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Quoahub Top 20 Business| 20 Business Ideas You Can Start With 5 lakh ~Rs!
Top 20 Business| 20 Business Ideas You Can Start With 5 lakh ~Rs! Click on “image” to read out more interesting Business idea-related posts Click on link below for more business ides related post ~ Top 20 Business| 20 Business Ideas You Can Start With 5 lakh ~Rs! Sabeer Bhatia founded Hotmail in 1995 with his notion of a free, Internet-based email service accessible from anywhere in the globe and initial money from pioneering venture fund Draper Fisher Jurvetson. On July 4, 1996, the service went commercial. The concept was adopted by 8.5 million people by December 1997. That month, Microsoft Corporation, the world's largest software corporation, paid him $400 million for it. That is the strength of a good concept. Businesses like Hotmail have altered the norms of beginning a new business in the recent decade. The first myth that has been debunked is that it requires a huge amount of cash to get started. The second idea to disappear was the requirement to create a physical product to sell. Their collapse has been aided in no little part by the general public's increased access to the Internet, as well as the growth of services, rather than manufacturing, as a massive and rapidly rising industry.
Furthermore, the rise of angel investors, venture capitalists, and private equity firms has made funding a new business simpler, but not straightforward. The capacity to identify unmet requirements for products or services is the first new necessity for next-generation enterprises, referred to as the big idea by veteran advertising professionals. Clean a shoe, one, two... Consider the instance of Sandeep Gajakas from Mumbai. He noticed a lot of generally well-dressed folks walking around in costly but filthy shoes. This was due to the fact that traditional procedures were insufficient for cleaning high-tech branded shoes made of various materials and textures. 20 Startups You Can Start With Rs 5 Lakh Or Less There is no entrance cost. Gajakas is not the only one who has turned a good concept into a profitable business. Table 20 Businesses You Can Start With Rs 5 Lakh discusses ventures that do not require a large amount of seed money, taking into account both the initial capital outlay and the operating capital required to get things started. In each case, someone has made a success of it. And they can all be copied, yet the specialised expertise required by the majority of them creates an entrance barrier that keeps competition at bay and prevents them from becoming commoditized. Gro ss Prof it (%) Amount you need to start (Rs) Break -even perio d Comp any in the Name Skills needed Business Entrepreneur(s) Business What's it about Arrange temporary manpower for event managers. There are young people reaady to make some quick money and event managers are looking for more hands. Radica ls, Mumb ai Ultra-short temping services 10 Networki ng Chirag Bhatia, Varun Parekh 1,000 20 mont hs Knowledg e of using the chemicals involved, marketing Shoe Laundr y, Mumb ai Canvas shoes were cleaned earlier with just detergent and an old toothbrush. But people who wear today's fancy sneakers prefer paying a bit to have them cleaned by experts. 3 Shoe wash 7,000 40 mont hs Sandeep Gajakas How do you lay out a dinner spread with the best dishes from the best restaurants in town? Or, get food from your favourite resturant? A specialist food delivery service can do just that. Dial-a- Meal, Hydera bad 2 Food delivery Marketing and sales Pani Kumar Reddy 15,000 20 mont hs Ecstac y Enterp rises, Kolkat a B-schools are making dress codes compulsory for students. Law and medical colleges may do the same. Tie up with these institutions to deliver dresses at student-friendly prices. Man Uniform making managem ent 20,000 N.A. 1 year Atiq Shah
