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听力能力培养. 听力能力培养. 真题分析 专家论述 障碍因素 教学误区 教学策略. 听力考查目标. 理解归纳话语的主旨要义 获取有助于完成听力任务的事实性信息 根据获取的信息进行判断 理解说话者的意图、观点和态度. 总体概况. 07 年将近 21 分钟, 08 年 21 分半 07 年 10 段对话 1 段独白; 08 年 9 段对话 2 段独白 07 年数字题 1 题; 08 年数字题 3 题 考查事实性信息题增加. 第一节 难度稳定,考查目标一致. 事实性信息: 3 题→ 2 易 +1 稍难 (多数字择一)

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  1. 听力能力培养

  2. 听力能力培养 • 真题分析 • 专家论述 • 障碍因素 • 教学误区 • 教学策略

  3. 听力考查目标 • 理解归纳话语的主旨要义 • 获取有助于完成听力任务的事实性信息 • 根据获取的信息进行判断 • 理解说话者的意图、观点和态度

  4. 总体概况 • 07年将近21分钟,08年21分半 • 07年10段对话1段独白; 08年9段对话2段独白 • 07年数字题1题;08年数字题3题 • 考查事实性信息题增加

  5. 第一节难度稳定,考查目标一致 • 事实性信息: 3题→ 2易+1稍难 (多数字择一) • 信息推断: 1题 • 说话者意图: 1题

  6. 事实性信息 07 / 1 W: Where are you from? M: I’m from Atlanta, but I live in New York now. W: I live in Washington D.C. Q: Where is the man from? A. Atlanta. B. New York. C. Washington D.C.

  7. 事实性信息 • 08 / 1 • M: I had a very strange dream last night. I dreamed I won a competition. • W: Oh really? What did you win? Money? A new car? • M: I won a holiday on a desert island. I hope it will come true. • What did the man win in his dream? • A holiday. B. A new car. C. Some money.

  8. 事实性信息 07 / 4 M: Hello. W: Hello. I’m calling about the apartment you advertised in the newspaper. M: Two-bedroom or three-bedroom? W: No, the advertisement says one-bedroom, one bath. M: Oh, sorry. That’s not available now. Which apartment is the woman interested in? A. The one-bedroom apartment. B. The two-bedroom apartment. C. The three-bedroom apartment.

  9. 事实性信息 08 / 4 W: Excuse me! Do you have any batteries? I need some for my radio. M: Sure! They are over there! Next to the pens. What does the woman want? A. A radio. B. Some pens. C. Some batteries.

  10. 事实性信息(数字) 07 / 2 W: OK, John. How much do you pay for electricity and telephone services? M: My electricity bill is about 50 dollars a month, and my telephone bill is usually 24 dollars a month. W: How much do you pay for transportation? M: 30 dollars a month. How much is the man’s telephone bill? A. $50. B. $24. C. $30.

  11. 事实性信息(数字) 08 / 3 M: So Jane, how long have you been an author? W: Well, Tom. I did not start writing until I was in my thirties. And I am over 70 now. So goodness, I must have been writing for about 40 years. How long has the woman been an author? A. About 30 years. B. About 40 years. C. About 70 years.

  12. 信息推断 07 / 3 W: Do you happen to know what’s on after the news? M: I think it’s the Animal World. Do you mind if we watch it? W: Mm…can we watch the movie on Channel 6 instead? Q: What does the woman want to watch? A. News. B. “Animal World”. C. Movie.

  13. 信息推断 08 / 2 M: We are having a little party on the weekend. Can you and Tom come? W: That’s sounds nice. Thank you! But I’ll have to check with Tom. Q: Will the woman come to the party? A. Maybe. B. No. C. Certainly.

  14. 说话者意图 07 / 5 W: Excuse me. M: Yes? W: I need something for drawing a straight line. M: Oh, you want a ruler. There’s one on my desk. I’ll get it for you. What is the woman doing? A. Giving advice. B. Asking the way. C. Making a request.

  15. 说话者意图 08 / 5 W: Do you think you could give me a lift to the station? M: I am terribly sorry! I can’t. I have to be at work by 8:30. I can call you a taxi though. What is the woman doing? A. Asking for information. B. Asking for an apology. C. Asking for help.

  16. 第二节难度稳中有降,降中有变 试题安排人情化 考查侧重点不尽相同 提问方式基本稳定 听力教学侧重点

  17. 试题安排人情化 07: 6(易)9、10(难)11(独白) 08: 6(易)9(独白难)10、11难度下降 

  18. 考查侧重点不尽相同

  19. 提问方式基本稳定 • What is the man / woman doing? • Will the man / woman do sth? • What does the man /woman say about…? • What does the man / woman think…? • How does the man think about…? 

