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SIMULATIONS OF ASTROPHYSICAL JETS. Gianluigi Bodo, Claudio Zanni, Attilio Ferrari, Silvano Massaglia, A. Mignone, P. Rossi INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino Università di Torino. Collimated, supersonic outflows (jets) are generated in many astrophysical environments. AGN. pulsars.

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  1. SIMULATIONS OF ASTROPHYSICAL JETS Gianluigi Bodo, Claudio Zanni, Attilio Ferrari, Silvano Massaglia, A. Mignone, P. Rossi INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino Università di Torino

  2. Collimated, supersonic outflows (jets) are generated in many astrophysical environments AGN pulsars YSO X-ray transients

  3. Wide range of scales and velocities Scales from below the pc up to Mpc Highly relativistic velocities (AGN, GRB) Mildly relativistic velocities (X-ray transients – galactic superluminals, SS433) Few hundreds km/s (YSO)

  4. YSO jets HST images HH 30 1" 10''

  5. AGN Jets Scales up to Mpc Non-thermal synchrotron radiation Collimation angle can be few degrees Observed at different energies 7 time scales 10 yrs

  6. BASIC PROBLEMS • Launching Launching phase: acceleration fromdisk and collimation•Propagation Propagation phase: confinement,stability, entrainment•TerminationTermination: interaction with • external medium

  7. THE TOOL: PLUTO OUTLINE • Explicit, compressible code (FV): • Shock capturing • High-mach number flows • Works in 1, 2, 3-D • Modular structure: • Physics • Time stepping • Interpolations • Riemann Solvers • HD, MHD, RHD (Mignone, Plewa, Bodo 2005, HLLC Mignone & Bodo 2005) , RMHD (HLLC Mignone & Bodo 2005) • Geometry support (Cart, Cyl, Spher) • Radiative losses

  8. Algorithms Time Stepping HD RHD MHD RMHD • Fwd Euler (Split/Unsplit) • RK 2nd (Split/Unsplit) • RK 3rd (Split/Unsplit) • Hancock (Split/CTU) • Characteristic Tracing (Split/CTU)        (split)  (split) Riemann Solvers • Riemann (non-linear) • TVD/ROE • HLL • HLLC • TVDLF           Interpolation • Prim. TVD-limited (II order) • Characteristic TVD-limited • Piecewise-Parabolic • Multi-D Linear Interpolation • 2nd and 3rd order WENO          

  9. Stability of jets Kelvin-Helmholtz instability Transfer of momentum, entrainment Effects on the jet evolution Consider first a simple case, simple planar shear layer Velocity profile Vx = tanh y AGN: relativistic case

  10. Linear stability: different regimes depending on the Mach number, monotonic instability at low Mach, overstability at high Mach Nonlinear evolution dominated by vortices or by waves

  11. Relativistic cases: correspondence at equal Mr = gv/gs cs we showed in linear analysis (Bodo, Mignone & Rosner 2004) that the stability limits (vortex sheet) are the same if expressed in Mr We introduced a tracer passively advected to distinguish the material on the two sides Layer width tracer Layer width velocity

  12. JET STABILITY Bodo et al. 1998 Linear phase Acoustic phase Mixing phase

  13. Fanaroff-Riley classification Cygnus A VLA 3C 449 VLA FR I or jet dominated FR II or lobe dominated “classical doubles”

  14. Jet velocities • No direct velocity measures • Evidences for relativistic motions on • pc scale come from: • Superluminal motions • Jet one-sidedness • Rapid variabilities • High brightness temperatures

  15. 3C272.1 VLBI one-sided jet VLA In FRI radiosources jets on kpc scale become symmetric Brightness ratio between jet and counterjet in 3C31

  16. AGN jets: deceleration of FRI jets Mass entrainment Injection from stellar winds (Komissarov 1994; Bowman, Leahy, Komissarov 1996) Entrainment through the instability evolution Simulations of a propagating jet perturbed at the inlet

  17. Jet Mach number M G r r j e j Lorentz factor G Density ratio h Physical parameters

  18. Parameters values Mach 3, 30 Density ratio (lab frame) 10 1000 Lorentz factor 10 Low resolution 12 points over radius High resolution 25 points over radius Stretched grid in the transverse direction Increasing grid size

  19. outflow Jet injection+ perturbation outflow outflow 3D Numerical Simulation Grid: 300x800x300

  20. 1) M=3 h=1000 G=10 t=760

  21. 1) The entrainment is mediated by the cocoon

  22. M=30 h=10 G=10 t=265

  23. 1) 2)

  24. 1) M=3 h=1000 G=10 t=760 Faster deceleration Strong pinching due to high pressure cocoon Short wavelength mode  more efficient for entrainment 2) M=30 h=10 G=10 t=265 Helical mode

  25. Jet mass External mass Jet mass External mass

  26. Jet-IGM interaction from the point of view of IGM • Observational consequences of the interaction: X-ray observations • From the observations can we deduce information on jet parameters? • Heating of IGM


  28. CHANDRA Perseus A X - radio Perseus A X-ray

  29. Weak shocks OBSERVATIONS • X-ray cavities corresponding to radio lobes • Shells surrounding the cavities • Shell temperature equal or lower than the surrounding medium

  30. L-T relation for cluster gas

  31. NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS outflow Initial density distribution 2.6 Uniform temperature reflecting outflow 1024x1024 grid points Jet inlet 0 reflecting 2.6

  32. UNITS


  34. Strongly overpressured Weakly overpressured Subsonic jet lc = 2 lc = 1 lc = 0.5 M n

  35. Similar setup as before Larger grid, Longer integration times, longer than the lifetime of the radiosource Three cases with cluster of different scales: T 0.5 keV 1 keV 2 keV

  36. Entropy and dissipated energy Borgani et al. (2002) Efficiency

  37. Hydrostatic equilibrium Lloyd-Davies et al. (2000)

  38. L-T relation Entropy per particle (at ) First stage, future: insert heating at z > 0 on protoclusters and follow the evolution with a cosmological simulation

  39. Summary Single shear KH instability Deceleration of relativistic jets Heating of external medium by jets

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