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Urban Forest Hurricane Recovery Program

A comprehensive program for selecting wind-resistant tree species in the Southeastern Coastal Plain for hurricane recovery. Includes a photo gallery and lists of tree species categorized by wind resistance.

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Urban Forest Hurricane Recovery Program

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  1. Urban Forest Hurricane Recovery Program http://treesandhurricanes.ifas.ufl.edu

  2. Selecting Southeastern Coastal Plain Tree Species for Wind Resistance: Photo Gallery of high to medium-highwind resistance Mary Duryea Eliana Kampf Ed Gilman Laura Paterson

  3. Lists are divided into: - Highest WR - Medium-High WR - Medium-Low WR - Lowest WR Lists of Relative Wind Resistant Tree Species • SE Coastal Plain • Tropical & Subtropical tree species

  4. Dicots Carya floridana, FL scrub hickory Cornus florida, dogwood Ilex cassine, dahoon holly Ilex glabra, inkberry Ilex opaca, American holly Ilex vomitoria, yaupon holly Lagerstroemia indica, crape myrtle Magnolia grandiflora, southern magnolia Quercus geminata, sand live oak Quercus laevis, turkey oak Quercus myrtifolia, myrtle oak Quercus virginiana, live oak Podocarpus spp, podocarpus Vaccinium arboreum, sparkleberry SE Coastal Plain tree species Highest Wind Resistance Conifers Taxodium ascendens, pondcypress Taxodium distichum, baldcypress Palms Butia capitata, pindo or jelly Phoenix canariensis, Canary Island date Phoenix dactylifera, date Sabal palmetto, cabbage, sabal

  5. Florida scrub hickoryCarya floridana

  6. flowering dogwoodCornus florida

  7. Dahoon hollyIlex cassine

  8. inkberryIlex glabra

  9. American hollyIlex opaca

  10. Yaupon hollyIlex vomitoria

  11. crapemyrtleLagerstoemia indica

  12. Southern magnoliaMagnolia grandiflora

  13. sand live oakQuercus geminata

  14. turkey oakQuercus laevis

  15. myrtle oakQuercus myrtifolia

  16. live oakQuercus virginiana

  17. PodocarpusPodocarpus spp. Podocarpus gracilior Podocarpus latifolius Podocarpus gracilior Podocarpus macrophyllus

  18. sparkleberryVaccinium arboreum

  19. pondcypressTaxodium ascendens

  20. baldcypressTaxodium distichum

  21. pindoButia capitata

  22. Canary Island datePhoenix canariensis

  23. datePhoenix dactylifera

  24. cabbage palmSabal palmetto

  25. SE Coastal Plain tree species Medium-High Wind Resistance Dicots Acer saccharum subsp. floridanum, FL sugar maple Acer palmatum, Japanese maple Betula nigra, river birch Carpinus caroliniana, ironwood Carya glabra, pignut hickory Carya tomentosa, mockernut hickory Cercis canadensis, red bud Chionanthus virginicus, fringe tree Diospyros virginiana, common persimmon Fraxinus americana, white ash Liquidambar styraciflua, sweetgum Magnolia virginiana, sweetbay magnolia Magnolia xsoulangiana, saucer magnolia Nyssa aquatica, water tupelo Nyssa sylvatica, black tupelo Ostrya virginiana, American hophornbean Prunus angustifolia, chickasaw plum Quercus michauxii, swamp chestnut Quercus shumardii, Shumard oak Quercus stellata, post oak Ulmus alata, winged elm

  26. Florida sugar mapleAcer saccharum subsp. floridadanum

  27. Japanese mapleAcer palmatum

  28. riverbirchBetula nigra

  29. ironwoodCarpinus caroliniana

  30. pignut hickoryCarya glabra

  31. mockernut hickoryCarya tomentosa

  32. redbudCercis canadensis

  33. fringe treeChionanthus virginicus

  34. common persimmonDiospyrus virginiana

  35. white ashFraxinus americana

  36. sweetgumLiquidambar styraciflua

  37. sweetbay magnoliaMagnolia virginiana

  38. Saucer magnoliaMagnolia x soulangiana

  39. water tupeloNyssa aquatica

  40. black tupeloNyssa sylvatica

  41. American hophornbeamOstrya virginiana

  42. Chickasaw plumPrunus angustifolia

  43. swamp chestnut oakQuercus michauxii

  44. Shumard oakQuercus shurmardii

  45. Post oakQuercus stellata

  46. winged elmUlmus alata

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