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Río de Janeiro 18 July 2009

Science & Technology Indicators for EULARINET. Indicators for bi-regional cooperation comparison. Documents analysed: OST: S&T Indicators for EULANEST (Nov. 2007) IEDCYT: S&T Indicators for EULARINET (Feb. 2009) RICYT: online data. Río de Janeiro 18 July 2009.

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Río de Janeiro 18 July 2009

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  1. Science & Technology Indicators for EULARINET Indicators for bi-regional cooperation comparison Documents analysed: OST: S&T Indicators for EULANEST (Nov. 2007) IEDCYT: S&T Indicators for EULARINET (Feb. 2009) RICYT: online data Río de Janeiro 18 July 2009

  2. EULARINET (European Union-Latin American Research and Innovation Networks) WP1 Analysis, Monitoring and Review Task 1.2 Evaluation of bi-regional cooperation. Task leader: IRD This task has to search for appropriate indicators of S&T to measure the effects of bioregional cooperation. A concerted consultation between three observatories is proposed: IEDCYT, OST and RICYT in order to prepare a proposition of indicators. The set of indicators should allow the monitoring of: • financial flows related to bi-regional cooperation • human resources movements OST • scientific results obtained OST IEDCyT • technological results obtained OST IEDCyT • LA participation in European FP and vice-versa OST

  3. IEDCYT-CSIC: S&T Indicators for EULARINETPeriod studied: 2002-2006 (FP6)Countries studied: 18 LAcountries (excluding Caribbean countries) and EU-27 plus Norway OST: S&T Indicators for EULANEST Period studied: 2001-2004Countries studied: 5 LA countries and 5 European countries plus US 1- Indicators based on scientific publications Methodology • DB: Web of Science (WoS) • Counting method: fractional counting (=contribution) • Actors: countries assigned from address of laboratories • Citation window: unknown • Thematic classification: Fundamental Biology, Applied Biology- Ecology, Medical Research, Chemistry, Physics, Astro- and Geo-Sci., Engineering, Mathematics, Multidisciplinary (Nature, Science, PNAS) • Indicators smoothed on a 3 year basis Methodology • DB: Web of Science (WoS) - Counting method: Full counting (= participation) • Actors: countries assigned from address of laboratories • Citation window: 2002-2006 (variable citation window) • Thematic classification: Agriculture, Biology, Environmental Sciences; Biomedical Research; Chemistry; Clinical Medicine; Engineering, Technology; Humanities; Mathematics; Physics (including Astro- and Geo-Sciences); Social Sciences; Multidisciplinary (Nature, Science, PNAS)

  4. OST: IEDCYT-CSIC Indicators • Scientific production 1- Number of documents per LA country; yearly evolution 2- World-share of publications (%) per LA country; annual evolution 3- Specialisation index, per country and area, compared to the whole of LA • Impact (based on full counts): 4- Number of citations per document, for LA country and area 5- Percentage of non-cited documents, for LA country and area 6- Relative citations per document and relative % of non-cited doc. per country and area, versus the whole LA region • Collaboration (based on full counts): 7- Number and % of each LA country in collaboration with each EU country 8- Collaboration profiles of LA countries by area 9- Share of international co-publications: number of co-publications of LA country with EU country vs. total international co-publications of LA country (for each area) 10- Participation in international networks, size of networks and collaboration with other countries (Social Network Analysis), for each LA country and area • Influence of EU collab. in LA countries visibility, by area 11- Number of citations/doc of LA countries by area 12- Impact Collaboration Rate= citations/doc of EU-LA collab. Doc. citations/doc of only-domestic LA doc. Indicators • Scientific production 1- World-share of publications (%), per country thematic area 2- Specialisation index, per country and area = pub. world share of the country in area “i” publ. world share of the country in all areas • Impact (based on fractional counts): 3- Relative impact index, per country and area = citation world share of a country in area “i” publication world share of a country in area “I • Collaboration (based on integer counts): 4- Share of international co-publications (%) 5- Share of country A with B = number of co-publications of A with B x100 total number internat. public. of A

  5. OST: S&T Indicators for EULANEST IEDCYT-CSIC: S&T Indicators for EULARINET 2- Indicators based on patents Methodology • DB: Patent applications published by EPO, Espacenet platform • Countries assigned through inventor address • Granted American patents: USPTO in its online version • Countries assigned through inventor address • Thematic classification: International Patent Classification (IPC) • Counting method: full counting (= participation) Methodology • DB: Patent applications published by EPO, WIPO and PCT, excluding double counts • Countries assigned through inventor address • Granted American patents: USPTO (through IpIQ) • Countries assigned through inventor address • Thematic classification: IPC regrouped at sub-class level into 7 technological domains (OST- Fraunhofer Institut) • Counting method: fractional counting (= contribution) • Indicators smoothed on a 3 year basis

  6. OST: IEDCYT-CSIC Indicators • Technological production 1- Number of patent documents per LA country on a yearly basis 2- Annual evolution 3- World share of patents by year 4- Technological specialisation profile • Impact 5- Number of citations per patent, by LA country • Technology collaboration 6- Number and % of patent documents per year and LA country in collaboration with EU countries 7- Technological collaboration profile of countries by sector • Visibility of LA-EU collaborative patents 8- Number of cited patents and citations/patent 9- Influence of EU collaboration on the technological impact of LA countries I = citations/doc of LA-EU co-authored patents citations/doc domestic LA patents Indicators • World share of patents • Specialisation index

  7. Context indicators • 1- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) • 2- Population • 3- Description of the structure of each country • Input indicators per LA country on • 4- S&T expenses • 5- Researchers, per institutional sector, per inhabitant, per education level… • Output indicators per LA country • 6- Publications in multidisciplinary databases: SCI, Pascal, • 7- Publications in specialised databases: INSPEC, Compendex, BIOSIS, Chem.Abs., Medline, ICYT, CAB, IME, Periodica, Clase • 8- Patent indicators • 9- Innovation indicators • Output vs. input indicators • 10- Publications per researchers • 11- Publications per GDP RICYT: Red de Indicadores de Ciencia y Tecnología, Iberoamericana e Interamericana. Online Indicators

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