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STEM as a Base Class

STEM as a Base Class. Chris Jones 1/4/2013. The Preamble: STEM is awesome!. By 2018, current government projections show that more than 800,000 high-end computing jobs will be created in the economy, making it one of the fastest growing occupational fields.

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STEM as a Base Class

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Presentation Transcript

  1. STEM as a Base Class Chris Jones 1/4/2013

  2. The Preamble: STEM is awesome! • By 2018, current government projections show that more than 800,000 high-end computing jobs will be created in the economy, making it one of the fastest growing occupational fields. • Five of the top ten fastest growing jobs will be in computing-related fields ( i.e., computer software engineer jobs expected to grow 45% over the next five to seven years). • Computer science and computer engineering bachelor degrees are in high demand and command two of the top three average salary offers from employers among all majors. [1]

  3. STEM jobs are still prone to bubbles

  4. The Tale of the Lawyer Geologist “During the 1980s a glut in mineral commodities combined with an oversupply of mining engineers and economic geologists drove hiring down to very low levels. Since that time, mining companies have largely lived off of that 1970s to 1980s generation of employees. ” [2]

  5. Any one STEM job isn’t a safe career • According to the BLS, today there are approximately 10 times more computer software engineers than computer hardware engineers [3]

  6. Base classes in programming…

  7. …STEM as a programming base class… “We don’t know what kind of jobs you’ll be doing in the future.” -Don Morton, Site Leader, MS Great Plans College CS Major Computer Programmer ???? Project Manager Bioinformatics Software Engineer College Chem Major Research Chemist High School STEM student ???? College Bio Major Medical Researcher ???? Pre-med student Medical Doctor

  8. …and base classes in RPGs …base classes in RPGs [4]

  9. …and base classes in RPGs …base classes in RPGs • RPG classes demand to be explored • RPG classes are messy, organic • RPG classes allow for customization by taste or demand

  10. Takeaways • “STEM learning is more about process than product” • STEM is a starting point for a great career, but no one STEM job is safe • Real life STEM career demands are unknown, organic, demand exploration • Important for educators to realize that as context for providing STEM education • Important for students to realize that as context for their careers, and (hopefully) a motivating force driving lifelong learning

  11. Thanks for listening!

  12. References • http://tealsk12.org/TEALS2012.pdf • http://www.ees.nmt.edu/outside/prospective/careers.html • http://www.bls.gov/k12/computers03.htm, http://www.bls.gov/k12/computers04.htm • http://xkcd.com/189/ • Background images: http://www.insanedifficulty.com/images/1.3jobtree.png http://bulk.destructoid.com/ul/91791-the-start-of-the-affair-final-fantasy-tactics/final-fantasy-tactics-jobs-468x.jpg http://docs.kdab.com/kdchart/2.4.3/class_k_d_chart_1_1_abstract_area_base__inherit__graph.png http://www.mayang.com/textures/Stone/images/Marble/marble_fossils_4167.JPG

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