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What it is cervical cancer (cervical cancer)

What it is cervical cancer (cervical cancer)

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What it is cervical cancer (cervical cancer)

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  1. Cervical cancer is cancer that occurs when there are cells in the neck of the uterus or the cervix that are not normal, and continues to grow with no control. Abnormal cells that can develop quickly resulting in a tumor on the cervix. Malignant tumors will grow so the causes and symptoms of cervical cancer. The neck of the uterus alone is the organ that is shaped like a cylindrical tube. Its function is to connect the vagina with the uterus. This cancer is one of the types of cancer that occur most commonly on women around the world. However, the test of pap smear routinely can help determine the presence of cancer of the cervix early. Cervical cancer often can be cured if found early. In addition, there are several methods for controlling the Signs and symptoms of cervical cancer, which makes the numbers of cervical cancer cases decreases.

  2. How umumkah cervical cancer (cervical cancer)? Cervical cancer is very common in all over the world. According to the records of the World Health organization or WHO, cervical cancer is a type of cancer number four that most often affects women. Further, the WHO also observed that the treatment of cervical cancer is greater in developing countries than in developed countries. In Indonesia, the Ministry of Health even noted that cervical cancer is ranked second for the type of cancer the most common cancer after breast cancer. Every year, there are about 40,000 new cases of cervical cancer were detected in women .

  3. This condition can occur in patients with any age. However, increasing age, a person's risk of experiencing cancer of the cervix the large. Cervical cancer can be treated with reduce fator-risk factors. Discuss with doctor for more information. Signs & symptoms What are the traits and symptoms of cervical cancer (cervical cancer)? At an early stage, women with early cervical cancer and pre-cancer will not experience symptoms. This is because cervical cancer does not show Signs and symptoms of cancer until a tumor is formed. The Tumor could then push organs around and interfere with healthy cells. Symptoms of cervical cancer can be characterized by the following traits. ● Bleeding that is not reasonable from the vagina. For example bleeding when You are not menstruation, menstruation, bleeding after or during sex, after menopause, after defecation, or after a pelvic examination. ● The menstrual cycle is so irregular. ● Pain in the pelvic (lower abdomen). ● Pain during sex or having sex. ● The pain in the lumbar (lower back) or legs. ● Body limp and tired easily. ● Weight decreased when not on a diet. ● Loss of appetite. ● Vaginal discharge that is not normal, such as smelling or accompanied by blood. ● One of the legs to swell.

  4. There are some other conditions, such as infection, which can lead to various traits of cancer of the cervix. However, whatever the causes and signs of cancer, You should still visit a doctor to get that checked out. Ignore the possible symptoms of cervical cancer will only make the condition deteriorate and lose the chance of effective treatment. Better yet, don't wait until the symptoms of cervical cancer appear. The best way to take care of sex by doing a pap smear test and pelvic exam regularly to the gynecologist. Chances are there signs and symptoms of cervical cancer not mentioned above. If You have concerns about a particular symptom, please consult with Your doctor.

  5. When should I see a doctor? If You show some of the signs or symptoms of cervical cancer in the above or other questions, please consult with Your doctor. The body of each person is different. Always consult to the doctor to handle Your health condition and see any of the traits of cancer of the cervix. But, actually all the women (especially married or sexually active) should be to the doctor to check and get the HPV vaccine. No need to wait until the emerging traits of cervical cancer to seek medical help. Women aged above 40 years are also strongly advised to see a doctor and perform pap smear tests regularly. Because, as you get older You are more prone to this cancer. While You may not feel a variety of symptoms and treatment of cervical cancer that have already started to attack. The cause

  6. What is the cause of cervical cancer (cervical cancer)? Almost all cases of cervical cancer caused by human papillomavirus or abbreviated to HPV. There are more than one hundred types of HPV, but so far there are only roughly 13 types of viruses that can cause cervical cancer. The Virus is often transmitted through sexual intercourse. In a woman's body, this virus produces two types of proteins, namely E6 and E7. The second protein is dangerous because it can turn off specific genes in a woman's body that play a role in stopping the development of tumors. Both of these proteins also trigger the growth of cells of the uterine wall aggressively. Cell growth that is not reasonable this eventually leads to gene change (also called as gene mutation). Mutation of the gene is then be the cause of cervical cancer treatment develop in the body.

  7. Some types of HPV do not cause any symptoms at all. However, some types can cause genital warts, and some can cause cervical cancer. Only a doctor can diagnose and ascertain how the dangers of the type of HPV that You are experiencing. Two derivatives of the HPV virus (HPV 16 and HPV 18) is known to play a role in 70% of cases of cervical cancer. Types of HPV infection does not cancer causes and symptoms, so many women are not aware they have the infection. In fact, most adult women actually ever be “home” HPV at some time in their lives. HPV can be easily found through a pap smear test. This is why pap smear tests are very important to prevent cervical cancer. A pap smear test is able to detect a difference in cervical cells before they turn into cancer. If You handle changes in the cell, You can protect yourself from cervical cancer.

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