Networki ng, communic ation skills Concie rge 4 India, Delhi Arrange services like medical treatment, babysitting and even plumbing for newcomers to a place. 6 Concierge services 50,000 10 mont hs Arvind Pandey Man Pristin e Interio rs, Delhi managem ent, communic ation skills House keeping (hotels) Help hotels keep their rooms spick and span. 50,000 20 N.A. Ritu Mukherji E-State s Intern ational ,Pune Property managemen t Find a suitable workplace for business enterprises and save their time by doing all the cumbersome paperwork for them. 1 Marketing and sales Sundip Joshy, Sachin Dhanwala 50,000 50 mont h Tons Teleco m, Bangal ore Telecom Business Consultantc y With the spirit of entrepreneurship reaching new heights, leverage your knowledge and expertise to make business plans for budding entrepreneurs. 4 Networki ng 50,000 N.A. mont hs Sridhar Pai Depe nds on projec ts you get Weddings in India have unmatched opulence and are a long drawn process in some parts. Organise them for people who do not have the time. TAB Events, Delhi Wedding planning Creativity 50,000 15 Rita Bhasin Pre-recruit ment and assessment exercise MeritT rac, Bangal ore There is a talent crunch in India. Help cos hire workers by preparing tests and then evaluating applicants on the basis of their performance. 2 Marketing and sales 75,000 25 mont hs Madan Padaki Rage Chocol atiers, Bangal ore Custom-ma king chocolates Creativity, love for chocolates Prepare the perfect food, chemically speaking, and serve in fancy wrappers. 30-3 5 1 100,000 Rashmi Vaswani week Phanindra Sama, Charan Padmaraju, Sudhakar Pasupunuri, Bangalore Inter-city bus service is booming. Create a webpage that shows all the bus routes and their rates and through which tickets can be booked. Knowledg e of IT, bus routes 5 Bus service website Red bus 200,000 10 mont hs Sensitivity , idea of direct gift makers' outlets Sacred Mome nts, Mumb ai Custom-ma king festival gifts 3 Innovatively choose festival gifts for a client and have them appropriately wrapped. Prakash Mundhra 300,000 20 mont hs Media planning, knowledg e of Net, networkin g Have a directory of websites and use your access to those in charge of them to get the right niche ad space for a client, so that he maximises his reach to his target audience. Ozone Media, Bangal ore Online ads 300,000 20 1 year Kiran Gopinath Growing use of water tanks and concern for hygiene gives you a chance to displace the guy in dirty overalls and professionally clean tanks with 7 TanCle an, Mumb Tank cleaning Tech-savv y 400,000 30 mont hs Sunil Uplab
the right equipment. ai Pinkert on Consul ting & Investi gations India (PCII), Gurgao n Networki ng with police, legal knowledg e Informaton security is a big concern for BPOs. Check the background of prospective employees to avoid corporate fraud. 6 Krishnendu Biswas, works for PCII as MD Verification services 400,000 10 mont hs Knowledg e about getaways, high fun quotient Outrig or, Bangal ore Pollution, long working hours, stress ... customise trips to forests, fishing riverines and mountains for those who just wanna chill (Ye man!) 24 Sandeep Chakrabarti Travel guide 1,50,000 35 mont hs Desk Digital Print, Delhi 15 Merchandisi ng services Merchandising by business establishments is growing. Do it efficiently for them. Marketing , creativity Yogesh Bharadwaj 2,00,000 10 mont hs Health and Insura nce Integra ted, Noida Knowledg e of insurance, networkin g Manage the credit finances of hospitals that are outsourcing this job. The quicker you recover money for your client the more the chances of success. 3 Revenue credit billing Deepak Mendiratta 2,00,000 20 mont hs Man managem ent, communic ation skills 12 Housekeepi ng (offices) Help Shining India. Get its offices cleaned. 5,00,000 5 mont hs N/A N/A So, armed with a knowledge of chemicals and cleaning processes and Rs 7,000, he launched Shoe Laundry, a shoe washing service, four years ago. His service drew the attention of corporate executives, TV and film stars, models, and politicians, among others, who were willing to spend Rs 120 to have their expensive shoes looking like new. Today, his clientele include Yash Chopra and his family, and his monthly revenue has risen to around Rs 1.5 lakh. While he used to do all of the cleaning himself since he didn't trust anybody else to handle it, he has now recruited help to keep his business thriving. Determine a need. Cleaning a drinking water tank is one of the most monotonous tasks. Sunil Uplap, who lives in Mumbai, noticed tobacco-chewing, beedi-smoking workers cleaning one and decided there was a job to be done. So, in 1995, he founded TanClean, a company that employs sophisticated cleaning and disinfection procedures to provide drinkable water. TanClean already operates in 87 cities and towns, and Uplap is looking for more franchisees.
