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1. Are there undiscovered principles of nature: New symmetries, new physical laws?

Status Report Fermilab Steering Group develop roadmap for accelerator-based HEP program at Fermilab Young-Kee Kim Fermilab and University of Chicago DOE/NSF HEPAP Meeting, July 13, 2007. Fermilab’s Scientific Program enables our community to address:.

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1. Are there undiscovered principles of nature: New symmetries, new physical laws?

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  1. Status ReportFermilab Steering Groupdevelop roadmap for accelerator-based HEP program at FermilabYoung-Kee KimFermilab and University of ChicagoDOE/NSF HEPAP Meeting, July 13, 2007

  2. Fermilab’s Scientific Programenables our community to address: 1. Are there undiscovered principles of nature: New symmetries, new physical laws? 2. Are there extra dimensions of space? 3. Do all the forces become one? 4. Why are there so many kinds of particles? 5. What happened to the antimatter? 6. What is dark matter? How can we make it in the laboratory? 7. How can we solve the mystery of dark energy? 8. How did the universe come to be? 9. What are neutrinos telling us? From “Quantum Universe” and “Discovering Quantum Universe”

  3. Fermilab2006-2007: Extraordinary years for Physics!Much more expected in the near futurePlanning further aheadin accelerator-based HEP program:Fermilab’s highest priorities – LHC/LHC upgrades & ILC

  4. ILC Decision Timelines LHC discoveries US colliders Shutdown Great Opportunity for ILC ILC ILC International Agreements Site selected ILC Decision 2010 ILC Decision 2010 EPP2010 & P5 Assumption Possible ILC Decision Timelines ILC RDR with Cost Estimate in Feb. 2007

  5. Fermilab Director Pier Oddone formed Steering Group to develop roadmap for Fermilab’s accelerator-based HEP program.March 22, 2007

  6. Steering Group Charge In his remarks to HEPAP, Undersecretary Orbach requested a dialog with the HEP community: "In making our plans for the future, it is important to be conservative and to learn from our experiences. Even assuming a positive decision to build an ILC, the schedules will almost certainly be lengthier than the optimistic projections. Completing the R&D and engineering design, negotiating an international structure, selecting a site, obtaining firm financial commitments, and building the machine could take us well into the mid-2020s, if not later. Within this context, I would like to re-engage HEPAP in discussion of the future of particle physics. If the ILC were not to turn on until the middle or end of the 2020s, what are the right investment choices to ensure the vitality and continuity of the field during the next two to three decades and to maximize the potential for major discovery during that period?"

  7. Steering Group Charge (cont.) With the encouragement of the Office of Science and the support of Professor Mel Shochet, the chair of HEPAP, Fermilab will develop a strategic roadmap for the evolution of the accelerator-based HEP program, focusing on facilities at Fermilab that will provide discovery opportunities in the next two to three decades. This roadmap should keep the construction of the ILC as a goal of paramount importance. To guide this proposal, the Fermilab Director has appointed a Steering Group consisting of members from Fermilab and the national particle and accelerator physics community to insure that the plan serves national needs. The Steering Group will also engage additional constituents in the analysis of the various physics opportunities.

  8. Steering Group Charge (cont.) • The Steering Group will build the roadmap based on the recommendations of the EPP2010 National Academy report and the recommendations of the P5 subpanel of HEPAP. The Steering Group should consider the Fermilab based facilities in the context of the global particle physics program. Specifically the group should develop a strategic roadmap that: • supports the international R&D and engineering design for as early a start of the ILC as possible and supports the development of Fermilab as a potential host site for the ILC; • develops options for an accelerator-based high energy physics program in the event the start of the ILC construction is slower than the technically-limited schedule; and • includes the steps necessary to explore higher energy colliders that might follow the ILC or be needed should the results from LHC point toward a higher energy than that planned for the ILC.

  9. Steering Group Charge (cont.) I am asking Deputy Director Kim to chair the Steering Group. Any recommendations that might be relevant to the FY09 budget should be transmitted as early as possible. The Steering Group's final report should be finished and delivered to the Fermilab Director by August 1, 2007. This deadline would allow for presentations to the DOE and its advisory bodies before the structuring of the FY2010 budget.

  10. Steering Group Membership Fermilab and national particle and accelerator physics community

  11. Physics Groups Neutrino Physics Flavor Physics Quarks, Charged Leptons, Physics with anti-protons, etc. NuSAG + Oscillation+CPV with multi MW proton sources + other measurements with n beam

  12. Subgroups • Advice/Oversight (additional constituents) • Make sure that roadmaps being developed are consistent with EPP2010 and P5 recommendations – J. Bagger, S. Dawson, A. Seiden, M. Shochet (chair) • Neutrino Physics (additional constituents) • Develop roadmap for neutrino physics based on NuSAG studies • Flavor Physics: quarks, charged leptons, ... (additional constituents) • Develop 10-year plan with reconfiguring existing accelerator complex • Accelerator Facilities (based on technical and resources feasibilities) • Develop options of a roadmap that supports ILC R&D for early start, supports Fermilab as a potential host site, and provides an accelerator-based high energy physics program in case of delayed start – H. Edward, T. Himel, S. Holmes (chair), D. McGinnis, S. Nagaitsev, T. Raubenheimer, V. Shiltsev, M. Tigner, (YKK) • High Energy Colliders beyond the ILC • Develop steps necessary to explore higher energy colliders that might follow ILC or be needed should results from LHC point toward a higher energy than that planned for ILC – H. Edward, V. Shiltsev, M. Tigner (chair), (YKK)

