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Strategic Plan & System Initiatives Update

Strategic Plan & System Initiatives Update. September 2008. New Goals & Measures. Distance Learning Transferability Student Assistance (Unmet Need) Remediation. All are new goals and measures adopted by PEPB for inclusion in Shared Policy Goals Document

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Strategic Plan & System Initiatives Update

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  1. Strategic Plan & System Initiatives Update September 2008

  2. New Goals & Measures • Distance Learning • Transferability • Student Assistance (Unmet Need) • Remediation All are new goals and measures adopted by PEPB for inclusion in Shared Policy Goals Document Presented to BOR in July 2008, with recommendation to return with data and benchmarks

  3. MUS Distance Learning Initiative The 2007 Legislature appropriated $900,000 ($450,000 of one-time-only money) to further develop and centralize components of distance learning. • Primary outcomes for this initiative include: • system-wide portal for distance education courses and degree programs • expanded offerings in high demand areas (both workforce and transfer oriented courses) • on-line capabilities for student services, advising, and tuition and fee payment.

  4. Distance Learning Measures: Improve distance and online learning by coordinating online delivery of education across the entire Montana University System in order to facilitate: (Shared Policy measures adopted by PEPB and LFC) • Increased student enrollment growth in online courses • Increased number of online courses and programs • Increased number of workforce development online courses and programs.

  5. Distance Learning Distance Education(def.): courses where the instructor and the members of the class are physically separated resulting in no contact in a traditional classroom setting and where instruction is provided using technologies generally recognized as Distance Education technologies (e.g. web, video, ITV) It should be noted that a large number of courses are offered in a “hybrid” fashion (i.e. a portion delivered by distance and portion by face to face) that are not counted in this report.

  6. Distance Learning Measure #1: Increase student enrollment in online courses Recommended Target: 10% annual growth +12% +31% -2% +17% +26% +30% Enrollment in Distance Learning increased by 26% from 2006 to 2007. In Fall 2007, 15% of MUS students enrolled in at least one Distance Learning course (20% is Nat’l Avg.; source: Sloan Consortium).

  7. Distance Learning Measure #2: Increase number of online courses & programs Recommended Target: 10% annual growth +16% +17% 1% +19% +60% +37% Distance Learning courses offered in the MUS increased by 19% from 2006 to 2007. In Fall 2007, 11% of all undergraduate courses offered were delivered via Distance Learning.

  8. Distance Learning Measure #3: Increase number of workforce development online courses and programs Recommended Target: 10% annual growth +16% +49% 8% +39% +9% +41% The number of Distance Learning courses offered at the Colleges of Technology increased by 9% from 2006 to 2007.

  9. Distance Learning • 2007-08 Action Steps: • Unveiled on-line directory of distance learning programs and courses, located at www.mus.edu/online. • Expanded General Education Core on-line course offerings. • Conducted strategic planning session to attain the identified goals, and gathered/validated campus online delivery data for FY07. • Created/executed RFP for web development to expand the MUS database and online access and use. • Conducted needs assessment to identify faculty training and resource needs and how to best capitalize on economies of scale. • Awarded campus matching funds to support the development and delivery of additional programs & courses. • Expanded campus participation in the regional exchange program for distance delivered courses, through the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education.

  10. Distance Learning • 2008-09 Action Steps: • Award campus matching grants and support the development and design of new online courses & programs. • Support development and design for online apprenticeship training modules. • Fund the purchase of additional online equipment for faculty to use in course development. • Support campus personnel to serve as online student tutors, as well as training for faculty. • Fund development of additional online student support and services, including online advising. • Support the development of a survey of Montanans to identify online delivery gaps in courses and in programs available online. • Support development of additional web-based training and development for online faculty.

  11. MUS Transferability Initiative The 2007 Legislature appropriated $1.5 million to improve the transferability of student credits/coursework between the campuses of the Montana University System (including the community colleges). Measures: Improve articulation and transferability among all 2-year and 4-year institutions, including community colleges and tribal colleges as measured by: (Shared Policy measures adopted by PEPB and LFC) • All undergraduate courses in the Montana University System will go through the process of common course numbering • All courses deemed to be equivalent must possess the same prefix, course number, title and credits; such courses will directly transfer on a one-to-one basis • Common course numbering will result in a user-friendly web-based computer interface that shows equivalent, transferable courses across the university system

  12. TransferabilityInitiative Measure #1: All undergraduate courses in the Montana University System will go through the process of common course numbering • Benchmarks: • 12 disciplines completed by January 1, 2009 • 10 additional disciplines completed by June 30, 2009 • All disciplines completed by June 30, 2011 Measure #2: All courses deemed to be equivalent must possess the same prefix, course number, title and credits; such courses will directly transfer on a one-to-one basis Benchmark: BOR Policy 301.5.5 – Equivalent Course Identification and Numbering

  13. Transferability Initiative Measure #3:Common course numbering will result in a user-friendly web-based computer interface that shows equivalent, transferable courses across the university system • Benchmark: • Website will go live on January 1, 2009

  14. Transferability Initiative Process Steps and Update • Faculty council reviews • Over 5,200 courses in 16 disciplines at 24 postsecondary institutions reviewed August 2007 – August 2008 • Common course proposals • Matrices for 3 disciplines prepared and proposed, May 2008 • Matrices for 11 additional disciplines prepared and proposed, August, 2008

  15. Transferability Initiative Process Steps and Update, Cont. • MUS sends proposed course matrices to faculty councils for review & feedback throughout August 2008 • Faculty councils deliver their feedback on accuracy, completeness and alignment of course matrices by September 30, 2008 • Faculty councils deliver their student learning outcomes for equivalent courses by October 31, 2008 • Commissioner assigns numbers for all courses in at least 12 disciplines – December 5, 2008 • Resolution of CCNs, troubleshooting for implementation – September-December 2008

  16. Student Assistance Reduce the amount of unmet student need for financial aid as measured by: • Cost of attendance – (expected family contribution + average aid award to eligible students)

  17. Cost of Attendance ($15,500) Unmet Need $10,197 Academic year prices for full-time in-state undergraduates: Tuition & Fees Room & Board Books & Supplies Other Living Expenses Avg. Aid $4,380 (not including loans) EFC $924 (Pell recipients only) Student Assistance Unmet Need - Unmet need of students receiving Pell Grants (note: Pell serves as low-income, need-based indicator) MSU & UM Figures (avg), 2006-07 Unmet financial need continues to grow when cost of attendance outpaces financial aid resources. Total unmet need = $70 Million (N = 6,859 Pell Recipients)

  18. Remediation Decrease the percentage of recent Montana high school students requiring remedial/developmental coursework in the university system as measured by: • A joint report from the Board of Regents and the Board of Public Education that addresses the status of joint efforts to align K-12 academic standards with higher education enrollment standards, leading to a shared policy goal and accountability measures between these educational institutions.

  19. Recommendation Incorporate new measures into BOR Strategic Plan, including recommended targets/benchmarks.

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