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Look for root words Look for affixes (prefixes/suffixes) Use context clues

Look for root words Look for affixes (prefixes/suffixes) Use context clues Use a glossary, dictionary, or thesaurus. Root words are the forms of words once all affixes are removed.

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Look for root words Look for affixes (prefixes/suffixes) Use context clues

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  1. Look for root words • Look for affixes (prefixes/suffixes) • Use context clues • Use a glossary, dictionary, or thesaurus

  2. Root words are the forms of words once all affixes are removed. • Example: The root tract means “to drag or draw”…so…if you drag or draw away something, such as five minus four, what is this process known as? • SUBTRACTION!

  3. The root cyclo means “circle”. • What is a large volume of books that encompass or “circles” an exhaustive amount of educational material? • ENCYCLOPEDIA!

  4. Prefix – A letter or letters placed at the beginning of a word that changes the meaning of the root word. • Example • Bicycle – “Bi-” is a prefix that means two, “cycle” means circular – so together, they mean a two-wheeled vehicle • Other prefixes commonly used: anti-, de-, dis-, fore-, mis-, non-, pre-, re-

  5. Come up with one word you know that uses each prefix below: • Anti- • Non- • De- • Mid- • Mis- • Un- • Come up with a prefix you know that is not on the list.

  6. Suffix – A letter of letters placed at the end of a word that changes the meaning of the root word. • Example – “-en” is a suffix that means “made of”, so the word “Wooden” means made of wood. • Other common suffixes: -able, -ible, -ful, -less, -ion, -ment, -ness

  7. Come up with one word you know that uses each suffix below: • -able • -ible • -ful • -less • -ment • -ness • Come up with a suffix you know that is not on this list.

  8. Determining the meaning of an unknown word by using the words (context) around it. • Four types of context clues: • Definition – the word is defined directly in the sentence • Synonym – a word that means the same thing is used in the sentence • Antonym – a word that means the opposite is used in the sentence • Inference – the definition must be inferred from the rest of the sentence – it is not stated directly

  9. Examples: Definition: • The arbitrator, the neutral person chosen to settle the dispute, arrived at her decision. • Arbitrator means? • How do you know?

  10. Examples: Synonym: Her quiet, timid ways made us guess at her true feelings about the story because she kept her ideas to herself and never spoke in class. • Timid means? • How do you know?

  11. Examples: Antonym: • Unlike Jamaal’s room, which was immaculate, Jeffrey’s room was very messy. • Immaculate means? • How do you know?

  12. Examples: Inference: The first review of the Harry Potter movie was favorable. Many people attended and enjoyed the movie. Some people even saw the movie three times! • Favorable means? • How do you know?

  13. Glossary – a text feature; found at the end of an informational book; words are listed in alphabetical order & defined. • Dictionary – words are listed in alphabetical order and defined; also provides part of speech and origin of words • Thesaurus – words are listed in alphabetical order and synonyms and antonyms are provided

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