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CRJ 311 ASH Course Material CRJ 311 Entire Course (Ash) CRJ 311 Week 5 Final Paper (Ash) • CRJ 311 Week 1 Assignment The CSI Effect • CRJ 311 Week 1 DQ 1 Peer Review • CRJ 311 Week 1 DQ 2 Your First Scene • CRJ 311 Week 1 Journal You're an Expert! • CRJ 311 Week 2 Assignment Conducting Your Own Field Sobriety Test • Santy, C. (Director). (2007). Welcome to homicide [Television series episode]. In J. Brenkus& M. Stern (Executive producers], Crime 360. New York, NY: A&E Television Networks. Available from the Films On Demand database.
CRJ 311 ASH Course Material CRJ 311 Week 1 Assignment The CSI Effect (Ash) CRJ 311 Week 1 DQ 1 Peer Review (Ash) • Summarize the CSI Effect and evaluate if it is a legitimate concern. • Analyze the impact of the CSI Effect in the courtroom. • Interpret what prosecutors can do to overcome this phenomenon. • Do you see value in the peer review process, as outlined in Chapter 1 of your text? Between the New England Journal of Medicine, your local newspaper, and a television news report, which do you believe is a more credible source? Why? Explain your method of evaluation in determining if a source is reliable.
CRJ 311 ASH Course Material CRJ 311 Week 1 DQ 2 Your First Scene (Ash) CRJ 311 Week 1 Journal You're an Expert! (Ash) • How to thoroughly record a crime scene including searching the scene • Packaging physical evidence • Maintaining proper chain of custody • In your opinion, will this case be easy to solve? Why or why not? • CRJ 311 Week 1 Journal You're an Expert!
CRJ 311 ASH Course Material CRJ 311 Week 2 Assignment Conducting Your Own CRJ 311 Week 2 DQ 1 Drugs and Scheduling (Ash) • Conduct the three field sobriety tests. If you are able, use a camera to record yourself conducting the tests. Evaluate your ability to perform the tests and any issues you feel these tests might provide in determining if someone is under the influence. • Analysis of drugs in a criminal case • The chain of custody, and • The preservation of evidence
CRJ 311 ASH Course Material CRJ 311 Week 2 DQ 2 Field Sobriety Tests (Ash) CRJ 311 Week 2 Journal SANE or Not (Ash) • Considering your newfound knowledge of ethanol, why do you think the tests used in the Standardized Field Sobriety Testing program help in the determination of alcohol use and impairment in the individual? • CRJ 311 Week 2 Journal SANE or Not
CRJ 311 ASH Course Material CRJ 311 Week 3 Assignment Case Study Analysis (Ash) CRJ 311 Week 3 DQ 1 Hair Evidence (Ash) • Catalog the forensic evidence found in the Camarena Case. • Summarize the steps followed by the crime scene investigators including the mistakes and/or correct steps followed to process the scene through the criminal justice system. • The body of your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from this week’s required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.
CRJ 311 ASH Course Material CRJ 311 Week 3 DQ 2 Arson Dogs (Ash) CRJ 311 Week 3 Journal Professional Painter (Ash) • Do you think arson dogs come up with better results than a chemical sniffer? Why or why not? Provide evidence to support your opinion.If your last name begins with A-L, argue your opinion for allowing arson dog findings to be entered into court. • The journals are your opportunity to reflect on the topics of the class and how they may impact your personal and professional life. The journals are only accessible to you and the instructor, so feel free to write however much you like on the topic provided.
CRJ 311 ASH Course Material CRJ 311 Week 4 Assignment What's Your Impression (Ash) CRJ 311 Week 4 DQ 1 Bite Mark Evidence (Ash) • Review the photos of impression evidence (below), and discuss what type of individualized pattern you see and how you would collect and preserve this evidence. What information can be gleaned from this type of evidence? • If your last name begins with A-L, argue your opinion as to how the bite mark would possibly exclude the suspect.If your last name begins with M-Z, argue your opinion as to how the bite mark would possibly include the suspect.
CRJ 311 ASH Course Material CRJ 311 Week 4 DQ 2 Fingerprint Evidence (Ash) CRJ 311 Week 4 Journal Cold Case Investigation (Ash) • How might you enlighten those who believe fingerprint evidence no longer has a place in forensic investigation? • Support your thoughts with at least one crime case. • When responding to your classmates, respond to at least one classmate who has been assigned the opposite opinion of yours. • The journals are your opportunity to reflect on the topics of the class and how they may impact your personal and professional life. The journals are only accessible to you and the instructor, so feel free to write however much you like on the topic provided.
CRJ 311 ASH Course Material CRJ 311 Week 5 DQ 1 Blood Patterns (Ash) CRJ 311 Week 5 DQ 2 DNA Evidence (Ash) • The body of your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from this week’s required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. • For students whose last name ends with A-L, include one case study of how DNA exonerated a person previously convicted of a crime and identify those areas you have discussed above.
CRJ 311 ASH Course Material CRJ 311 Week 5 Journal Cold Case Investigation (Ash) • The journals are your opportunity to reflect on the topics of the class and how they may impact your personal and professional life. The journals are only accessible to you and the instructor, so feel free to write however much you like on the topic provided.
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