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MapReduce over snapshots

MapReduce over snapshots. HBASE-8369. Enis Soztutar Enis [at] apache [dot] org @ enissoz. About Me. In the Hadoop space since 2007 Committer and PMC Member in Apache HBase and Hadoop Working at Hortonworks as member of Technical Staff Twitter: @ enissoz. Snapshots.

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MapReduce over snapshots

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  1. MapReduce over snapshots HBASE-8369 Enis Soztutar Enis [at] apache [dot] org @enissoz

  2. About Me • In the Hadoop space since 2007 • Committer and PMC Member in Apache HBase and Hadoop • Working at Hortonworks as member of Technical Staff • Twitter: @enissoz Architecting the Future of Big Data

  3. Snapshots • Currently a snapshot is a bunch of reference files together with some metadata • A table’ snapshot can contain • Table descriptor • List of regions • References to files in the regions • References to WALs for regionservers • Current snapshot impl is flush based • Forces flush to all regions, so that in-memory data is written to disk Architecting the Future of Big Data

  4. MR over Snapshots • Idea is do scan’s on the client side bypassing region servers • Use snapshots since they are immutable • Similar to short circuit hdfs reads • TableSnapshotInputFormat works similar to TableInputFormat • TableMapReduceUtilmethods to configure the job Architecting the Future of Big Data

  5. Deployment Options HBase online • Take snaphot while HBase is running • Run MR job over the snapshot HBase offline • Take snapshot while HBase is running • Export Snapshot using ExportSnapshot to a different hdfs • Run MR job over snapshot with or without HBase running Architecting the Future of Big Data

  6. TableSnapshotInputFormat • Gets a Scan representing the query • Restore the snapshot to a temporary directory • For each region in the snapshot: • Determine whether the region should be scanned (falls between scan start row and stop row) • Create one split per region in the scan range ( # of map tasks) • Each RecordReader will open the region (Hregion) as in HRegionServer • An internal RegionScanner is used for running the scan Architecting the Future of Big Data

  7. API Architecting the Future of Big Data

  8. Timeline • Will (hopefully) be committed to trunk next week or so • Interest in bringing this to 0.94 and 0.96 bases as well • Will come in HDP-2.1, which will be based on 0.96 line Architecting the Future of Big Data

  9. Security Aspects • HBase user owns the files in filesystem • Snapshot files are also owned by the HBase user • Mapreduce job should be able to read the files in the snapshot + actual data files • HDFS only has posix-like perms based on user/group/other • User running MR job has to be either the HBase user, or have group perms • HDFS does not have ACL’s, so there is no easy way to grant read access at filesystem layer • Idea: similar to current short circuit impl, we can implement a FD transfer • User will submit jobs under her own user credentials • Ask HBase daemons to open the files, and pass a handler / token Architecting the Future of Big Data

  10. Performance ScanTest: • Scan : open a scanner, do full table scan • SnapshotScan : open a client-side scanner, do full table scan • ScanMR : parallel full table scan from MR • SnapshotScanMR: do full table scan • 8 Region servers, 6 disks each • HBase trunk • Hadoop-2.2 (HDP- • Load data with IntegrationTestBulkLoad • Evenly distributed rows, created as bulk loaded hfiles. 3 column families • # store files per region varies 3,6,9, and 12 (1,2,3,4 file per store) • Data sizes: 6.6G, 13.2G, 19.8G, 26.4G Architecting the Future of Big Data

  11. Scan speed Architecting the Future of Big Data

  12. API • We do not want to limit snapshot scanning only to MapReduce • Allow client side scanners over snapshot files Architecting the Future of Big Data

  13. ResultScanner is main scan API Architecting the Future of Big Data

  14. API (caution: not final yet) Architecting the Future of Big Data

  15. To the future and beyond • HBASE-8691 High-Throughput Streaming Scan API • Can we bypass regionservers without taking snapshots? • Bypass memstore data, or stream memstore data, but read directly from hfiles • Secure reading from snapshots • Keep up with the updates at • https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-8369 Architecting the Future of Big Data

  16. Thanks Questions? Enis Söztutar enis [ at ] apache [dot] org @enissoz Architecting the Future of Big Data

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