  13. Steering Group Activities • Steering group • Kick-off meeting on April 2 • weekly telephone meeting, 2 face-to-face meetings at Fermilab • EPP2010 and P5 assumptions • ILC R&D needs, LHC Upgrades, .. • Intermediate Physics Opportunities • Conceivable Accelerator Facilities for Physics Opportunities • Web: http://www.fnal.gov/directorate/Longrange/Steering_Public/ • Agendas, presentations, minutes, documents, publicly accessible • For all activities, we include • ILC GDE leaders, HEP / ILC program managers in DOE and NSF • HEPAP Chair / Deputy Chair, P5 Chair • Chairs of Fermilab/SLAC Users Executive committees • Subgroup members • Subgroups - ~weekly telephone meetings: detailed analysis

  14. Steering Group Activities (cont.) • Reach out to HEP community for input / ideas • Message sent out to DPF & DPB members • Meetings with FNAL staff • Meetings with HEP collaborations • Presentations at Users meetings at FNAL and SLAC • Presentations / Discussions at ANL, BNL, LBNL • Many meetings with individuals • Fermilab Today articles • Meeting with ILC GDE Executive Committee • ….

  15. Letters and Proposals from the Community • 6 letters • 20 proposals • 16: one to a few pages • 3: EoI (Expression of Interest) • 1: LoI (Letter of Intent) • Available on web: • http://www.fnal.gov/directorate/Longrange/Steering_Public/community_letters.html

  16. Letters and Proposals from the Community • Letters from the Community • John Marriner (May 5, 2007) • Norman Gelfand (May 8, 2007) • Stanley Brodsky (May 31, 2007) • Steve Geer et al. (June 8, 2007) • Buck Field (June 12, 2007) • Maury Goodman (July 7, 2007) • One Page Proposals from the community • 6GeV ILC Test Linac - Giorgio Apollinari and Bob Webber (May 7, 2007) • LAr TPC in FNAL's Neutrino Beams - David Finley (May 29, 2007) • Precision Neutrino Scattering at Tevatron - Janet Conrad and Peter Fisher (May 29, 2007) • Very Large Cherenkov Detector - Milind Diwan et al (June 5, 2007) • From Tevatron to Muon Storage Ring - Terry Goldman (June 6, 2007) • Antimatter Gravity Experiment - Thomas Phillips (June 7, 2007) • Neutrino Oscillation with high energy/intensity beam - Henryk Piekarz (June 10, 2007) • Space-Time Ripples Study - Nikolai Andreev (June 11, 2007) • Fixed Targer Charm Expt - Jeff Appel and Alan Schwartz (June 11, 2007) • Stopped Pion Neutrino Source - Kate Scholberg (June 11, 2007) • UNO Experiment - Change Kee Jung (June 11, 2007) • n-nbar Transition Search at DUSEL - Yuri Kamyshkov (June 11, 2007) • 8GeV cw Superconducting Linac - Ankenbrandt et al. (June 12, 2007) • Neutrino Expt with 5kton LAr TPC - Fleming and Rameika (June 12, 2007) • MicroBooNE - Fleming and Willis (June 12, 2007) • delta_s - Rex Tayloe (June 14, 2007) • Expression of Interest (EOI) • mu to e conversion - William Molzon (May, 2007) • me to e conversion - E.J. Prebys, J.P. Miller et al (May, 2007) • Klong to pi0 nu nu - D. Bryman et al (June 11, 2007) • Letter of Intent (LOI) • Low- and Medium-Energy Anti-Proton Physics - D. Kaplan et al (June 1, 2007)

  17. US HEP Physics Priorities: • EPP2010 and P5 have addressed US HEP priorities. • Both stressed the importance of a diverse program • Priority doesn’t mean you only do items at the top of the list • Both EPP2010 and P5 assumed • a fast decision on ILC construction (2010) • a technically driven schedule for ILC construction

  18. EPP2010 Priorities (in order) • The energy frontier • LHC (including upgrades) • ILC: Emphasis on US bid to host • The particle/astro connection • Emphasis on dark matter/dark energy • Neutrinos • Focus was on a global program • Flavor physics

  19. P5 Recommendations • 60% of new investments to ILC R&D • 40% to smaller initiatives • Attempt to quantify importance of diverse program • DES • CDMS, 25 kg • Daya Bay • NOvA • For the long term, LSST & SNAP development Particle Astro Neutrinos

  20. P5 Recommendations (Fermilab) • 60% of new investments to ILC R&D • 40% to smaller initiatives • Attempt to quantify importance of diverse program • DES • CDMS, 25 kg • Daya Bay • NOvA • For the long term, LSST & SNAP development Particle Astro Neutrinos

