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Educating the Scientist Entrepreneur

Educating the Scientist Entrepreneur. Stefano Fantoni, SISSA Trieste. International School of Advanced Studies. dynamic. international PhD school. scientific excellence. new initiatives and projects. interdisciplinary approach. english language. entreprenurial culture.

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Educating the Scientist Entrepreneur

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  1. Educating the Scientist Entrepreneur Stefano Fantoni, SISSA Trieste

  2. International School of Advanced Studies dynamic international PhD school scientific excellence new initiatives and projects interdisciplinary approach english language entreprenurial culture worldwide network spin-off companies

  3. Connecting Scientific Ideas to Market

  4. Social Network Models Business Models Open Cooperative and Community based Social Networks Problems: security, intellectual property, privacy, hierarchy… Concept Vs Structure

  5. How to reach breakthrough innovations Short-circuiting scientists’ mindset to market needs and complexity will contribute to radical innovations in market processes and to the generation of new scientific paradigms. • entrepreneurial mindsets and attitudes • new approaches and educational models that • enable the capacity to understand markets and implementation complexity in the real world SCIENTISTS MANAGERS • learn from the traditional scientific approach • learn how to follow multiple pathways  • work with global scale partners with complementary skills • better deal with complexity by mobilizing global social networks

  6. Entrepreunership: recognize opportunity! Scientists Entrepreneurs work at knowledge borderlines recognize opportunities and create new business models

  7. www.democritos.it DEMOCRITOS • Italian community for computer simulation at nano scale level. • Theoretical a numerical support to chemistry and physics large-scale facilities. • Ideal environment for innovative ideas in numerical simulations • R&D in HPC methods and systems (parallel, cluster, and grid computing) Mission Numbers Research • Computational nanoscience and materials engineering • Computational biochemistry, biotechnology, and drug design • Hard and soft condensed matter: superconductivity and disordered systems • IT for computer simulations: software engineering, parallel, cluster, and grid computing • 9 institutions (Universities, laboratories) • 1 office in ELETTRA laboratory • 4 research activities + 1 R&D service in IT • 70 researchers (45 university researchers) • 40 PhD students and 20 postdoc • 4 amministrative employee • 200 years cpu time / year • >100 high impact publications / year

  8. Democritos Catalysis Material Ethylene Epoxidation

  9. a world-wide connected project… Lausanne Paris MIT, Boston Minneapolis SISSA-Democritos,Trieste Princeton …for materials modeling at the nanoscale…. ..by computer simulations QUANTUM ESPRESSO

  10. The core: • HPC/IT technologies • materials design OS project • Market approach • use the community • world-wide network • The guide-lines • open model • community-based (QE) Scientific community Market Scientific accelerator Designing a new business model …done…and to be done.. product evaluation competitors study market mapping financial analysis extend analysis in the future Developed by: S. Baroni, G. Chiarotti, S. Cozzini, S. Paolini

  11. ICT at SISSA: eLab • in collaboration with CNR/INFM Democritos National Simulation Center • it leverages on the long standing experience in High Performance Scientific Computing developed so far. • The term e-Science (or eScience) is used to describe computationally intensive science that is carried out in highly distributed network environment. [from wikipedia] The mission The activities • Maintaining a cutting-edge computational infrastructure for research groups at SISSA and DEMOCRITOS • Plan and setup advanced solution for scientific and technical computing • Software engineering • Parallel computing (platforms & algorithms) • Cluster computing (high-performance and distributed) • Grid computing • Enable technological transfer toward industry on the above theme Technology and products • Cooperating with Eurotech on setting-up a HPC/Grid-environment for SME in FVG (MercurioFVG as promoter) The proposal: • create a collaborative environment among research institution and industry • Setup of a common infrastructure • Identify industrial technical problems to run o on the infrastructure • Create “human capital”

  12. Sissa Medialab Sissa Medialab's scholarly publishing activities date back to the early 1990's when, in the pre-Web era, SISSA set up the first electronic e-print service in Europe with the Babbage archive. Just a few years on, this was to trigger the idea of setting up JHEP (Journal of High Energy Physics) an online-only journal for high energy physicists that would revolutionise publishing habits in that community. Sissa Medialab is an active player in the arena of science communication to the general public, using different media aimed at different audiences, with a network of over 600 scientists. Using the web, Sissa Medialab reaches out to the general public – ranging from children to scientists – in order to impart scientific knowledge in a spirit of dialogue and debate.

