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Summary of THEMIS results in the inner magnetosphere Future mission operations discussion:

THEMIS in the inner magnetosphere: Review of current. Summary of THEMIS results in the inner magnetosphere Future mission operations discussion: Science targets What do we need to change (if anything)?. THEMIS Extension (FY10,11,12). P4. P3. P5. Extended THEMIS Baseline (P3,P4,P5).

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Summary of THEMIS results in the inner magnetosphere Future mission operations discussion:

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  1. THEMIS in the inner magnetosphere:Review of current • Summary of THEMIS results in the inner magnetosphere • Future mission operations discussion: • Science targets • What do we need to change (if anything)?

  2. THEMIS Extension (FY10,11,12)

  3. P4 P3 P5 Extended THEMIS Baseline (P3,P4,P5) • At Inner Magnetosphere, Study Role of: • ULF/VLF/EMIC waves on ion, electron energization/losses • Large electric fields on storm time ring current • Result: • Comprehensive AC waves and E-fields models • Using novel: • 0.1-2RE separations to resolvetemporal/spatial evolution of gradients • daily conjunctions: PFISR, S-DARN

  4. 1 2 3 Usanova et al.,GRL, 2008 EMIC waves • - Driven by SW Pdyn • - Confined to L=5-6.5 • - Structured, with good ground-space correlation • - Potentially important for RB loss.

  5. Wang et al.,GRL, 2008 Ring Current Ions Electrons Dst storm index TH-B TH-B TH-D TH-D TH-B TH-B - Ions penetrate deep into the inner magnetosphere, and remain after storm. - Electrons also come close to Earth, but decay fast after storm recovery.

  6. Substorm InjectionWestward Propagation V ~ 350km/s 97A Angelopoulos et al.,First Results from THEMIS, Space Sci. Reviews, 2008 046 Speed: 1MLT/min

  7. Injection Simulatedas localized pulse Liu, Wenlon et al., JGR, 2008

  8. Plasma SheetInjections Runov et al.,GRL, 2008 Ions, TH-C, B, E Electrons, TH-A • Nose structure, temporal • Electron injection local, transient

  9. Generation ofwhistler emissions Li et al.,JGR, 2008 • Low and upper band chorus emissions correlate with 5-10keV electron anisotropy • 10keV electrons at higher L-shells have sufficient anisotropy to generate observed wave power • 1keV electrons can penetrate deep but don’t have the required anisotropy to generate chorus • Higher plasma density results in higher amplitudes

  10. Cully et al.,GRL, 2008 Whistler emissions • Localized, large amplitude chorus emissions • Bursts of sub-second duration • Greater than100mV/m • L~3.5-5.5; dMLT = 1-3 hrs • Mean/average not good description of wave field

  11. KH-wave driven FLRs:Agapitov et al., JGR, 2008 • KH wave seen by THC,B,D,A • Couples to ULF wave on TH-E • Driven ULF wave is localized • Phase change 180o at peak amplitude

  12. -10 -8 FLR Polarisation -6 • Polarisation of Pc5 ULF changes along THEMIS orbit. • Agreement with twisted eigenmode solutions (Rankin et al., Kabin et al.) • Importance of FLR in structure? -4 • as -2 0 Data – Magnetic Field -8 Data – Electric Field Model – Electric Field - m1 (poloidal) Model – Magnetic Field - m1 -6 -4 [Sarris et al., 2008] Model – Electric Field - m2 (toroidal) Model – Magnetic Field - m2 -2 0

  13. FLR Statistics [Liu et al., 2008] • Wave power shows absence of storm time afternoon side Pc4-5 power. Wave Power. Occurrence rates. Toroidal Poloidal Poloidal Toroidal Pc4 Pc4 Pc5 Pc5

  14. Summary • THEMIS already presents significant present capability to measure: • Waves, particles and their interactions from the radiation beltsout to the plasma sheet • Continuous operations from solar min to solar max • Can provide plasma sheet sources, measure ULF, EMIC waves for studying radiation belt dynamics • Can provide rapid crosses of radiation belt electron phase space density • Multiple satellites can provide information on phase and group velocity • String of pearls configuration can resolve spatio-temporal ambiguities • Critical importance will be storms in continuing and extended mission

  15. EFIs EFIa SCM ESA SST FGM Tspin=3s Instrument overview Probe instruments: ESA: ElectroStatic Analyzer(coIs: Carlson and McFadden)SST: Solid State Telescopes (coI: Larson)FGM: FluxGate Magnetometer(coIs: Glassmeier, Auster & Baumjohann)SCM: SearchCoil Magnetometer (coI: Roux) EFI: Electric Field Instrument (coI: Bonnell)

  16. Extended THEMIS Baseline (P3,P4,P5) • At the Magnetotail, Study: • Nature of the near-Earth current sheet • Dissipation of bursty fast flows • Result: • Ability to map and model keyinstability region • With first ever: • Simultaneous dR-dZ separations, 0.1-1RE • Clustered orbits study the 8-12RE region Z 2010-04-10 00:00:00 FAST P4 P3 X X P5 Y

  17. 2010-04-10 00:00:00 Z P4 P3 X P5 [THEMISCoast PhaseMozer et al.GRL] Extended THEMIS Baseline (P3,P4,P5) • At Subsolar Magnetopause, study: • Asymmetric reconnection: dynamics, evolution and role of cold ions • Internal FTE structure and electron acceleration • Result: • Hall-physics of subsolar magneto-pause reconnection, paves way to MMS • Using novel: • Simultaneous dR-dZ separations at 0.1-0.5RE monitor inflow and outflow • Cluster-like separations at subsolar region

  18. Data availability

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