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KLOE results on hadron physics

MENU07, Julich 11/09/2007. KLOE results on hadron physics. Cesare Bini Università “La Sapienza” and INFN Roma. Outline: The KLOE experiment Results on pseudoscalar mesons Results on scalar mesons Prospects. 1. The KLOE experiment at DA  NE. DAFNE @ Frascati Laboratories

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KLOE results on hadron physics

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  1. MENU07, Julich 11/09/2007 KLOE results on hadron physics Cesare Bini Università “La Sapienza” and INFN Roma Outline: The KLOE experiment Results on pseudoscalar mesons Results on scalar mesons Prospects

  2. 1. The KLOE experiment at DANE DAFNE @ Frascati Laboratories • e+e-collider with 2 separate rings: s = Mf= 1019.4 MeV • Luminosity up to 1.5×1032 cm-2s-1 • 2 interaction regions 1. KLOE 2700 pb-1 2. DEAR (kaonic atoms) 100 pb-1FINUDA (hypernuclei) 1100 pb-1 STATUS:  March 2006: end of KLOE data taking 2500 pb-1 on-peak 8 × 109f decays 200 pb-1 off-peak (energy scan + 1 GeV run)  December 2006 - June 2007: FINUDA run  Now: machine tests and preparation of SIDDHARTA (kaonic atoms) run

  3. The KLOE detector: A large drift chamber; A hermetic calorimeter A solenoidal superconducting coil Drift Chamber (He-IsoBut. 2m× 3m) E.M. Calorimeter (lead-scintillating fibres) Magnetic field (SuperConducting Coil) = 0.52 T (solenoid) The KLOE physics program: Kaon physics: CP and CPT violation, CKM unitarity, rare decays, ChPT tests Hadron physics: lowest mass pseudoscalar, scalar and vector mesons Hadronic cross-section below 1 GeV: hadronic corrections to g-2

  4. 2. Results on pseudoscalar mesons. The lowest mass pseudoscalar mesons (JPC=0-+) are accessible at a  - factory through the decays: B.R. Nev KLOE (2.5 fb-1) K+K-0.49 3.7  109 K0K0KSKL0.33 2.5  109 1.3  10-2 9.7  107 1.2  10-3 9.0  106 ’6.2  10-5 4.6  105 Results presented here: 2.1 Precision measurement of themass 2.2Improved measurement of the - ’ mixing 2.3 Dynamics of3decays 2.4 Measurement of KS 2.5 Other analyses in progress (, -e+e-)

  5. 2.1 Precision measurement of themass Motivated by the discrepancy between the two best measurements: NA48 (2002) M() = 547.843 ± 0.030 ± 0.041 MeV GEM (2005) M() = 547.311 ± 0.028 ± 0.032 MeV ( >10 , PDG average gives a scale factor of 5.8 !) Recently a new measurement has been presented by CLEO: CLEO (2007) M() = 547.785 ± 0.017 ± 0.057 MeV • KLOE method: analysis of fully neutral 3events • with  • with • 3 clusters in the calorimeter only. • Kinematic fit with 4 constraints ==> energies by cluster positions • Discrimination betweenandvery easy from Dalitz plot. • Absolute energy scale from the e+e- center of mass energys • (kinematic fit input) - calibrated comparing M() obtained by the • energy scan to the PDG value

  6. 3Dalitz plot mass peak KLOE final result: M() = 547.873± 0.007± 0.031 MeV Systematic error due to: - space uniformity; - Dalitz plot cuts. mass check: M() = 134.906 0.0120.048 (well compatible with PDG value)

  7. 2.2 Measurement of theh – h’mixing KLOE method: measurement of 2002 result (Phys.Lett.B541,45) Lint= 16 pb-1 ,  final states 2007 result (Phys.Lett.B648,267) Lint=427 pb-1 ,  final states Errors are now dominated by “intermediate  and ’ B.R.s”: (BR(’ ) known @ 3%, BR((’ ) @ 5.7%) (*) evaluated according to A.Bramon et al., Eur.Phys.J. C7, 271 (1999)

