutes Academy Day / week Courses / subjects Sponsors Curriculum

  18. Ensuring Choice Curriculum

  19. Ensuring Choice 100 minutes Academy Day / week Courses / subjects Sponsors Partners Curriculum

  20. Ensuring Choice Curriculum

  21. Ensuring Choice Curriculum

  22. Ensuring Choice 100 minutes Academy Day / week Courses / subjects Sponsors Partners Expectations Curriculum

  23. Converting opportunities into outcomes

  24. Community Interaction Nursery – shining stars Partner primaries Parent programme more@map Sustainability

  25. http://marine.jumpinglemon.com/ One year on… Marine Academy Plymouth

  26. “There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory.“ Francis Drake

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