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Peruvian Competitiveness

Peruvian Competitiveness. Business Council for International Understanding Symposium on Peruvian Competitiveness June 26, 2008. Growth and poverty level, 1998-2007 (12 months % change and % of total population, respectively). Source: MEF, BCRP.

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Peruvian Competitiveness

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  1. Peruvian Competitiveness Business Council for International Understanding Symposium on Peruvian Competitiveness June 26, 2008

  2. Growth and poverty level, 1998-2007 (12 months % change and % of total population, respectively) Source: MEF, BCRP Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  3. Perú: Cornerstones of the Global Competitiviness Index (1 = lowest and 7 = highest and ubication in ranking of 131 countries, respectively ) Most critical pillars of the Global Competitiveness Index (1 = lowest and 7 = highest) Laboral markets efficiency Infrastructure Health and primary education Innovation Institutions Source: The Global Competitiveness Report 2007-2008 Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  4. Perú: Doing Business, 2005-2008 (ranking variation in each category) Perú: Doing Business, 2005 - 2008 (ranking between 178 countries) Deterioration Improvement Source: The Global Competitiveness Report 2007 – 2008 y Banco Mundial (Doing Business, 2008) Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  5. Formal jobs in Peru, 2005-2007 (% of the economic active population) Imdemnity pay for redundancy dismissal, according to the duration of the job (as number of monthly wages) Source: Jaramillo (2003) Source: ENAHO Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  6. Private pension funds (US$ millions) Average income by type of enterprise, 2005 - 2007 (as % variation) Source: MEF Source: BCRP, SBS, Conasev Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  7. Bureaucracy Costs, 2004 (as % of GDP) Requirements for starting a business in Peru, 2008 * Income is considered as the net national income. Source: World Bank (Doing Business, 2008) Source: IPE Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  8. Pending cases within the Peruvian judicial system (thousand of cases) Peru: enforcing contracts indicators, 2008 * Claim assumed to be equivalent to 200% of income per capita Source: World Bank (Doing Business, 2008) Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  9. Enterprises that find the interpretation of the regulation unpredictable (%) All the firms Guatemala Peru Ecuador Brazil Honduras Algeria China Bangladesh None of the firms Source: World Bank Investment Climate Survey Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  10. US vs Peru annual average inflation, 1998-2007 Non-performing loans, banking system (as % of gross loans) * Consumer Price Index-All Urban Consumers (all Items) **Consumer Prince Index-Lima Source: BCRP Source: ASBANC Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  11. Peru: procedures payments, 2008 Size of taxpayers, April 2008 (as % of total income tax and corporations clearing, third category) Thousand Largest Taxpayers The rest • Required time from the fillings to the payment of the tax. • **Estimated Source: World Bank (Doing Business, 2008) Source: SUNAT Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  12. Economic Result of the SPNF (as % of GDP) Domestic and external public debt, 2005-2009e (as % of GDP) Source: BCRP, IPE Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  13. National second grade students’ evaluation, Dec 2007 (as % of surveyed students) Teachers’ evaluation, urban areas, 2007 (as % of surveyed teachers) Crítica: Responde solo algunas preguntas básicas. Deficiente: ubica datos evidentes en el texto o realiza cálculos aritméticos simples. Básico: realiza inferencias sencillas del texto y establece relaciones matemáticas. Adecuado: integra ideas del texto y realiza inferencias del mismo, mientras que resuelve problemas matemáticas de varias etapas. Source: MED Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  14. Infrastructure Ranking, 2008 (1= worst, 131 = best) Logistic costs, 2004 (as % of gross sales) Source: The Global Competitiveness Report 2007-2008 Source: Guasch y Kogan, 2006 Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  15. Access to Telecommunication and Water services, 1997-2007 (percentage) Electric coverage, 2007 (% of total) Source: OSIPTEL, SUNASS and OSINERG Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  16. Infrastructure investment gap, 2005 (US$ million) Source: IPE Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  17. Stock of FDI, by country of origin to june 2007 Foreign direct investment, 1990-2008 (US$ millions) Stock of FDI, by main sectors 2007* Source: BCRP, Proinversión Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  18. Exports, 1997 – 2009e (US$ billions) Trade Balance, 1997-2009e (US$ billions) Forecast Forecast Source: BCRP Source: BCRP, IPE Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  19. Peruvian commercial exchange composition Jan -Apr 2008 (as % of total exchange) Effective average tariff, 1993-2008 (as % of total exchange) Rest US European Union 62% China Chile EFTA Canada Mexico Approximately 62% of the commercial exchange within a year under preferential agreements Source: Aduanas Source: MEF Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  20. Peru´s position in the Global Competitiveness Report 2007-2008 (ranking in a sample of 131 countries) Competitive Advantages Competitive Disadvantages 131 Source: WEF Perspectivas de la economía peruana

  21. Peruvian Competitiveness Business Council for International Understanding Symposium on Peruvian Competitiveness June 26, 2008

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