The dotcom bust of 2000 demonstrated that success cannot be achieved merely because the entrance barrier is low. However, Bangalore-based Phanindra Sama, Charan Padmaraju, and Sudhakar Pasupunuri demonstrated that good ideas may still be implemented through {RedBusdotin} It is one of the few websites in India where you can buy bus tickets in the same way that you can buy airline tickets. The investment is cheap, but perseverance is required to get beyond the early phases, according to Sama. According to Sanjay Anandaram, managing director of JumpStartUp, "bus service is frequently overlooked, although in India it is a $2 billion-plus (approx. Rs 8,000 crore) market." Pani Kumar Reddy of Hyderabad has devised a revolutionary method of bringing demand and supply together. His Dial-A-Meal service has partnered with eateries in Hyderabad to bring food to all areas of the city. Today, it is a household name in that city. Bangalore-based Ozone Media, founded by Kiran Gopinath, is an Internet advertising network. It connects individuals who have Web advertising space with others who need it. He collaborates with internet publishers to expand advertising reach throughout the world. His original investment was only Rs 3 lakh, but his success demonstrates his ability to network. Business breeds business. Sachin Dhanwala and Sundip Joshy of Pune-based E-States International will take off the difficult task of selecting the proper office space for businesses. "We will not only find a home or two, but we will also take care of all the paper work," Joshy and Dhanwala said. The expanding boom has also created chances for professional housekeeping firms. "With numerous malls and BPOs sprouting up in different areas of the nation, there is a lot of possibility for the success of such an enterprise," says Ramesh Verma, owner of housekeeping service Collections in Delhi. "The true investment that a person has to make is their time and knowledge," says Ritu Mukherji, owner of Delhi's Pristine Interiors, which provides housekeeping for hotels. Her company is built on her 16 years of expertise with the Oberoi group. Arvind Pandey's eponymous Concierge 4 India also provides concierge services to expats. As more of them go to India, there will be plenty of opportunities for anyone who enters this profession. Ride the wave. The rise of BPO has raised concerns about data security. Pinkerton Consulting and Investigations handles this by verifying potential workers' qualifications. According to managing director Krishnendu Biswas, the "growth potential is huge." Tons Telecom was founded by Sridhar Pai, a 15-year telecom industry veteran, to train newbies and even assist them develop business concepts. Event management is becoming more popular in India, and managers frequently require temporary help. Chirag Bhatia and Varun Parekh of Mumbai put them in touch with students looking to enhance their income.
Deepak Mendiratta has effectively used his insurance skills and knowledge to boost the revenues of Heath Insurance Integrated, a revenue credit billing firm situated in Noida. His duty is to manage the paperwork and issues that come when patients make credit payments and seek reimbursement from their parent organisation. Do what you enjoy. Passion is essential in these endeavours. You'll need a lot of it. Rashmi Vaswani's Rage Chocolatiers in Bangalore is the result of Rashmi's chocolate obsession. Two years ago, a casual chocolate preparation for a friend resulted in an order of 150 kg of customised chocolates, and there was no turning back. You, too, may put a new spin on an old favourite. Weddings are growing increasingly extravagant as average wages in India rise, and a demand has emerged to creatively organise them for others. TAB Events, located in Delhi, has been doing exactly that. "Seed cash is small, but the most important thing to spend is time," she explains. Prakash Mundhra of Pune has turned his talent for selecting presents for special occasions into a company. His Sacred Moments creates customised puja and celebration packages, even down to the agarbatti. KNOCKING AT THE DOOR Finally, we leave you with five additional business concepts that have shown to be successful in the West but have yet to get traction in India. Given that some areas of life are becoming more uniform throughout the world, it is just a matter of time until Indians begin to expect similar services as well. To that extent, we believe they have promising potential. Furthermore, you should be able to get started for Rs 5 lakh or less. Here we go. Home examination.- Looking for a home to purchase or rent may be time-consuming. Many people would be thankful if someone could shortlist residences for them for a fee. E-commerce website.- A website that makes it easier to locate the cheapest pricing for toasters, trucks, and everything in between is certain to attract a large number of visitors. Payroll management.- This includes tax breaks at the source, PF contributions, and tax-advantaged investments. Clients to target: SMEs who cannot afford to spend too much money on administrative skills. Website for Children's- A website that provides parents with a selection of kid names from which to choose, as well as investment alternatives for saving for their child's future. Services for Warehousing. - The transportation of goods from warehouses to retail locations. What are you waiting for, with so many options for starting small and thinking big? Go ahead and begin!
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