  20. 听力教学侧重点 • 听的主要目的是获取信息 • 8级课标:观点 7级课标:细节要点 • 加强“事实性信息”指导 

  21. 专家论述 • River: 听不是一种被动的技能,甚至不像人们传统地认为是一种接受的技能,听是一种创造性的技能。 • R. Lado 听力理解是对交际状态中的语言信号成分的认知控制 • Anderson: 听力的过程是:感知—解析—应用 

  22. 造成学生听力障碍的因素 • 辨音困难 • 语感不强 • 语调、语气把握不准 • 词汇量不足 • 语法知识不扎实 • 缺乏语言文化背景 • 不能准确理解委婉语、反语 • 缺乏逻辑思维能力 • 错误的听音习惯 • 集中词语忽视句章 • 心理因素 

  23. 教学误区 • 时间紧,高一、高二授课删去听力部分,高三听听听;缺乏培养过程 • 听力训练只听不析 • 听力练习不分难度,历年高考试题反复听 • 忽视学生基础知识不足的问题 • 忽视听力技巧的指导 

  24. 策略篇 一、特定试题类型教学策略 • 数字题 • 地点题 • 推断题 二、高三阶段听力复习教学策略

  25. 数字题 • 类别 • 笔录 • 计算

  26. 地点题 • 大城市、国家 • 各场所 • 内容推断

  27. 推断题 • 身份、关系:称呼、关键词 • 语调:特定单词 • 前因后果 

  28. 高三阶段听力复习教学策略 • 技巧指导先 • 听写相结合 • 复习三阶段 • 计划订在前

  29. 技巧指导先 • 有备而听 • 要点标识 • 代码速记 • 听力习惯

  30. 有备而听 • 初级阶段预先提示 • (差)听前给生词、关键词 • 培养阶段读题后信息反馈 • 实战演练阶段习惯成自然 

  31. 要点标识 • 速读抓关键词 key words • 速读标信息点 information (who what)

  32. 速读抓关键词 key words 18. What is the woman’s view on smell? A. It is personal. B. It is concrete. C. It is strange. 19. What is special about smells? A. They are as pleasant as music. B. They can last about thirty days. C. They make things more memorable. 20. What is the woman’s most favorite smell? A. Smell of the sea. B. Smell of her garden. C. Smell of aircraft fuel.

  33. M: Doctor Stone, how did you become an expert on smell? W: Well, I did not intend to in the first place. But when I was in a university, there was a course on senses. The other senses seem to be more concrete somehow. But smell is so personal. I found it extremely interesting. M: Do you have any interesting information to give us about smells? W: Well, let’s see. Did you know that it is harder to forget smells than to forget facts. There have been experiments where people could pick out a particular smell 30 days after smelling it for first time. M: Really? So smells can bring about more memories than, say, music. W: That seems to be the case. M: I have lots of different ones. The smell of the sea reminds me of happy family holidays. And a smell of roses makes me think of my friend’s house. Strangely enough, I like the smell of aircraft fuel at airports and I know I am going to fly somewhere exciting. But it is the general smell of my garden in the rain that I really like the most. That means I am at home where I should be.

  34. 速读标信息点information (who, what… ) 6. Howmanycoats does the woman want? A. 25. B. 30. C. 50. 7. What is the ordernumber for gloves? A. P25G5. B. P26T5. C. P28D5.

  35. M: How can I help you, Mr Jameson? W: Mm, first, I would like to order 30 coats. Order number P25G5. M: Ok. Order number P25G5, coats30. W: Mm, how much are they? M: 45 dollars each. W: Ok, and gloves, ordernumberP28D5. How much are they? M: 5 dollars a pack. How much do you need? W: 50. M: Gloves 50 packs at five dollars a pack, P28D5. Ok. W: And shoes, 25 pairs of order number P26T5. M: Shoes, order number P26T5, 25 pairs at dollars a pair. Is that ok? W: Yes, that’s fine.

  36. 10. When will it rain? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. At night. 11. What will causedelays for traffic coming into town? A. Rain. B. A fog. C. Bridge repairs.

  37. M: And onto this morning’s local news. Driving conditions have improved now and the early morning’s fog has gone. Rain is forecast for tonight. But it will be fine during the day! Traffic police have warned drivers to expect delays coming into town in the afternoon because of the repairs of Victory bridge and lorries have been advised to go another way if possible. 

  38. 代码速记 • 单词要简写 • 数字带单位 • 记录须清晰

  39. M: How can I help you, Mr Jameson? W: Mm, first, I would like to order 30 coats. Order number P25G5. M: Ok. Order number P25G5, coats 30. W: Mm, how much are they? M: 45 dollars each. W: Ok, and gloves, order number P28D5. How much are they? M: 5 dollars a pack. How much do you need? W: 50. M: Gloves 50 packs at five dollars a pack, P28D5. Ok. W: And shoes, 25 pairs of order number P26T5. M: Shoes, order number P26T5, 25 pairs at 18 dollars a pair. Is that ok? W: Yes, that’s fine.

  40. 代码速记 c-, 30, P25G5, $45 each g-, P28D5, $5 / pack, 50 shoes, 25, P26T5, $18 c-:coats g-:gloves 

  41. 听力习惯 • 心平气和 • 即时笔录 • 弃前保后 

  42. 听写互助 • 挖空 • 与写作结合进行听写(compound dictation) 

  43. 复习三阶段 • 第一阶段: 分类、简单、渗透技巧 • 第二阶段: 考题、数量、运用技巧 • 第三阶段: 真题、指导、贯通技巧 

  44. 听力复习计划内容 • 充实背景、四一场景 • 增加朗读、单词完形 • 保证语速、段落反复 • 定时训练、保质保量

  45. 结束语 Thank you!

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