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Telecentre Brazilian National Academy

Telecentre.org Brazilian National Academy. Is not necessary modify this slide. Who are we and where are we from. Guidelines1: This slide should show where each NTA is located, which agents are involved and which are its working languages

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Telecentre Brazilian National Academy

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  1. Telecentre.orgBrazilian NationalAcademy Is not necessary modify this slide

  2. Who are we and where are we from Guidelines1: This slide should show where each NTA is located, which agents are involved and which are its working languages 1) Substitute the phrase Lorem Ipsum with the adequate information about each organization. 2) Pin the red star with the “We are here” label on the country where the organization is located.3) Delete these guidelines. We are here Country: Brazil Leading organization: ATN - Associação Telecentro de Informação e Negócios Agents involved in the NTA: CDT - Center to support technological and development - University of Brasilia, Ministry of Develpoment, Industry and Foreign Trade and Microsoft Working languages in the NTA: Portuguese

  3. What do we do Guidelines2: This slide should show projects carried out by the NTA’s leading organization, and its major activities, not necessarily only telecentre-related. A short description, or list of main characteristics will be all right for a quick overview of the projects. 1) Substitute the phrase Lorem Ipsum with the adequate information about each organization. 2) Substitute this picture with a photo of your organization or any other significant image. 3) Delete these guidelines. ATN Mission • SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY OF TELECENTERS Telecenters Network setting and management . Digital alphabetization Support to digital inclusion programs Collaboration and Business network Professionalizing education TELECENTER Exchange with Universities Under graduation and Post-Graduation Bank Correspondent

  4. Telecentres in Brasil Guidelines3: This slide should give an overview of the situation of telecentres in each country. 1) Substitute the word N… with the number of telecentres currently working in the country. 2) Answer each question briefly, writing over Lorem Ipsum. 3) Delete these guidelines. 16.000 Number of telecentres in Brasil Which are the most outstanding telecentre networks or actions in your country? ATN CDI Telecenters supported by ATN • Telecentres Users: • Daily: 28.700 • Monthly: 861.000 • Anually: 10.335.000

  5. Telecentres in Brasil Guidelines3: This slide should give an overview of the situation of telecentres in each country. 1) Substitute the word N… with the number of telecentres currently working in the country. 2) Answer each question briefly, writing over Lorem Ipsum. 3) Delete these guidelines. 16,000 Number of telecentres in Brasil Does the NTA leading organization manage a telecentre network? If so, how many telecentres are in the network? Telecentres supported by ATN

  6. Telecentres in Brasil Guidelines3: This slide should give an overview of the situation of telecentres in each country. 1) Substitute the word N… with the number of telecentres currently working in the country. 2) Answer each question briefly, writing over Lorem Ipsum. 3) Delete these guidelines. 16,000 Number of telecentres in Brasil What are the most popular tasks and usages in the telecentre? • Among the benefits that telecenters can provide, some are: • Training of businessmen and their employees in the use of information technology and Internet; • Offering of courses to the quality improvement of professional training and access to the job market; • Assistance to the community for its insertion in the Information Society; • Service rendering of aggregated value to the community; • Offering of several matters on business, logistics, financing, courses, training and others.

  7. Telecentres in Brasil Guidelines3: This slide should give an overview of the situation of telecentres in each country. 1) Substitute the word N… with the number of telecentres currently working in the country. 2) Answer each question briefly, writing over Lorem Ipsum. 3) Delete these guidelines. Which social groups use the telecentre most frequently? Telecentres users´profile • 52% small entrepreneurs • 29% Young students • 19% virtual offices • 70% training

  8. Facilitators Guidelines4: This slide should introduce the role of motivator. 1) Substitute the phrases Lorem Ipsum and N… with the adequate information. 2) Answer each question briefly writing over Lorem Ipsum. 3) Delete these guidelines. How is a telecentre motivator’s professional profile in your country? Works mobilizing telecentre users developping new skills What word do you use to refer to a motivator in your country?Telecentre manager 3,900 Number of potential motivators who could be reached in the future

  9. About motivator training Guidelines5: This slide should show the experience that leading organizations have on training issues. You should… 1) Drag and drop in the big box the differents orange tags with the items that are already working. 2) Give more information on the proposed questions. If necessary, insert a new slide. 2) Delete these guidelines. Courses Offered to Telecentres Operators What is your experience on motivator training up to now?

  10. About motivator training Guidelines5: This slide should show the experience that leading organizations have on training issues. You should… 1) Drag and drop in the big box the differents orange tags with the items that are already working. 2) Give more information on the proposed questions. If necessary, insert a new slide. 2) Delete these guidelines. Microsoft Self-training courses What is your experience on motivator training up to now?

  11. About motivator training Guidelines5: This slide should show the experience that leading organizations have on training issues. You should… 1) Drag and drop in the big box the differents orange tags with the items that are already working. 2) Give more information on the proposed questions. If necessary, insert a new slide. 2) Delete these guidelines. Distance learning – DL(CDT/UNB) What is your experience on motivator training up to now? Telecenter management Courses Digital entrepreneurism course

  12. About motivator training Guidelines5: This slide should show the experience that leading organizations have on training issues. You should… 1) Drag and drop in the big box the differents orange tags with the items that are already working. 2) Give more information on the proposed questions. If necessary, insert a new slide. 2) Delete these guidelines. Telecenters Support instruments What is your experience on motivator training up to now? • Telecenters portal (kept by the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade) with news, information, courses and content to enterprises: www.telecentros.desenvolvimento.gov.br • Telecenters management manual

  13. Motivation, needs, contributions Guidelines6: This slide should outline motivations and expectations about the event. 1) Substitute the phrase Lorem Ipsum with the adequate information. 2) Delete these guidelines. What are your expectations from the meeting? What is your motivation? What needs are you expecting to fulfill? We expect to exchange information and methodologies with both the global and nationals telecentre academies. We are motivated to learn as much as we can. Our needs to fullfill are how we can work together in our country and with other countries, motivating our telecentre networks. What could you contribute to the meeting? What are your organization’s strengths? We can share most of our experiences dealing with partnerships and networks. Our organization’s strenghts are the public and private sectors partnerships.

  14. Our partners

  15. Thank you very much. • José Avando Souza Sales Ednalva Morais ATN Director General CDT / UnB jose.avando@atn.org.brednalva@cdt.unb.br • Fernando Portella Rosa Financial and Administrative Director fernando.portella@atn.org.br • ATN – Telecentro Information and Business Association SCS Qd 2 – Ed. Anhanguera, sala 304 70.315-900 Brasilia – DF – BRAZIL www.atn.org.br

  16. Telecentre.orgAcademyGlobal Meeting Thank you

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