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Bulgaria National Military University Foreign Language Department - Shumen FIRST STEPS, DEVELOPMENT AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES OF SHUMEN FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT LTC Petko Petkov Director of the FLD October 2010. Center for Language and Information Technology Training. Briefing Structure

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  1. Bulgaria National Military University Foreign Language Department - Shumen FIRST STEPS, DEVELOPMENT AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES OF SHUMEN FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT LTC Petko PetkovDirector of the FLDOctober 2010

  2. Center for Language and Information Technology Training Briefing Structure Establishment Location Aims and objectivesTrainees International studentsTraining staffCourse designTypes of coursesTextbooks, supplementary and teaching materialsAssessments proceduresFacilities

  3. Establishment Created as a structure of National Military University – September 2005 Renovation of study building – 2006 Pilot courses – April – August 2006 First courses – September 2006 Official opening – 16.10.2007 Bulgarian MOD invest more than 1million euro. USA (FMF and IMET programs) invest more than 1 million USD (books, labs, training).

  4. Location of Foreign Language Department

  5. MISSION and GOALS Mission: To prepare personnel of the Bulgarian Military Forces for 21st century challenges, NATO membership and operation in coalition forces, by providing high-quality teaching in English language Goals: 1. Maintain a staff of well-trained and motivated teachers. 2. Establish a system for permanent control of the students’ knowledge as well as for teachers’ assessment. 3. Provide the necessary equipment, meeting the modern requirements for language and computer training. 4. Provide equally good conditions for accommodation, catering and sports

  6. Trainees from all branches of armed forces: Career officers, NCOs, Enlisted, Civilian staff Until now – more than 1200 students

  7. International students International students – 2008, 2009 – 39 students from 7 countries – Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia and FYROM.

  8. Training staff • MA degrees in English Philology; • appointed after a contest; • most of them have passed various levels of training abroad; • average experience in English Language training – more than 10 years

  9. Course design 6 academic hours per day from 08.00 to 13.20 5 days per week Afternoons are free for self preparation Teachers are available for extra work with the students in the afternoons

  10. Types of courses Level I - 18 weeks - book 1-12 Level II -18 weeks - book 13-24 Level III - 15 weeks - book 25-30 All of them based on American Language Course and additional materials as Campaign and Headway

  11. Textbooks, supplementary and teaching materials There is more than 18000 printed books, supported by appropriate audio and multimedia These materials are sufficient for conducting simultaneous training of 100 students I level 100students II level and 30 students level III

  12. Assessments procedures Entry level control – for level II – 50 points ALCPT Current control- Book Quiz – every week – must have at least 70% (35 points) Progress test – 8th weeks – ALCPT Final control- course final examination, ALCPT and an oral exam From 2009 every course ends with STANAG exams.

  13. Facilities Language laboratories: upgraded June 20083 level II labs – total 75 positions 2 level IV labs – total 25 positions

  14. Facilities cont. Self access center – 12 seats Video room Library Others: Dining facility Dormitory – 128 rooms Outdoor sport facilities Gym/ Swimming pool

  15. Questions?

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