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Alcohol Review

Alcohol Review. Are you ready for the QUIZ Tomorrow?. 1. What is the legal age for alcohol use in the US?. 21. 2. The ___________in the brain reaches it fullest, most protective thickness at about what age?. Myelin Sheath 21-22.

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Alcohol Review

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  1. Alcohol Review Are you ready for the QUIZ Tomorrow?

  2. 1. What is the legal age for alcohol use in the US? 21

  3. 2. The ___________in the brain reaches it fullest, most protective thickness at about what age? Myelin Sheath 21-22

  4. 3. What % of people who choose to consume alcohol will become addicted? 30%

  5. 4-A. Depressants tend to ______ the Central Nervous System. Slow down

  6. 4-B. Stimulants tend to speed up the _______________________. Central Nervous System

  7. 5. Is alcohol classified as a stimulant? Or a depressant? depressant

  8. 6. Alcohol is a mood enhancer. Explain. Happy = happier Sad = more sad Angry = Angrier

  9. 7. Specifically, what parts of your body are most affected by the dehydrating effects of alcohol? Brain and kidney

  10. 8. What is the difference between a blackout and a passout? Blackout – Still up and functioning, but can’t remember most of it. Passout – appear to be sleeping.

  11. 9. What % of people are driving drunk after 10:00 pm? 10%

  12. 10. B.A.C. stands for …. Blood Alcohol Content

  13. 11. What is the legal limit for BAC in the state of Idaho? .08

  14. 12. List the 5 major things that impact how quickly a person feels the effects of alcohol: Tolerance Size Age Gender Food – empty stomach

  15. 13. What do you get charged with if you are driving while your BAC is a .08 or higher? DUI

  16. 14. What do the letters DUI stand for? Driving Under the Influence

  17. 15. It has been estimated that approximately ___ of all preventable deaths are related to alcohol intake. 30%

  18. 16. The ___ is the largest gland in the body. It is responsible for over ____ functions. Liver 500

  19. 16. The liver takes in _____ and converts it to ______ Food Energy

  20. 16. The liver also breaks down ___ like those found in alcohol. poisons

  21. 17. It takes the liver approximately _____ to break down five cans of beer. 5 hours

  22. 18. When the liver develops a rough surface of scar tissue, they have a condition known as… cirrhosis

  23. 19. The esophagus connects the …. Mouth to the stomach

  24. 19. The veins of the esophagus can become ______. This can eventually lead to the person throwing up ________. -Varicose -blood Why do the veins of an alcoholic become varicose? Repeat vomiting

  25. 20. Four major things that contribute to arteriosclerosis: Alcohol Cigarettes Lack of exercise Fatty foods

  26. 21. A stroke is a blockage in a blood vessel that occurs in the …… brain

  27. 22. Long term, heavy use of alcohol damages the ______________ (part of the brain). cerebellum

  28. 22. The cerebellum controls what 2 major things? -Balance -Coordination

  29. 23. Just 3 drinks per week increase your chance of developing what type of cancer? Breast cancer

  30. 24. Humans have 2 major hormones. What are they? -testosterone (male) -estrogen (female)

  31. 24. What 2 drugs confuse these 2 hormones? -steroids -marijuana

  32. 25. F.A.S. stands for? Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

  33. 25. F.A.S. is caused by a mom ………. Drinking alcohol while pregnant

  34. 25. Fetal means __________. Fatal means _______ Unborn baby deadly

  35. 26. 25,000 people die each year in __________. ____% of those are aged 16-24. -Alcohol related car crashes - 68%

  36. 27. 2 out of 3 ____________ involve alcohol. murders

  37. 28. What is the #1 cause of death for a 16 year old kid? Alcohol related car crashes

  38. 29. 42 teens die each week in ……. Alcohol related car crashes

  39. 30. 10-11 kids die each DAY from….. Alcohol poisoning

  40. 31. When alcohol reaches the vital center of the brain, 4 major things will begin to shut down? Heart rate Digestion Metabolism Breathing

  41. 32. What help is available for people struggling with alcohol addiction? School counselors AA Alateen Alanon

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