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The New HOP Process at UTSA

The New HOP Process at UTSA. Presented by: Dick Dawson Executive Director, Audit, Compliance & Risk Services Heather Foster Policy Specialist. HOP Committee.

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The New HOP Process at UTSA

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The New HOP Process at UTSA Presented by: Dick Dawson Executive Director, Audit, Compliance & Risk Services Heather Foster Policy Specialist

  2. HOP Committee • The committee is comprised of representatives from the President’s Office, each VP area, Faculty Senate, Staff Council and Student Government • Held first meeting in December 2008 • Established committee, approved charter and evaluated status of policies “in the hopper” • Established OICRS procedures for administrating the approval process

  3. President HOP Approval Process Legal Review Step 8 Step 7 Step 6 Responsible Executive Policy Coordinator Step 2 HOP Committee Step 3 Department/office proposing policy Step 1 Step 5 Step 4 Stake Holder Stake Holder Stake Holder Stake Holder Step 1 – University office will route draft policy to appropriate Responsible Executive Step 2– Responsible Executive will submit draft to Policy Coordinator Step 3– Policy Coordinator will distribute draft to HOP Committee to confirm Stakeholder review plans and await return Step 4– Policy Coordinator will distribute draft to Stakeholders for review and await return Step 5– Policy Coordinator will provide draft to Responsible Executive for consideration Step 6– Responsible Executive will resubmit draft to HOP Committee with any changes Step 7– After approval from majority of HOP Committee the draft will be sent to Legal for a legal sufficiency determination and return to the HOP Committee Step 8– HOP Committee will approve draft to be submitted to President for review and approval

  4. Policies “in the hopper” The committee inherited 22 policies in various stages of review and approval 18 of these were submitted to the Office of Legal Affairs by February 2009 As of today all but 2 of the original policies has been approved by the Office of General Counsel

  5. Phase I policy approvals • Began with 22 policies in December 2008 • To date the committee has reviewed a total of 38 policies • 16 new policies • 18 significant amendments • 4 insignificant amendments • 34 policies approved by the Office of General Counsel

  6. Website Improvements • Launched new website in November 2009 that matched the look and feel of UTSA’s homepage • Created new pages in effort to increase transparency of policy process: • What’s New – policy changes over the past 90 days • Policy Approval Process – brief description of the committee, includes process flowchart • Policy Revision Process – states every policy will be reviewed, at a minimum, every four years.

  7. Website Improvements • Enhanced search options and capabilities • Keyword • Responsible Executive • People Affected • Compliance Areas • Free Form • Policy Archive • Comprehensive electronic Policy Archive of the HOP

  8. Revision Schedule • Policy Age determined by Last Reviewed or Effective Date • Group 1 • 15-20 years old (revise within 1 yr) • Next Scheduled Review Date - 9/30/2010, 34 policies • Group 2 • 10-14 years old (revise within 2 yrs) • Next Scheduled Review Date - 9/30/2011 , 26 policies • Group 3 • 5-9 years old (revise within 3 yrs) • Next Scheduled Review Date - 9/30/2012, 34 policies • Group 4 • 1-4 years old (revise within 4 yrs) • Next Scheduled Review Date - 9/30/2013, 66 policies

  9. HOP Committee Members

  10. Questions? http://utsa.edu/hop/ Website

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