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New community-based research agendas for a regional taskforce

New community-based research agendas for a regional taskforce. Niv Srivastava Auburn Housing Working Group Auburn Diversity Services Inc. Agenda for this presentation/discussion?. Auburn Housing Working Group-membership and shared responsibility Research ideas-moving forward-AHWG

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New community-based research agendas for a regional taskforce

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  1. New community-based research agendas for a regional taskforce

    Niv Srivastava Auburn Housing Working Group Auburn Diversity Services Inc
  2. Agenda for this presentation/discussion? Auburn Housing Working Group-membership and shared responsibility Research ideas-moving forward-AHWG How good are these agendas-Research? What are the missing links? Some suggestions/solutions
  3. Auburn Housing Working Group Memberships: ADSi Local Council ACL STARTTS Salvation Army Centrelink Shelter NSW ADHC DoCS Memberships? Enhancement?
  4. Membership(TOR, AHWG, March 2011) The working group will consist of people that bear knowledge and are interested in housing and tenancy related issues, and preferably work in the service area that includes Housing.
  5. Post Card “Idea” A list to go on the post cards for residents of Auburn-reflecting issues around housing e.g. Housing affordability, legal issues, safety , REAs* etc Promotion/Reaching out- through Networks/Council/Centrelink/organisations like ADSi, STARTTS, ACL, Bhanin/Barnardos/REAs? Outcomes intended-Campaign for residents-tool/evidence to address the issues and lobbying at a greater scale? Lacking Context? REA*-Real estate agents
  6. How good are these agendas? Purpose? Why do we feel this need always? Aren’t there enough studies done at a larger scale? Have we got some research based findings which could be useful? Are we saying that we need to get some local stats to address the local issues? What stats are we looking for? What is the intention behind that potential research? Are we looking for some specific outcomes? Yes? Then what outcomes? Who will be benefitting from the research? Owners/tenants/homeless/real estate agents/service providers/peak bodies/decision makers/ministers/ or all of them? How do we promote the outcomes to the concerned stakeholders? What resources and limitations do we have?
  7. How good are these agendas? Cont Questions? –Re: Network Who will be driving the show? How much time and resources can we account for in a justified way to our funding body/ auspice organisation? Do we have those factors integrated in our service specifications or are we actually lobbying for it to happen in future? Research partner with local universities/local councils – ideally- which means-’they then need to be the part of network- Does not happen always!? Choice Factor and Time factor! How can we create time----alternatively are the agendas attractive enough? Need higher level of co-ordination require delegation of responsibility and time within the network- Are we saying that it is someone else’s responsibility as well, though we are the ones who know the needs and are keen to find solutions at a local level?
  8. What do we need for such projects to be successful? Enhancing our tools and resources? Changing the work culture? Collaboration with universities/councils/research based organisations(peak bodies) in a systematic way? Create Universal Frameworks? Free and efficient flow of communication for addressing the needs from grassroots level to the advocacy and influencing policy level. Promote the work before and after to avoid duplication? Have a dynamic web based information sharing system? Training for all stakeholders to access the Information in an interactive way on an ongoing basis? Can we do it
  9. Can it be done?
  10. Missing Links--- Planning happens successfully and enthusiastically! But… Commitment to responsibility and ‘ a will to convert objectives and ideas to actions very low Accountability for such collaborative projects is not defined There are no set timelines often Members unable to deliver owing to other responsibilities taking higher priority.
  11. How can we make the agendas attractive? Outcomes based approach- Agenda to participate in Networks –on everyone’s agenda as a necessity- Adopting Strength to strength approach Systemic changes-Networks to be endorsed and supported by governments, peak bodies and academic institutions Sharing responsibility-service providers and service users
  12. Reflection continues…
  13. Source-presentation Planning @Dream or reality Forum, 2010
  14. Source-presentation Youth Homelessness @Dream or reality Forum, 2010
  15. Intended Outcomes Produce a follow up report- Identify housing related issues and aspirations Re: refugees/migrants/homeless and affordable housing Prioritised Strategies- to address those issues Recommendations-to the minister-influence Government planning and policy?
  16. Housing Insecurity-6Dimensions-AHURi-ISSUE 113 May 2009 · ISSN 1445-3428 Finding-LOWER INCOME RENTERS’ EXPERIENCES OF HOUSING INSECURITY HAVE SIX IMPORTANT DIMENSIONS. COMPOUNDED BY OTHER ASPECTS OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DISADVANTAGES, THE RESULT IS SOCIAL EXCLUSION. Dimensions include-Financial/health/education insecurity What can we do to address this?-stakeholders working on addressing one of those issues cannot work independent of the other issues that are unavoidable with the housing stress-? Networks-joining hands and so should the concerned government departments? The networks therefore should be recognised as fundamental structures with a significant responsibility and supported and endorsed by government bodies and local state and federal governments? How can that happen-? Or has it started happening already? Yes? Then how many of us know about it?
  17. Rent Incentive If your rent is in advance at the end of each month you will automatically qualify to go into a draw to win a grocery voucher to the value of $100. Congratulations to the following winners from last year: ---- ------------- ---------------- --------------- Source-NEWSLETTER ST GEORGE COMMUNITY HOUSING LTD, MARCH 2011
  18. Illustrations?
  19. Moving forward… Tweak the research ideas keeping in mind the following three significant factors: resources and services out there intended outcomes and our strengths and limitations
  20. Research-building on existent resources-AHWG Enough research and findings available- Just a matter of converting that information to work for your network/stakeholders/including target communities ……etc
  21. Resource collection-Research basedAHWG Initial idea- Housing Kit-every member to bring some resources to put in the kit-the members to discuss and modify the resources for the final housing kit. Jan 2011 Recent development-Question-how effective will it be? Can we be more specific?
  22. Research- Re: resource building Target Specific and Outcomes-oriented How?-Research “what's there”? Process-members share the responsibility of researching and developing informative resource derived from accessible Fact sheets/pilot studies/research findings concerning our target groups-
  23. Another initiative-AHWG Issue identified-Bridging the gap between REAs and our clients in Auburn Pilot study-”A Step Forward”- ----as a result of network AHWG A Strength to Strength approach
  24. Other - Discussion “ Bridging the gap ” - Shashika (Women’s Project Officer, Shashika and Jennifer to keep Shashika and ADS i) and Jenni fer( Housing Project Officer, ADSi) - a pilot everyone posted on the Jennifer to enhance communication and understanding between progress of the pilot - Real Estate Agents and Clients with ADSi playing the part They are happy to answer any of the mediator. questions that Logical thing to do... challenge but worth it. Building the New name will be given to the trust... pilot. M ay have to rethink the name as it has been used before… Lot of novel ideas might come up...like ADSi’s ability to assist in small matters in future for making the tenancy experience more enjoyable for all three parties .
  25. A Step Forward---Pilot at ADSi Housing ClientReal Estate Agents Case worker/Service provider ADSi
  26. Future plans-AHWG Launch of the resource (housing kit?) Housing Forum in Auburn-highlighting local issues , best practice models and strategies Fact sheets from “A Step Forward” pilot.
  27. Conclusion-Effective flow of Communication is one of the biggest missing link…
  28. So, are we listening to them!
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