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EcoVault. Team 1 Will Davenport Jacob Colby Collin Bell. Project focus :. The primary focus of EcoVault is to provide exotic reptile owners with an easy to use and universal system for mimicking the natural environment specific to their reptile.

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  1. EcoVault Team 1 Will Davenport Jacob Colby Collin Bell

  2. Project focus: • The primary focus of EcoVault is to provide exotic reptile owners with an easy to use and universal system for mimicking the natural environment specific to their reptile. • Using a temperature sensor in combination with a real time clock/calendar to build a heating and lighting schedule similar to what the specific reptile would experience in nature. • Use the sensory data to control an open drain output to drive relays. • The relays in turn will control the on/off state of the heat and light sources. • Display current state and real time data from the sensors via an onboard 7seg display and onboard LEDs.

  3. Project background: • The majority of reptile enthusiasts need 2-3 different units to maintain a controlled ecosystem specific to their reptile. • These units can consist of multiple thermometers, a thermostat or rheostat, and an outlet with a timer. • All of these units must be manually adjusted and monitored to create the day/night cycle associated with their ecosystem.

  4. Project background (cont): • How can we combined all of these units into one device and still remain universal for any reptile set up? • Down to the basics. There are two devices to be controlled. • Heat source • Light source • EcoVault aims to control the two devices by switching between on/off states.

  5. Project motivation: • There are very few affordable all-in-one systems on the market. • Most require specific heating pads or lighting units. • None allow for 1-click climate presets such as tropical, sub tropic, etc. • Reptiles are very dependent on changing external heat/ light sourcesto stay healthy. • A reptile cage cannot be too cold or too hot, both cases can be detrimental. • Day/Night cycles are also important to reduce stress on the reptile. • No one wants a stressed out reptile!!

  6. Project goals: • This project should provide a viable way of controlling the peripheral devices used to maintain a reptile enclosures ecosystem. • Gain knowledge and understanding of how to build a complex system using an FPGA, PMOD add-ons, and VHDL code. • Build a device that can control the ecosystem of a real exotic reptile implement it for daily use.

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