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Q 13 measurement with JHF- n

Q 13 measurement with JHF- n. F.Sánchez Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona IFAE. Disclaimer The talk is mainly based on the JHF- n proposal (Y.Itow et al., hep-ex/0106019 ) My only contribution is the compilation and some updated plots. JHF- n. Off-axis conventional beam E n < 1 GeV.

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Q 13 measurement with JHF- n

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  1. Q13 measurement with JHF-n F.Sánchez Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona IFAE

  2. Disclaimer • The talk is mainly based on the JHF-n proposal (Y.Itow et al., hep-ex/0106019 ) • My only contribution is the compilation and some updated plots.

  3. JHF-n Off-axis conventional beam En < 1 GeV. Base line of 295Km to SuperKamiokande. JHF (Japan Hadron Facility) High intensity proton accelerator 50 GeV 0.75 MW (to be proven!) High intensity neutrino flux with <En>~ 0.7GeV at maximumof the nm-nt oscillation for Dm223~0.003 eV2

  4. JHF-n beam Primary Proton beamline Japan Hadron Facility is a multipurpose p accelerator covering items from CP violation in K, hyperon production to nuclear physics. Target Station Relevant parameters for n beam Decay Volume m pit SK Beam Axis 130day/year x 3.3 1014 ppp x 2.5 104p/day ~ 1021pot/year 50GeV PS

  5. Far Det. q Decay Pipe Target Horns OA1° nm OA2° OA3° Off-axis n beam • In a two body decay: • p->nm m • Almost monochromatic beam. • Higher n flux at the maximum of the oscillation than wide band option.

  6. Off-axis n beam Maximum n energy as a function of the off-axis value JHF

  7. Beam Monte Carlo simulation • All calculations are done with a simple two horns GEANT simulation with a long decay pipe (80m). • Includes m polarization. HORN 2 HORN 1 Similar to K2K. Notoptimized!!!

  8. Neutrino energy spectra for 2º off-axis Main contribution: p→m n K→mn contributes to the large energy tails, nm It was 0.033GeV for p ne • Intrinsic ne does not “peak”. Originated from 3 body decays: • m→enenm • K+e3 and Kºe3 contributing to the large energy tails.

  9. Neutrino Fluxes Neutrino flux for En < 1.2 GeV (> 1.2 GeV) ne background below 1%. Similar spectra in all cases (mainly from the m 3-body decay). • Similar flux in the region of interest but: • Flatter for lower off-axis values (lower sensitivity). • Higher flux in WBB above 1.2 GeV (higher backgrounds from NC & CC production).

  10. Normalizing the n flux: close detector In the K2K case, the claim is 5% systematic from normalization. • To normalize the n flux an off-axis detector at 2km is planned (1 KTon water Čerenkov detector –100 Ton fiducial volume-). • Standard problem of different angular coverage between far and close is diluted by beam dispersion: Angle from the p beam to SK.

  11. Normalizing the n flux Similar n energy spectra in both the close and far detectors. In the region of interest, deviations are below 1%. Unexpected similar result for ne. (mainly from 3-body decays)

  12. Normalizing the n flux • Other functionalities of 2km detector • Measurement of neutrino cross-section: • Neutral current. • Charge currents quasi-elastic and non-quasi-elastic. • Interaction topologies and multiplicities: • single p±/p0 production. • Measurement ne contamination. • The 2km detector will be probably similar to the K2K experiment: • water Čerenkov detector. • fine grained calorimeter. • m spectrometer.

  13. nm disappearance I: En reconstruction • En < 1 GeV, mainly Quasi-elastic interactions: nm n → p m • Energy of neutrino can be recovered: • m energy resolution: 3%. • m angular resolution: 3º. • Observation of the oscillation dip →Good resolution in Dm223 → Confirmation of oscillation. • Resolution limited by: • Fermi motion (smearing of ~200 MeV). • Non-QE background subtraction. • Coherent nuclear effects (Nucleus as a target). • Energy shape prediction.

  14. Quasi elastic events in JHF-n JHF off axis Reconstructed vs. true energy in SuperKamiokande for QE events (no Fermi motion). Fraction of QE provided by Nuance Monte Carlo.

  15. nm disappearance I: En reconstruction • En < 1 GeV, mainly Quasi-elastic interactions: nm n → p m • Energy of neutrino can be recovered: • m energy resolution: 3%. • m angular resolution: 3º. • Observation of the oscillation dip →Good resolution in Dm223 → Confirmation of oscillation. • Resolution limited by: • Fermi motion (smearing of ~200 MeV). • Non-QE background subtraction. • Coherent nuclear effects (Nucleus as a target). • Energy shape prediction.

  16. nm disappearance II: flux normalization • Sensitivity to Q23 enhanced by off-axis technique. • The normalization error is highly suppressed (5% in K2K): • Systematic errors: • Neutrino energy shape uncertainties. • Knowledge of energy resolution in far detector (Far/near resolution comparison). • Non-QE background subtraction.

  17. Principle of Q13 measurement • In the assumption of two maximal mixing (12 and 23) the 1 ↔ 3 oscillation will lead to a ne ↔ nt oscillation which needs of a high energy intense ne beam. • However, there is a subdominant oscillation: nm → ne that can be detected in conventional intense beams. The signature is the appearance ofne. • The number of ne is function of Q13 via: nm nt Dm2 = 0.003 eV2 Sin2Qme = 0.05 En = 0.7 GeV ne

  18. ne appearance: background I • Intrinsic background: • nt CC with t→ enn (En below t threshold). • ne contamination of the beam. ( < 6 ‰ ) • ne appearance from Q12 mixing (~ 1 ‰ )→ • The signal is expected to be small, so the background will limit the sensitivity to Q13. Q13=0 First maximum nm ne

  19. e m g g ne appearance: background II Detector related backgrounds • p0 →e misidentification. • p0 identification from 2 Č. rings. • Background: • Missing ring • Overlapped ring. m/p→e misidentification. Id. from ring shape arguments. data 2g invariant mass

  20. ne appearance: background III • p0 →e separation cuts: • Angle between ne and e. (p0 more forward) • Energy fraction of lower energy ring. • Double ring likelihood (low energy ring shadowed by light diffusion). • Invariant mass of 2 photons. Tested in the realistic Superkamiokande Monte Carlo

  21. Sensitivity to Q13 in JHF-n: bck estimates From beam simulation and SK Monte Carlo (5 years exposure): Dm2 = 0.003 eV2 Sin2Qme = 0.05 From En range Mainly p from NC QE!!!! In absence of signal: Bck ~ 22 events Expected signal

  22. Sensitivity to Q13 in JHF-n Old result from JHF-n proposal. Sesitivity contour from a full oscillation analysis. Sensitivity is enhanced around the expected value of Dm2 for both off-axis and narrow band beam. • 5 Years (~ 5 1021 pot) • Three options: • Wide Band • OAB 2º • NBB 2 GeV.

  23. Conclusions Superkamiokande is a known-good n detector around 1GeV: Good angular and energy resolution. Good particle id. capabilities. + All accumulated experience. Off-axis technique: maximum sensitivity & low background. energy reconstruction from QE. High intensity proton beam (1012 pot/year). Near (2km) detector: Optimal flux normalization. Characterization of nN interactions at these energies. JHF-n will measure sin2 2 Qme with a sensitivity of 0.003 @ 90% C.L. after 5 years of operation in the appearance of ne from a nm beam. • But!, low energy means: • Low n cross-section. (bad for ne appearance) • Large energy uncertainty from Fermi motion worsening D2m resolution for nm.

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