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A Catchy Title to answer the IB Unit Question.

A Catchy Title to answer the IB Unit Question. Your Name Period Date Teacher. How do humans affect their environment? . Using child labor as the topic, as well as all our research create a power point presentation answering this question. Content. Include 6 slide 1 title page

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A Catchy Title to answer the IB Unit Question.

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  1. A Catchy Title to answer the IB Unit Question. Your Name Period Date Teacher

  2. How do humans affect their environment? • Using child labor as the topic, as well as all our research create a power point presentation answering this question.

  3. Content • Include 6 slide • 1 title page • 2 what is child labor • 3 how are humans/people responsible for child labor • 4 how are the victims affected by the actions of others • 5 what happens when children have not education or a childhood • 6 how is our environment affected by our actions(those who hire children, those who sell products produced by child labor, and those who buy products who use child to make or acquire the material.

  4. Criteria • You must paraphrase and analyze information gathered. • Include at least two images per slide • Each slide must include a topic sentence, concrete details (facts), commentary, and a concluding sentence. • Include slide 7 for your work cited pages. • Email it to gxa4523@gmail.com

  5. Resources • Child Labor Online Resources • Industrial Revolution resourcesThe Story of My Cotton Dress(http://ehistory.osu.edu/osu/mmh/childlabor/cottondress.cfm) • Mr. Coal's Story(http://ehistory.osu.edu/osu/mmh/childlabor/mrcoal.cfm) • History of Child Labor(http://www.earlham.edu/%7epols/globalprobs/children/Laila.html) • The History Place: Child Labor in America 1908–1912(http://www.historyplace.com/unitedstates/childlabor/) • Child Labor in Factories(http://www.nettlesworth.durham.sch.uk/time/victorian/vindust.html) • Spartacus Educational: Child Labour(http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/IRchild.htm) • Samuel Slater: Father of the American Industrial Revolution(http://www.woonsocket.org/slater.htm) • Contemporary child labor resourcesChildren for Hire(http://www.nandotimes.com/nt/images/child/child.html) • Child Labor and the Global Village: Photography for Social Change(http://www.childlaborphotoproject.org/) • In Our Own Backyard: The Hidden Problem of Child Farmworkers in America(http://www.ourownbackyard.org/index.shtml) • "Young Migrant Workers Toil in U.S. Fields"(

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