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Plusquam Perfekt

Plusquam Perfekt. Past tense 3. Uses and rules. Used to refer to something that happened before another event in the past. Example: I had already thought about it before I brought it up. You must use the past participles of “ haben ” and “sein” “ hatte , etc , war, etc ”

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Plusquam Perfekt

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PlusquamPerfekt Past tense 3

  2. Uses and rules • Used to refer to something that happened before another event in the past. • Example: I had already thought about it before I brought it up. • You must use the past participles of “haben” and “sein” • “hatte, etc, war, etc” • It will be used in a single sentence format, since it is being mentioned that it happened before the other past event. • Use the subordinating conjunctions to establish a timeline in which the events occurred.

  3. Conjunctions • als- when • bevor-before • nachdem-after • FYI: The subordinating conjunction will send the action verb to the END of the sentence. • After bevor and als use the perfekt or präteritum, put the main part of the sentence in the plusquamperfekt. • If you use nachdem reverse the order. Put plusquam first, then make the main clause in the perfect or präteritum.

  4. Secondary • If the clause with bevor, nachdem, als is in position 1 of the sentence, the main part of the sentence will start with the action verb. If the action verb is in plusquam or perfect, the helping verb goes first, past participle at the end of the sentence.

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