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Phylum Annelida (Segmented Worms)

Phylum Annelida (Segmented Worms). 15,000 Annelid species Bilaterally symmetrical coelomates Coelomes divided into partitions by septa Inhabit marine, fresh water, & moist environments Has complex digestive system Has closed circulatory system Epidermis is primary gas exchange organ

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Phylum Annelida (Segmented Worms)

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  1. Phylum Annelida(Segmented Worms) 15,000 Annelid species Bilaterally symmetrical coelomates Coelomes divided into partitions by septa Inhabit marine, fresh water, & moist environments Has complex digestive system Has closed circulatory system Epidermis is primary gas exchange organ Are hermaphroditic Reproduce sexually by cross fertilization Reproduce asexually through regeneration 3 Classes

  2. Class Oligochaeta • Include earthworms • Extracts nutrients from soils • Extremely beneficial to farming as they enrich and aerate soils

  3. The Earthworm Giant Earthworm – Amazon Basin

  4. Class Polychaeta • Very similar to oligochaeta • Most are marine • Have paddle or ridge-like extensions on segments called parapodia • Aid in gas exchange and locomotion

  5. Lugworm

  6. Class Hirudinea (leeches) • Most inhabit fresh water, or moist terrestrial environments • Feed on small invertebrates or are parasitic • Have significant medicinal value in treating bruising, and as a source of Pharmaceuticals

  7. The Leech

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