  13. Lubricant molecular structure

  14. Robotics Clinic stimulation Audio technology NeuroTelemetryMathew E. DIAMOND, Erik ZORZIN, Igor PERKONSISSA - Cognitive Neuroscience Sector - Tactile Perception & Learning Laboratoryhttp://www.sissa.it/cns/tactile * NeuroTelemetry is a brain-computer interface device designed at SISSA, capable of capturing signals generated by neurons and transmitting them via radio to a remote computer using a wireless digital technology. …010100101010001010110101… Computer Neuron Fields of application: Health monitoring * Patent Pending #PD2006A000348

  15. promoscience The experience of a university spin-off University Spin off Global company PRODUCT/SERVICE DEVELOPMENT MARKET SEGMENT LEADERSHIP POSITION RESEARCH PublicationsKnow-howResultsCompetencies Product prototype Market driven customizationProduct introduction to the marketDissemination Product marketingProduct updatesProduct differentiation ? + + Innovation centersPublic fundsConsultants ProfessorsResearchersStudents promoscience experience: Competencies:- Information Retrieval Systems- Current Research Information Systems- Virtual Document Systems- GUI Design- … A Project Management tool to support the management of scientific projects A Content Management tool for scientific dissemination

  16. established in 2005 spin-off company Computer Vision & Machine Learning Research as the key factor for competitiveness solid scientific background face new problems in a possibly original way  Glance Vision Tech. Srl PRODUCTS Innovative morphological analysis tool application: ROBOTICS (e.g. frame painting) Self-learning tool for analysis of biological images

  17. Lay Line Genomics • Italian private biotech company • Focus on CNS (Alzheimer’s disease) and other neurological disorders (pain) • Proprietary antibody- based technology platform constantly generating new therapeutic opportunities • Novel animal models for neurodegenerative and aging-related diseases • Pipeline of innovative compounds in advanced preclinical stage GET TO MARKET FASTER: FROM GENE TO ANTIBODIES The solution for the non invasive delivery of NGF to the brain The therapeutic concept that NGF might be used to slow or prevent cholinergic neuronal death in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an emerging theme, probably one of the most promising avenues to pursue. After having obtained the first PoC for a non invasive delivery of NGF to the brain, LLG has developed a proprietary form of NGF as a viable option to cure neurodegeneration. SPLINT is LLG proprietary platform for the selection of superior quality antibodies directly from gene sequences, with no requirement for protein expression, thus removing a severe bottleneck in the procedures for antibody isolation with other existing methods.

  18. SISSA-Elettra Nano Innovation Laboratory The Sissa-Elettra Nano Inovation Laboratory (SENIL) in collaboration with CBM is developing breakthrough technologies that aim at quantitative determination of gene expression single cell DNA analysis detection of protein biomarkers with ultra high sensitivity down to the subpicomolar concentration regime These new technologies are based on an our ability to measure molecular heights with unprecedented precision coupled to the ability to nanopattern soft materials on an equally unprecedented small scale.

  19. Finance Portfolio Optimization Non standard Perturbed Gaussian Model for Portfolio Variance Optimization Better middle term returns! Developed by: C. Reina

  20. Emerging technologies in IT, material science, biotech, energy idea generation and solution identification (physics, genetics, evolution, neurosciences) Five key themes Opportunity and potential customer needs and trends Implementation processes (project management, organization, operative flow, HR, mkt, ) Entrepreneurial, leadership, personal and team-working skills Integrating Scientific Creativity, Enterpreunership and Business Processes Developed by: G. Chiarotti, M. Fuccaro, P. Focher, E. Quadrelli, A. Sfiligoj

  21. New paradigsm needed? […...] the issue is whether we can succeed in developing new strategies for combining reductionist and holistic approaches in order to provide a meaningful bridge between molecular mechanism and mental processes: a true molecular biology cognition. If this approach is successful in the twenty first century, we may have a new, unified, and intellectually satisfying view of mental processes. CELL - Thomas D. Albright, Thomas M. Jessell, Eric R. Kandel and Michael I. Posner

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