  8. KLOE analysis uses the constraints: J.L.Rosner, Phys.Rev. D27 (1983) 1101, A.Bramon et al., Phys.Lett. B503(2001) 271 E.Kou, Phys.Rev.D63(2001) 54027 Y1: ’ Y2: ’ Y3: R Y4: ’ A >3 effect is found: Z2’ = 0.14  0.04 P = (39.7  0.7)o R.Escribano and J.Nadal (JHEP 0705,006,2007) reanalyze all V P and P V decays updating wavefunction overlaps parameters ==> no evidence of gluonium content Experimentally: improve (’), BR(’), ’measurements Constrain to the ’ gluonium content:

  9.   Dalitz plot analysis: 1.34 106 events   ”slope” analysis: 0.65 106 events 2.3 Dynamics of the 3 decay '3 decay isospin violation in strong interactions mu md ms A test of low energy effective theories of QCD KLOE has studied with high statistics the dynamics of both channels:

  10. Fit results of the  Dalitzplot Including systematic errors a=-1.090  0.005 +0.008-0.019 b= 0.124  0.006  0.010 d= 0.057  0.006 +0.007-0.016 f= 0.14  0.01  0.02 Comments: 0. the odd terms (c and e) in X are compatible with 0 (no asymmetries); 1. the quadratic term in X (d) is unambiguosly different from 0; 2. the cubic term in Y (f) is needed to get an acceptable fit; 3. the b=a2/2(current algebra rule) is largely violated. According to B.Borasoy and R.Nissler (Eur.Phys.J.A26 (2005) 383) it is difficult to accomodate such a small b value in a ChPT approach

  11. Dalitz plot asymmetries ==> test of C invariance Left-Right C-invariance Quadrant C-invariance in I=2 amplit. Sextant C-invariance in I=1 amplit. (see J.G.Layter et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.29 (1972) 316) KLOE results:x 5 statistics respect to best previous experiment All asymmetries are compatible with 0 up to the 10-3 level

  12. Fit results of the  ”slope” The slope is evaluated by comparing the z distribution of the data with a Montecarlo simulation with =0 (pure phase space)  High sensitivity to the value of M() (Dalitz plot contour) MC with M()=547.3 MC with M()=547.822 New result:  = -0.027  0.004 +0.004-0.006 ==> in agreement with Crystal Ball (=-0.0310.004);

  13. KLOE method:  KSKL - KS tagging provided by KL interacting in the calorimeter: - Large background from KS  decay (105 times more frequent) BR(KS )=(2.27  0.13(stat)+0.03 -0.04(syst))10-6 Result compared to other experiments and theory Red= MC signal Blue= MC background Points=data 2.4 Measurement of the decay KS  BR estimated by ChPT @ order p4 (G.D’Ambrosio, D.Espriu, Phys.Lett.B175 (1986)27)

  14. 2.5 Others (2 flashes on other ongoing KLOE analyses)   0: ChPT “golden mode” 3 signal (only 1/5 of full statistics) signal confirmed in full data sample. Updated B.R. result soon with 15% statistical error  +-e+e-: signal observed: 1500 events expected with 2.5 fb-1 Few % sensitivity on plane asymmetry (CP violation, D.Gao, Mod.Phys.Lett.A17 (2002) 1583)

  15. 3. Results on scalar mesons. KLOE contribution to the understanding of the lowest mass scalars: f0(980), a0(980), (500) through radiative decays in pairs of pseudoscalars •  S (I=0)f0   (I=0) f0  (I=1) a0 K+K- (I=0,1) f0a0  K0K0  (I=0,1) f0a0 Mass (GeV/c2) f(1020) 1 a0(980) f0(980) Motivations: 1. f |ss>scalar quark composition 2. Search for evidence of (500) k(800) s(500) Results presented here: 3.1 Review of KLOE results on f0(980) 3.2 High statistics study of(preliminary) 3.3 Search for the decay K0K0 : 0 I=0 I=1/2 I=1

