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Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) An Organization for Young People, by Young People !

Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) An Organization for Young People, by Young People !. About YABT. YABT is a nonprofit organization that works in cooperation with the Organization of American States (OAS)

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Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) An Organization for Young People, by Young People !

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  1. Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) An Organization for Young People, by Young People!

  2. About YABT YABT is a nonprofit organization that works in cooperation with the Organization of American States (OAS) Promoting and implementing programs that encourage entrepreneurship among young people in the Americas In order to combat poverty and seek better opportunities for youth.

  3. Leadership Areas of Work: Connect young entrepreneurs with public and private sector leaders by establishing national and international networks of cooperation and exchange Principle Programs • Youth Forum of the Americas • Young Entrepreneurs Network • Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility

  4. Training Areas of Work: Emphasizing the “learning-by-doing” methodology to develop an entrepreneurial and innovative spirit in trainees, encouraging and guiding them through a practical immersion in the subject matter Guatemala Principle Programs • Business Labs • InnovAction (Innovation in Action). • NexLinks • Youth on the Move Colombia

  5. Alliances and National Chapters Areas of Work: The network of YABT National Chapters and partners in government, public and private organizations, connecting communities, countries and leaders, providing a platform for the implementation of national and regional programs Global -Taiwan México

  6. Technology Areas of Work: YABT emphasizes the importance of technology in entrepreneurship and for building successful and sustainable businesses Panamá, 2007 Colombia, 2008 Principle Programs • TIC Americas • Eco-Challenge • Development Marketplace – DM • Asia-Americas E-Commerce Initiative. • YABT.TV Honduras, 2009 Perú, 2010

  7. TIC Americas:Is a platform of opportunities available to all young entrepreneurs in the Americas to create and strengthen business ideas. It is a competition that goes beyond the development of business plans to incorporate follow-up, mentorship, international visibility and incubation, among other benefits.

  8. The TIC Americas process has two stages • Online Semifinals • Registration and Concept Paper • Online Training (BOOT Camp). • Project Development • Business plan that includes a market study • Prototype Validation • Promotional Video • Web page

  9. The TIC Americas process has two stages • 2. Onsite Finals • June 1-3, 2011, San Salvador • International exposure and visibility (Expo) • Presentation to Judges • Networking • Awards Ceremony

  10. TIC Americas 2011 has Two Awards Categories • Talent and Innovation Awards: Will be social ideas or business projects that demonstrate the talent and innovation of young entrepreneurs. • Requirements: • 1. At registration, select: Talent and Innovation Awards. • 2. Complete your Business Plan in the format provided by the competition. • 3. Develop a website for your operations. • 4. and a Promotional Video of no more than 3 minutes. • 5. Minimum of 3 team members, between 13 y 36 years, who are legal residents of the country they are representing • 6. The project cannot have been the winner of a TIC Americas award in the past. • .

  11. TIC Americas 2011 has Two Awards Categories • Talent and Innovation Awards: 7 Awards as follows: • Spirit of Entrepreneurship • Social Entrepreneurship • New Markets • Tradition and Culture • Creative Design • E-Business • International Alliance • Audience Favorite* • .

  12. TIC Americas 2011 has Two Awards Categories • 2. EcoChallenge Awards: Will be social ideas or business projects that find solutions to problems of water and environmental conservation • Requirements: • 1. At registration, select: EcoChallenge Awards. • 2. Submit the proposal/project following the format provided by the competition. • 3. Website (optional) • 4. Photos, a digital video or graphic presentation. • 5. Minimum of 3 team members, between 13 and 36 years, who are legal citizens of a country in LAC. • 6. Has not been a previous TIC Americas winner.

  13. TIC Americas 2011 has Two Awards Categories • 2. EcoChallenge Awards: YABT and PepsiCo will recognize the two teams that present the most innovative and feasible project or initiative to solve one of the following EcoChallenges: • 1. There is no environmental curriculum for LAC students. • 2. Approximately 15% of the LAC population has no access to water in their homes. • 3. Many of the rivers in the LAC region are contaminated. • 4. Approximately 15% of the LAC population has no access to sanitation systems. • 5. Your EcoChallenge is…

  14. TIC Americas 2011 Prizes • US$5,000 cash • Winner’s Trophy • Certificates for each registered team member. • Other Opportunities such as: • Participation in international events • Mentorship • Training • Promotional Visibility • Internships

  15. Requirements and Dates

  16. Requirementsand Dates

  17. Contact Us: Young Americas Business Trust General Secretariat of the Organization of American States 1889 F Street, NW, Washington DC 20006 www.yabt.net •www.ticamericas.net Brett Lashley Program Manager Young Americas Business Trust Email: blashley@oas.org• Phone: +1 202 458 6456

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