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My Hometown Handan (邯郸)

My Hometown Handan (邯郸). A beautiful city A comfortable city A city that has a population of one million. A city which has a long history of more than three thousand years... —— 邯郸. 赵武灵王:The first emperor who create cavalryman. 廉颇:A famous general in the Spring and Autumn Period.

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My Hometown Handan (邯郸)

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  1. My Hometown Handan (邯郸)

  2. A beautiful city • A comfortable city • A city that has a population of one million. • A city which has a long history of more than three • thousand years... • ——邯郸

  3. 赵武灵王:The first emperor who create cavalryman. 廉颇:A famous general in the Spring and Autumn Period. 李牧:just as 廉颇... 蔺相如:the famous minister... 荀子:你懂的 嬴政:the first emperor in China who was born in Handan. 杨露禅:杨氏太极宗师 曹操:建都邺城(邯郸) …….. the famous people in histroy:

  4. 十大文化体系: • 赵文化 • 磁山文化 • 女娲文化 • 曹魏建安文化 • 北齐石窟文化 • 梦文化 • 磁州窑文化 • 广府太极文化 • 成语典故文化 • 边区革命文化

  5. 磁山文化 • Magnetic Hill Neolithic archaeological culture is our culture, our millet for agriculture and sedentary life is characterized by a typical representative of the original farming culture, showing the human use of natural, blend with the natural spirit of struggle, as first discovered in Muan magnetic Hill site is named. Magnetic Hill is recognized as the world's food crops - millet birthplace of the first, the chicken or the state and the first discovered in the Central Plains walnut. Unique and rich content.

  6. 赵文化 • As the representative of riding and shooting with Hu Fu Zhao culture, its basic meaning is open, progressive, show at the Central Plains Zhao demonstrated when the spirit of reform and innovation. She is one of the sources of Chinese ancient culture. She deep rich, glamorous, is representative of Handan in local culture. Chung Chao marked the beginning of autumn culture, thriving in the Warring States Period, extending to the Han Dynasty, flowing in the course of history has formed its own unique charm.

  7. 广府太极文化 Tai Chi as the motherland of traditional culture and art treasures, is from here around the country, to the world. Tai Chi Chuan to set martial arts, medicine, guided surgery as one of the science of human culture, attracted world experts, scholars and lovers of attention and love, the tai chi Cantonese culture has become China's cultural legacy and history. Been granted by the State, "World Tai Chi base camp", "Taijiquan Research Center", "tai chi town", "tai chi Holy Land." Today, the Yang and Wu Yu-hsiang Lu shells represented by Cantonese culture, Tai Chi, as well as Hebei, China has become to the world of health and friendship ties.

  8. 成语之都与邯郸相关的 成语大约有1584条…价值连城 完璧归赵 负荆请罪 纸上谈兵 奇货可居 邯郸学步 鹬蚌相争 黄粱美梦 一枕黄粱 奉公守法 旷日持久 利令智昏 不遗余力 南辕北辙 破釜沉舟 毛遂自荐 背水一战 围魏救赵 智者千虑 舍本逐末 攻难守易 犹豫不决 一狐之腋 三人成虎 顶天立地 前倨后卑 管窥锥指 以卵击石 赏罚分明 瓜田李下 河伯娶妇 退避三舍 …...

  9. 黄粱一梦

  10. 胡服骑射

  11. 完璧归赵

  12. 邯郸学步

  13. 负荆请罪

  14. Beautiful scenery: 太行山麓:

  15. 山麓,人家… Green hills and clear waters...

  16. 赵苑 It is near my home .My mother and I always have a walk there... It is near my home.My mother and I always have a walk there...

  17. 赵苑雪景: My favorite season is winter.When it snows , everywhere is white , quiet and beautiful...

  18. 响堂寺 响堂寺

  19. 天子冢

  20. 京娘湖(由赵匡胤千里送京娘而得名)

  21. 京娘湖一角

  22. 女娲宫

  23. 梨花节

  24. 美食天下:临洺关驴肉香肠 • From the Qing Dynasty, nearly a hundred years of history, a traditional snack spread so far, is the local flavor specialties. Yongnian "Donkey sausage" is the selection of fine donkey, hacked Roumo, add mung bean flour thickening, sesame oil, more expensive for the Branch to flavor soup modulated into a paste, poured into the donkey sausage, the small bundle tied , sterilized by high temperature cooking, the final fruit smoked. Therefore, Yongnian "Donkey sausage," also known as "donkey sausage." "Donkey sausage" nutritious, delicious taste, aftertaste, favored by consumers, has become a consumer gift, daily consumption of high quality goods, especially during the festive season, there was a consumer buying scene. • China Cuisine Association in 1997 was recognized as "Chinese name snacks."

  25. 圣骨旨酥鱼 • 1000 years of history, in the Song Dynasty, • In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Central Plains are famous food industry. • Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations in 1972 when he and a large • Panda did with the country ceremony.

  26. Operating at Xinhua Street in Handan alley of a T-shaped four-century-old acacia trees encircle, simple and vigorous. Biscuits to powder, sesame oil, flower salt and pepper, peeled sesame seeds as raw material, a small oven baking, heat evenly. Nearly cooked before. Gellar thin blade around the cake and then circle the mouth, so that mature open cake cover collapse, color brown, crispy and delicious. Therefore, the sale of prosperity, a hotbed of activity. Eighties who have participated in provincial and municipal flavor food game, has won numerous awards, is one of the city's original eight flavors. 老槐树烧饼

  27. 大名二毛烧鸡 • Jiaqing years (AD 1809), p. • Wang Dexing muddy generation of people opening number "twenty cents" • It is commonly known as "twenty cents chicken." "Ermao chicken." • Unique flavor, mellow salty taste, aftertaste you • Long history of 100 years of prolonged • Not bad, is the name of the traditional flavor of food in • Products, home Handan "Eight local flavor • Food, "the first. • In 1966, Premier Zhou visited a large • Name when the taste of the government "Ermao chicken" after • Full of praise. "

  28. 津津乐菊花包     Generally praised by diners, Jinjin many customers come here especially, especially the varieties with the choice of materials, production strictly, shape, appearance, taste delicious and famous, in Handan City and surrounding areas a great impact in 2001, the provincial flavor of the second cooking contest species competition, won the silver medal.

  29.  一篓油水饺 • ? "A basket of oil" is the Hebei Handan Zhao dumplings snack, history, legend, who created the early years and the father of Wang Xiang Zhao Guonan door open a bun in the shop shop one day, Zhao general Lian Po "Wu Ling Congtai point soldiers "when passing through the south door, the distant smell of buns fragrance, smell the fragrance Get the lead arrived bun shop shop, see diners taste in the mouth, has won the praise of diners, business is good. Get the lead when bought buns, the buns have been sold. Get the lead said: "Your case of the board is not that bun?" Wang Xiaoer said: "It was born, had to steam." Get the lead, said: "T?hat was a few hour?" Wang Xiaoer said: "less than an hour. "Get the lead out an urgent, the case will be thrown into the board buns all water pot, not for a pot of steamed buns all drift up.

  30. My lovely hometown... • My hometown may be not very wellknown , but in may eyes ,it is quite beautiful... • I love the rivers and mountains , I love the plants and animals , I love every inch of the land... • It will develop faster , and we will try our best to protect our environment... • Welcome to Handan....

  31. to Handan

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