  21. Steering Group’s Emphasis • Need for an intermediate physics-driven program • Will the physics be important when the experiment is done? • Better at Fermilab than at other labs (e.g. JPARC)? • Unique in its physics reach? - Will it answer questions not answered at the LHC? • Alignment with ILC: • Will this advance the ILC? • Development of an accelerator facility that helps ILC • Compatibility with the ILC Schedule

  22. Steering Group: Physics Opportunities • Science • Neutrino Physics • Precision measurements involving charged leptons and quarks • Needed facilities • Proton Intensity Frontier: intense n, m, K, p beams • Beta Beam • Collider Luminosity Frontier: Super B, Giga Z, …

  23. Steering Group: Physics Opportunities • Neutrino: Oscillation, CPV, X-Section, EWK Precision • Muon: Lepton Number Violation • Kaon: CKM Matrix, Lepton Flavor Violation • Anti-proton: Hyperon CPV, Charm • B Physics • Electroweak Precision with Giga Z • … Compositeness to 3000 TeV scale Supersymmetric models predict Rμe~ 10-15 forweak scale SUSY

  24. Preliminary Conclusions on Science • “Proton Intensity Frontier” offers rich menu of neutrino, muon, and kaon physics in near - mid term • Physics driver is search for Beyond the Standard Model Physics • Window to high energy scales in some scenarios • Physics reach is complementary to energy frontier • “Beta Beam” • Longer term, No Synergy to ILC • “Luminosity Frontier” • Large scale, longer term

  25. “Proton Intensity Frontier” Option:Reconfiguration of Existing Facilities Examples sNuMI (super NuMI) – ~1.3 MW at 120 GeV Modification of Accumulator and Recycler Debuncher as an 8 GeV Slow Spiller Tevatron as a 120 GeV Slow Spill Stretcher Ring Capable of producing protons with 120 GeV >1 MW 8 GeV slow & fast spill 120 GeV slow spill Alignment with ILC No synergy But modest cost for construction Operations - the current 30+ year old complex

  26. “Proton Intensity Frontier” Option: Project X Initially NOvA Possibly DUSEL later >2 MW at 120 GeV 200 kW at 8 GeV Recycler 3 linac pulses / fill Main Injector 1.4 sec cycle Stripping Foil ILC Style 8 GeV H- Linac 9mA x 1 msec x 5 Hz

  27. “Proton Intensity Frontier” Option: Project X • 0  0.12 GeV: • Modest increase from current 60 MeV R&D program • Collaboration with other US lab.s • 0.12  2 GeV Linac: • Potential strong international collaboration (e.g. India) • 2  8 GeV ILC-like Linac: via strong ILC collaboration • Benefit to ILC under investigation • Linac: R&D and Engineering, US industry involvement followed by industrialization, large system tests • Same as ILC: 36 cryomodules, RF distribution, Cryogenic dist, Beam parameters • ILC RDR Regional Cryomodule Industrialization Profile • Year 1: 3 / year, 1 year Doubling time, Year 4: 25 / year • Further possibilities – injector to Tevatron ring for pre-assembling and testing ILC Damping Ring

  28. “Proton Intensity Frontier” Option: Project X • ILC Synergy • Intention: does not delay but helps timely realization of ILC • Medium size project • R&D, Engineering, Construction • required resources being analyzed • Operations: expect to be simpler than the current 30+ year old complex – being analyzed • Physics Opportunities and Connection to Future • Initially NOvA experiment • Possible addition – e.g. flavor experiment • Future possibility: optimized beam to DUSEL • .n oscillation / CP violation, Proton decay, .. • Stepping stone for longer-term programs • neutrino factory • higher energy colliders (e.g. muon collider, VLHC)

  29. Project X: Proton Beam Power* *Assumes all protons are injected into the Main Injector

  30. Roadmap ExampleILC – Fermilab’s Highest Priority ILC R&D ILC Decision and Construction (Industrialization) + Running ILC R&D ILC Decision and Construction (Industrialization) + Running Funding Cycle sNuMI Construction sNuMI Running ILC R&D ILC Decision and Construction ILC Industrialization, Large system test Branch Point Project X Construction Project X Running In all scenarios: LHC Upgrade, Higher Energy Colliders R&D, Particle Astrophysics (Dark Matter, Dark Energy)

  31. To Be Done in August • Project X • Understand Benefit to the ILC • Estimate Resources needed • Finalize roadmaps • Write report emphasizing case for new physics

  32. Next Steps Steering Group (SG) Report to Pier Oddone SG Report PAC Public Report Jun 2007 Jul 2007 Aug 2007 Sep 2007 Oct 2007 Nov 2007 Dec 2007 Jan 2008 Feb 2008 Mar 2008 Apr 2008 May 2008 Jun 2008 Jul 2008 FNAL AAC Review FNAL PAC Review P5 Review SG Report to HEPAP SG Report to P5 P5 Report to HEPAP SG Report to HEPAP FY10 Budget Preparation

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