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Econ 2301 Principles of Microeconomics (Spring 2014)

Econ 2301 Principles of Microeconomics (Spring 2014). Section 005 MWF 1:00-1:50 pm Holden Hall 76 Welcome!. Instructor: Lanlan Chu Office: HH 262 Email: lanlan.chu@ttu.edu Office hours: MWF 2:00-3:00 pm, or by appt. Today. Syllabus Assessment Test. What will we study?.

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Econ 2301 Principles of Microeconomics (Spring 2014)

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  1. Econ 2301 Principles of Microeconomics (Spring 2014) Section 005 MWF 1:00-1:50 pm Holden Hall 76 Welcome!

  2. Instructor: Lanlan Chu • Office: HH 262 • Email: lanlan.chu@ttu.edu • Office hours: MWF 2:00-3:00 pm, or by appt.

  3. Today • Syllabus • Assessment Test

  4. What will we study? Eco 2301 is the first economic theory course • basic foundation of economics • Theories of the consumers • Theories of the firms • Price determination • tools of discipline • Application of theories to particular firms, industries and markets

  5. Look at • buyer and seller behavior (markets) • consumer choice • producer behavior • role of government in markets

  6. Why have retail oil prices risen (fallen)?

  7. Why goods go on sale right before holiday?

  8. Is Microsoft a monopoly?Why do we care?

  9. Is college worth the cost?

  10. Course Materials Required: • Principles of Microeconomics by Case, Fair, Oster • An access code to MyEconLab

  11. MyEconLab Registration • Course ID- chu07391 • Student access code • get an access code with a new book purchase • buy the code separately in a student access card at the campus bookstore • Follow the instructions step by step

  12. Recommended Course web site • http://www.myweb.ttu.edu/lchu (at top of the syllabus) • contains • Course information • Part of lecture notes

  13. Recommended • Eco 2301 tutoring: HH 239 MWF: 10:00 am-5:00 pm TR: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm • but please see me too!

  14. Grading Policy • 3 midterm exams (100 pts. each) • A cumulative final exam (100 pts.) • Homework (10-12) • Quiz (10-12) • Extra credit? • Grading scale in the syllabus

  15. Exams 1, 2, 3 • Multiple choice (30 to 40) • Re-weighted at the end of the semester • 15% on lowest grade • 20% on remaining two grades

  16. Makeup Exam • It’s cumulative • If you miss one of the first three midterm exams, and you have official university acceptable excuse, you will be allowed to makeup the exam • If you miss one of the three midterm exams, and you don’t have an acceptable excuse, the makeup exam’s grade will replace it • It will not replace the final exam’s grade • It will not replace your lowest midterm grade

  17. Final exam • Cumulative • 30% of your total final grade

  18. Homework • Homework weighs 8% • Lose 30% of your each chapter’s homework grade for late submission per day

  19. Quiz • Quiz weighs 7% • The only way you will be allowed to make up a quiz is by having an official University excused absence.

  20. How do I find out my grades? • Homework and quiz grades on MEL • Exam grades on Raiderlink under the TTU MyTech tab https://eraider.ttu.edu/signin.asp?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.raiderlink.ttu.edu%2Fshim%2Flogin.jsp%3FredirectUrl%3D%252Fshim%252Floginprod.jsp&

  21. Attendance • Regular attendance is expected • attendance is taken • If you missed more than 6 classes, you will be reported to the academic dean (University policy)

  22. Please be respectful of your classmates • Be on time • Do not talk during lecture • Do not use cell phones • Do not eat or drink in class • Do not use laptops for nonrelated class activities • Do not sleep

  23. Cheating • You cheat, I catch you, you fail the course • I have the right to ask you to move seats prior to or during an exam

  24. Course Schedule • In syllabus • Note midterm exam dates • Note the final exam date & time • Note the makeup exam date & time • Note important dates

  25. Tips for success • Come to class with lecture notes to follow • Finish HW and Quiz on time • Read the book • weekly “look-through” • Ask for help (ME or the tutor or ME) • Use available resources • Course web site • MyEconLab

  26. I know this course is not easy for many students • Worthwhile things are never easy. • We all learn and grow when we are challenged. • If you are struggling, use the resources available for help.

  27. Other Things • If you need special accommodations, see me • If you are having problems in the course, see me sooner NOT later

  28. Assessment Test • An apart of an evaluation process for programs assessment in the department of economics • Score on the test has nothing to do with your final grade • Scantron: only course number ECO 2301 • Exam: do not write anything on it

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