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Electronic Configuration Chemical Bonding Coordination

Electronic Configuration Chemical Bonding Coordination. Electronic Configuration of the Elements. www.nutrisci.wisc.edu/NS623/ electronic .pdf What determines how electrons are distributed? Pauli Exclusion Principle Hund’s Rule

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Electronic Configuration Chemical Bonding Coordination

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  1. Electronic ConfigurationChemical BondingCoordination

  2. Electronic Configuration of the Elements • www.nutrisci.wisc.edu/NS623/electronic.pdf • What determines how electrons are distributed? • Pauli Exclusion Principle • Hund’s Rule • Good web site: http://www.science.uwaterloo.ca/~cchieh/cact/c120/eleconfg.html

  3. Transition Elements

  4. Information on Transition Elementsor Why do we care? • http://library.thinkquest.org/3659/pertable/trametal.html

  5. Oxidation of Iron • Fe +2 Fe +3 • Ferrous Ferric • Reduced Oxidized • Reduction is the gain of electrons • Oxidation is the loss of electrons

  6. Bonding in minerals • Ionic • Covalent • Metallic • Van der Waals • Polar

  7. Ionic Bonding • NaCl (halite or rock salt) • Na+ and Cl- have noble gas configuration • Electrostatic attraction bonds them together • Minerals with ionic bonds have moderate H and G, have high melting points and are poor conductors of electricity and heat • Strength is proportional to the electronic attraction • Bond is non-directional

  8. Covalent • Sharing of electrons • Strongest of chemical bonds • Do not yield ions in solution • Bonds are directional • Example: diamond C

  9. Si-O bond • Is about 50% covalent and 50% ionic • Electronegativity—power of an atom to attract. Compounds made of elements with very different values of electronegativity are more ionic than compounds made of elements closest to each other in electronegativity

  10. y = 1 - exp(-0.25 * x2) (Pauling, 1948)

  11. Metallic Bond • Many electrons owe no allegiance to any particular nucleus and are free to “drift” • Good conductors • Usually low hardness and melting points • Examples include native metals such as Cu, Ag, and Au • Minerals may have qualities of several types of bonds: galena ionic and metallic

  12. Van der Waals • Dipoles of molecules • Usually found in gases and liquids, rare in minerals • Example is graphite C

  13. Polar Bonding or Hydrogen Bonding Examples include micas

  14. Coordination Number C.N. • # of anions that can fit around a cation • For example • NaCl 6 • CaF2 8

  15. Radius Ratio • This is the ratio of the radius of the cation to that of the anion • This ratio usually determines the CN of the cation

  16. Coordination Number vs Radius Ratio Make sure you remember to give examples on the board

  17. Let’s calculate one of the radius ratios • Use triangular coordination • Handout or on board!

  18. An Example • The ionic radius of Cs+ is 1.67 Å • Of Cl- is 1.81 Å • What would be the predicted CN? • 1.67 divided by 1.81 is 0.92 • This predicts 8-fold coordination

  19. Some words you need to know • CN=4 tetrahedral • CN=6 octahedral • CN=8 cubic

  20. Tetrahedral, 4 Cubic 8 Octahedral, 6 Linear 2 Triangular,3 http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/eens211/paulingsrules.htm

  21. Coordination of Common elements in Silicates http://abulafia.mt.ic.ac.uk/shannon/ptable.php

  22. Pauling’s Rules

  23. Rule 1 • Around every cation, a coordination polyhedron of anions forms, in which the cation-anion distance is determined by the sum of the radii and the coordination number is determined by the radius ratio. • Different types of coordination polyhedra are determined by the radius ratio, Rx/Rz, of the cation to the anion.

  24. Rule 2. The Electrostatic Valency Principle • An ionic structure will be stable to the extent that the sum of the strengths of the electrostatic bonds that reach an ion equal the charge on that ion. • What does this mean????

  25. Electrostatic valency also known as e.v. • e.v = Charge on the ion/C.N • For example, in NaCl each Na+ is surrounded by 6 Cl- ions.  The Na is thus in 6 fold coordination and C.N. = 6.  Thus e.v. = 1/6.  So 1/6 of a negative charge reaches the Na ion from each Cl.  So the +1 charge on the Na ion is balanced by 6*1/6 =1 negative charge from the 6 Cl ions. • Let’s do other examples on the board!

  26. Rule 2 cont’d: Isodesmic In the case of NaCl the charge is exactly balanced on both the cations and anions.  In such a case, we say that the bonds are of equal strength from all directions.  When this occurs the bonds are said to be isodesmic. Diagram from: http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/eens211/paulingsrules.htm

  27. Rule 2 cont’d: Anisodesmic This is not the case for C+4 ion in triangular coordination with O-2.  Here,  e.v. = 4/3. The 3 Oxygens each contribute 4/3 charge to the Carbon ion, and the charge on the carbon is balanced.  But, each Oxygen  still has 2/3 of a charge that it has not used.  Thus, a carbonate structural group is formed known as carbonate CO3-2. In cases like this, where the electrostatic valency is greater than 1/2 the charge on the anion (4/3 > 1/2*2), the anion will be more strongly bound to the central coordinating cation than it can be bonded to other structural groups.  When this occurs the bonding is said to be anisodesmic.  Diagram from: http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/eens211/paulingsrules.htm

  28. Rule 2 cont’d: Mesodesmic For Si+4 in tetrahedral coordination with O-2, the e.v. reaching the Si is 4/4 =1.  This leaves each Oxygen with a -1 charge that it has not shared.  Since this -1 is exactly 1/2 the original charge on O-2, the Oxygens in the SiO4-4 group can be just as tightly bound to ions outside the group as to the centrally coordinated Si.  In this case the bonding is said to be mesodesmic.   This property is extremely important when we look at silicate structures!!! Diagram from: http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/eens211/paulingsrules.htm

  29. Rule 3. • Shared edges, and particularly faces of two anion polyhedra in a crystal structure decreases its stability. Diagram from: http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/eens211/paulingsrules.htm

  30. Rule 4 • In a crystal structure containing several cations, those of high valency and small coordination number tend not  to share polyhedral elements.

  31. Rule 5. The Principle of Parsimony • The number of different kinds of constituents in a crystal tends to be small. 

  32. Structure Type • Crystals in which the centers of the constituent atoms occupy geometrically similar positions, regardless of size of the atoms are said to belong to the same structure type. • Examples on the board!!!

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