  16. 3.1Review of KLOE results on f0(980) KLOE has observed the decay  f0(980) in and 00 channels: : Phys.Lett.B634 (2006) 148; : Phys.Lett.B537 (2002) 21; Eur. Phys.J. C49 (2006) 433; FB asymmetry Dalitzplot f0(980) massspectrum Fit results: 1.The Kaon-Loop well describes the mass spectra; 2.The f0(980) is strongly coupled to the s quark: gf0KK > gf0p+p-, gf0is large 3.The scalar amplitude has a large low mass tail (m<600 MeV) that can be interpreted as due to the (500) (not clear results yet);

  17. 3.2 High statistics study of  : the a0(980). “Pure” final state, expected dominance of a0(980) intermediate state • Selection of: • 1.  events with : fully neutral 5 events; • 2.  events with : 2tracks and 5 events • Background subtraction: 18% in sample 1, 13% in sample 2 • Event counting: 18400 in sample 1, 3600 in sample 2 B.R.( )(1) = (6.92  0.10stat 0.20syst) 10-5 B.R.( )(2) = (7.19  0.17stat 0.24syst) 10-5 In good agreement, (part of the systematic errors are common). Error improvement: 9% (Phys.Lett.B536 (2002) 216)  3% (this result) • M() spectra • Combined fit of the two spectra with a0 production parametrizations • (convoluted with efficiencies and resolutions)

  18. KL fit: points =data red =fitting curve (model  efficiency and resolution) The fit parameters. Ratio BR()/BR()  BR(  ) contribution (KL) Kaon-Loop: (N.Achasov,A.V.Kiselev, Phys.Rev.D73(2006)054029)  Ma0, couplings ga0KK ga0, phase  (NS) Breit-Wigner + polynominal “background”: (G.Isidori et al., JHEP0605 (2006) 049)  Ma0, couplings ga0ga0KK ga0

  19. Comments: 1. Good consistency between sample 1 and 2: the result is experimentally “solid”; 2. KL fit is stable, NS requires to fix some parameters; Results: 2.1 ga0KK 2 GeV and ga0KK / ga0  0.8  “conflict” with qqqq hypothesys (not for f0(980)); 2.2 Large values of BR( ) and of ga0 sizeable coupling with the (as for f0(980))

  20. 3.3 Search for the decay  KSKS In K0K0 the K0K0 pair is: in a J=0 state  = [|KSKS>+|KLKL>]/2; in a I=0,1 isospin state a0 and f0 can contribute; Very small allowed phase space: 2MK < MKK < Msmall B.R. Predictions on B.R.: from 10-13(no scalar contribution) up to 10-7 • We have used the decay chain: •  KSKS  ()()  4 tracks+1 photon (Emax=24 MeV) • Overall efficiency = 20.6% • Very small bckg (ISR KSKL) Result : (Ldt= 1.4 fb-1) 1 event found; 0 expected background; BR( KSKS)<1.810-8 90% CL

  21. 4. Prospects. The DAFNE team is testing now a new scheme to increase luminosity KLOE phase-2could start (2009):  10 times more statistics  improved detector(inner tracker, improved calorimeter readout,  tagger, new small angle calorimeters)  “enriched” physics program Kaon, , ’ decays (high statistics)    (sigma), 0 2 width deeply bound kaonic states (AMADEUS proposal) The possibility to increase the center of mass energy up to 2.5 GeV is also considered (KLOE phase-3)  physics program extended to hadronic cross-section (g-2, em) baryon time-like form factors (DANTE proposal)  physics (,’,f0(980),a0(980) 2 widths) [see http://www.lnf.infn.it/lnfadmin/direzione/roadmap/roadmap.html F.Ambrosino et al., Eur.Phys.J. C50,729 (2007)]

  22. Conclusions: Hadron Physics is an important part of the KLOE program; Many results have been obtained; Others are to come: full data sample to be analysed more channels not yet analysed

  23. SPARES

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