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Management Information Systems

0. Management Information Systems. Dr. Eric Breimer. 0. Course Syllabus. CSIS-114: Management Information Systems (Spring 2008) Lecture : Wednesday and Friday, 9:20-10:15AM, RB 328 Lab Section M3 : Monday, 9:20-10:20AM, RB 330 Lab Section 10T : Tuesday, 3:10PM - 5:10PM, RB 330. 0.

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Management Information Systems

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  1. 0 Management Information Systems Dr. Eric Breimer

  2. 0 Course Syllabus • CSIS-114: Management Information Systems (Spring 2008) • Lecture: Wednesday and Friday, 9:20-10:15AM, RB 328 • Lab Section M3: Monday, 9:20-10:20AM, RB 330 • Lab Section 10T: Tuesday, 3:10PM - 5:10PM, RB 330

  3. 0 Instructor • Dr. Eric Breimer • ebreimer@siena.edu • RB 311 • Office Hours • Mon, Tue & Wed 1:30-2:30 PM • Wed & Fri 10:15-11:15 AM

  4. 0 Website http://www.cs.siena.edu/~ebreimer/courses/csis-114-s08/ OR Do a Google Search on “Eric Breimer” and click CSIS-114 link

  5. 0 Textbook • Management Information Systems (Custom Edition) by James A. O'Brien and George Marakas • Only available in book store.

  6. 0 Goal • Help students be successful in their careers by providing a framework for understanding information systems and how they benefit businesses and their customers. • Increase technical vocabulary • Understand how spreadsheets and databases can be used to help solve real management problems.

  7. 0 Topics • Information Systems in Business • Attributes of Information • Organizational Structures • Using Information Technology for Strategic Advantage • Technical Foundations of Database Management • Enterprise Resource Planning Systems • Electronic Commerce Systems • Decision Support & Expert Systems • Security, Ethical, and Societal Challenges of IT

  8. 0 Grading • 30% Exams • 25% Labs • 20% Final Exam • 20% Project • 5% Attendance & Participation

  9. A 93.0 or higher and 90.0 or higher on the final exam A- 90.0 or higher B+ 87.0 or higher B 83.0 or higher B- 80.0 or higher C+ 77.0 or higher C 73.0 or higher C- 70.0 or higher D+ 67.0 or higher D 63.0 or higher D- 60.0 or higher F lower than 60.0 0 Letter grades

  10. 0 Lecture Attendance & Participation (5%) • If I notice excessive absence or lateness during lecture, I will lower your attendance grade. • If you answer questions or ask questions, your grade will go up.

  11. 0 Labs (25%) • 11 lab activities during the semester. • Some of the labs will include a brief lecture or presentation followed by discussion. • Most labs will include a computer activity • Student should work in pairs on computer activities. • Some labs will conclude with an individual online quiz.

  12. 0 Lab Attendance • All labs have a participation component that can not be made-up…that is why there is a penalty. • Missing 1 lab  2% penalty on your final average. • Missing 2 labs  5% total penalty • Missing 3 labs  10% total penalty

  13. 0 Making up labs • If you are absence from lab, you must still complete the lab activity and the lab quiz on your own. • Otherwise, you will receive a zero on the lab. • Each lab is worth about 2.4% • Entirely missing one lab will result in a 2.4% loss from the zero and a 2% attendance penalty if the absence was not excused (5% total).

  14. 0 Excused Absences If a serious emergency or medical issue arises, students can be excused from lab, • i.e., no attendance penalty but you still have to complete the lab on your own. • For illness or medical emergencies, students WILL have to show documentation (a doctor's note or equivalent). • For family emergencies, funerals, or other serious commitments, student should contact student affairs or the counseling center.

  15. 0 Attendance Policy • A student is expected to attend every class and laboratory for which he or she has registered. • Be aware of the following penalties: • 5% penalty toward final average for excessive absence, lateness, etc. during lecture. • In addition: • 2% for the first unexcused lab absence, • 5% total for the second • 10% total for the third. • Students will receive a zero on any missed exam (unexcused).

  16. 0 Exams (30%) • Two exams given during the semester. • Check the online schedule for exam dates.

  17. 0 Final Exam (20%) • There is a mandatory final exam in this course. • You must earn 90% or higher on the final exam to earn an A in the course.

  18. 0 Project (20%) • Students will work in groups of three on a research project, which will include a report and presentation. • The report and presentation together are worth 20% of your final grade.

  19. 0 Academic Integrity • Cheating on a report or an exam will result in an automatic grade of zero. • In addition, you will receive a letter grade reduction on your final grade for the semester. • If you are caught cheating a second time, you will automatically fail the course and a formal letter describing your misconduct will be send to the academic affairs office.

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