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ODB – Object DataBases

ODB – Object DataBases. Object-Oriented – Fundamental Concepts UML and EE/R OO and Relational Databases Introduction to ODB. Chap. 20. Object-Orientation. Aims: To develop modifiable software which is robust in relation to: Changes in physical data representation (”the Y2K-problem”)

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ODB – Object DataBases

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  1. ODB – Object DataBases Object-Oriented – Fundamental Concepts UML and EE/R OO and Relational Databases Introduction to ODB Chap. 20 NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  2. Object-Orientation Aims: To develop modifiable software which is robust in relation to: • Changes in physical data representation (”the Y2K-problem”) • Changes in functional requirements Means: • Modularity bases on logical data structure: • data at some appropriate conceptual level is much more stable over time than functionality. • Data abstraction: • data are described as classes – that is in term of the logical behaviour of their operations, and not by their internal representation NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  3. Means (cont…) • Inheritance and polymorphism: • Classes may be defined as extensions/specialisations of existing classes (reuse) • New features may be added in the subclass • Inherited features may be redefined in the subclass • Dynamic binding (run-time) determines which specialised version of a given feature is to be applied (which class does the object actually belongs to) NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  4. Example – RecallMiniBank • The company MiniBank stores information about clients and accounts • About a client name, address, cprno (unique) and status (A= special clients, B= standard clients or C= problem clients) are stored. • About accounts accountno (unique), balance and interest rate are stored. • An account is always associated with exactly one client, a client may be associated with none or more accounts. NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  5. MiniBank – the OO-way Minibank: Find classes: Problem specific classes Client Account Library classes: Address CPRClass AccNoClass List<Type> NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  6. MiniBank – the OO-way Library classes – designed, implemented and tested once and for all: (In #C/Java++ something) class CPRClass { private: <<internal representation>> public: setCpr(-)//checking modulus 11 string getCprAsString(); int getAge(); ---- //and many more operations on CPR numbers } Similar for Address and AccNoClass. List<Type> is a generic Collection from the standard library of the programming language. NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  7. 0..n 1..1 Client Account MiniBank – the OO-way Find structure: As an alternative to the status attribute in Client, it may be specialised using inheritance NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  8. MiniBank – the OO-way Define problem specific classes: class Account{ private: float balance; float inRate; public: float getAvailable(){return balance;} void addInterestRate(){balance = balance + foo();} //other operations } NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  9. MiniBank – the OO-way class Client{ private: CPRClass cpr; //other attributtes list<Account> clientAccounts; //clients holds a //list of his accounts public: setClient(CPRClass clCpr,,,) {.. cpr.setCpr(clCpr);..} float getEngagement(){ float sum=0; for(int i=0;i<clientAccounts.len();i++) sum=sum+clientAccount[i].getAvailable(); return sum; } //other operations } NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  10. MiniBank – the OO-way • Now MiniBank wants to offer a new type of account to its clients: A BudgetAccount which as an agreed limit • This class may be defined as a specialisation of the existing Account using inheritance: • A new attribute lendingRate is added (the interest rate when the balance is negative) • Also an attribute limit is added (the limit that is agreed) • The operations addInterestRate redefined so interest rates are added according to the balance of the accaount • The operation getAvailable is redefined so balance+limit is returned • Polymorphism allows objects of type BudgetAccount to be stored in the clientAccounts-list of a Client-object NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  11. 0..n 1..1 Client Account Budget Account MiniBank – the OO-way NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  12. MiniBank – the OO-way class BudgetAccount: Account{ private: float lendIR; float limi; public: float getAvailable(){return balance + limit;} void addInterestRate(){ balance= balance + fooNew();} //other operations } Note: No changes in Client!!! NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  13. MiniBank – the OO-way class Client{ private: CPRClass cpr; //other attributtes list<Account> clientAccounts; //clients holds a //list of his accounts public: setClient(CPRClass clCpr,,,) {.. cpr.setCpr(clCpr);..} float getEngagement(){ float sum=0; for(int i=0;i<clientAccounts.len();i++) sum=sum+clientAccount[i].getAvailable(); return sum; } //other operations } Due to polymorphism subtypes of Account may be stored here Dynamic binding assures that the right version of getAvailable() is called NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  14. UML: Unified Modelling Language • Fig 3-15 ER model: Many similarities with UML Class Diagrams NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  15. Fig 3-16 UML Class Diagram: Many similarities with ER models NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  16. Specialisation in EER NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  17. Specialisation in UML • Fig 4-10 NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  18. Comparing: OO and RDB - a conflict? • OO: • data is described abstractly and represented as encapsulated objects • a model of arbitrary complex data structures are created – structure may be composite and repeating and may change dynamically • Changes in functional requirements are met by inheritance and polymorphism • OO-code is a good model of the domain • RDB: • data is describes as simple atomic values in rows in tables • no encapsulation, data abstraction, inheritance or polymorphism • normalisation leads spreading related data over many different tables and hence a more poor model of the domain NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  19. Transformation is needed when using RDBMS NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  20. Or in a picture… NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  21. Two trends • Object Databases (“pure ODBs”) • ObjectStore • O2 • FastObjects (Versant FastObjects .NET ) • ORDB: Extensions to SQL and RDBMSs in order to support OO-concepts: • SQL3 (SQL-99) • Oracle8 (and higher) • Informix Universal Server (now IBM) • IBM DB2 Universal Database NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  22. Object-oriented DBMSs • Extensions or APIs (libraries) to OOPLs • Still immature • Mostly used in applications with relatively few instances of large complex objects (as CAD/CAM, case tools, IDEs etc.) NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  23. Object-oriented DBMSs • OO systems are characterised by objects interacting in doing the job. • This includes: • Object identity (every object has a unique identity) • Object state (attribute values) • Features (functions/methods that can be applied to the object – the class) • Structure • Specialisation/Generalisation (inheritance). • Aggregation (objects may be composed of other objects – have attributes that refer to other objects including collections of other objects) • Association (objects refers to each other dynamically. OODBMS Must store all above. NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  24. OODB – object identity (OID) • OO systems are based upon object references (conceptual pointers, memory locations) • Object identity (OID): • OIDs are persistent pointers • OIDs are assigned to objects on creation • OIDs are immutable, that is are never changed and are not reused • OIDs are transparent to the user and managed by the DBMS • OIDs are not primary keys! • Primary keys may be found in the domain and • Primary keys may have semantics • Primary keys are local to a table (class/relation) – OIDs are global to the system • OIDs are simple, atomic values, primary keys may be composite NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  25. Object Structure • Any object may be represented by a triple: • (i, c, v), where • i is the OID of the object • c is the type constructor of the object • v is the state (or the current value) of the object NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  26. Type Constructors • atom • simple value (primitive data type) • tuple • <a1:i1, a2:i2,…,an:in>, where each a is an attribute name and each i is an OID • collection type • Some collection of OIDs • Collections may be: • set • list • bag • array NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  27. Example • Fig 20-2 NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  28. Features (operations) NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  29. Persistent Objects NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

  30. Inheritance • In OOPL: type perspective • In ODB: inheritance are also to be viewed as an constraint on the extension of a class: • Any object belonging to the extension of subtype must also belong to the extension of the super type • Multiple and selective inheritance Extension of class. What is that? NOEA/IT - Databases/ODB

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