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Marketing Made Simple 3 Tools That Will Make Your Decisions Easier and Your Marketing Work Better

Marketing Made Simple 3 Tools That Will Make Your Decisions Easier and Your Marketing Work Better. Who am I?. Dan Hart – Client Rush Marketing

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Marketing Made Simple 3 Tools That Will Make Your Decisions Easier and Your Marketing Work Better

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  1. Marketing Made Simple3 Tools That Will Make Your Decisions Easier and Your Marketing Work Better

  2. Who am I? • Dan Hart – Client Rush Marketing • I help service businesses get clear on their marketing strategy, and then help them get it implemented. We also train and empower their team to get better results from their marketing efforts. • We are DigitalMarketer Certified Partners, and we are helping Digital Marketer achieve their goal of doubling the size of 10,000 businesses by 2020. • I live in Edmonds, and am a stay-at-home dad for my 16-month-old son Jimmy. My wife is a manager at a local bank.

  3. My little assistant

  4. Marketing is Hard • Too many things you feel like you should be doing • Everyone wants your $$ but it is hard to tell what is working • You try things and they don’t work • You don’t have the time or energy to figure this stuff out • Online marketing seems very technical, but tech-savviness doesn’t seem to really help • Everyone wants to sell you tools so you can do your marketing yourself, but they won’t help you get results or take responsibility for your results with these tools.

  5. Make it easier on yourself with a plan

  6. Components of a Strong Marketing Plan • Get to know your target customer really well (Customer Avatar) • Understand the transformation you create in that person’s life (Before/After chart of their lives before you and after you) • Map out your Customer’s Value Journey so you can follow along with them each step of the way • Then start spending $ and time building out specific marketing campaigns and using tactics like AdWords, SEO, Content Marketing, etc. etc.

  7. We Only Have Time to Focus on One of These • Get to know your target customer really well (Customer Avatar) • Understand the transformation you create in that person’s life (Before/After chart of their lives before you and after you) • Map out your Customer’s Value Journey so you can follow along with them each step of the way • Then start spending $ and time building out specific marketing campaigns and using tactics like AdWords, SEO, Content Marketing, etc. etc.

  8. Customer Value Journey Canvas An 8-Step Process grounded in human psychology that walks through the exact path your prospects go through as they move from traffic to leads to clients to raving fans and promoters of your business

  9. Front-End • (AWARE) Find ways to get in front of your target audience • SEO, advertising, billboards, postcards, etc. • (ENGAGE) Let them learn more about you by providing them the information they’re looking for • Content Marketing, blog posts, social media posts, videos, podcasts • (SUBSCRIBE) Give them the opportunity to hear more from you • Email newsletter, social media “Like/Subscribe”, podcast subscription, request for more information

  10. AWARENESS • Don’t want to get too far into the weeds, but there are a few different levels of Awareness and it’s good to consider where your prospects are. • Level 1: Problem-Aware – are they aware they have the problem that you solve? • Level 2: Solution-Aware – are they aware of what their range of potential solutions are? • Level 3: Your-Solution-Aware – are they aware of you as a provider of a particular solution?

  11. (SUBSCRIBE) Lead Magnet • Webinars (Live or Pre-Recorded) • Checklist (these are very big for us right now) • Templates/Forms • How-To Guide • Industry Reports

  12. How Do I Keep Track of All That Stuff?

  13. Content Calendar

  14. Content Calendar • Once you’re clear on your Customer Value Journey, you’ll sit down and plan out the types of content that would be really helpful for your prospects/clients at each step of the journey. • Then block out some time each day for content generation. Start with creating your Lead Magnets, and then flesh out the spots where your current website is the weakest. • In fairness, if you’re wondering when you would find time to get that done, you’re not alone. Most clients we work with start off saying they want to write their own content, but end up not doing it.

  15. Repurpose your content! • One way to reduce the overwhelm is to do the same thing with your online content as you do with your legal forms and documentation – repurpose when you can! No need to write everything from scratch. • The same content can be tweaked so that it’s: a blog post, a lead magnet/download, an email newsletter, a social media post, a YouTube video, a podcast or audio download.

  16. How Do I Know What to Put in my Content Calendar? • Research (look at your competitors) • Talk to your clients, former clients, and prospects about what their needs and their biggest concerns were, and write to answer those questions • Pick a couple of main places where you publish content, and focus on them first. Don’t try to do everything at once • Your primary spot has to be your website. • Keep testing and tweaking!

  17. How do I know what’s working?

  18. Google Analytics!

  19. Google Analytics • A free tool that gives you access to as much information about your website visits/visitors as you could possibly want to know. • It’s fantastic for seeing what’s really going on when people visit your website, and what you need to do next • If you have no idea what I’m talking about, I recently did a webinar about how to get started with Google Analytics. Happy to send you a link to the replay.

  20. Case Study

  21. What happened? • The way their website was structured, clicking to read that article was basically a dead-end. • No way to contact them, no way to opt-in for more information or to ask them for more. • They had something most firms would kill for – a post that answers a popular question, and that Google has anointed the definitive answer to that question • But… they weren’t doing anything with it.

  22. Takeaways • Know what you already have and build on it – online marketing can move slowly (unless you’re really good at paid traffic). Start with identifying where you already have momentum to build • Steady, constant improvement and growth will be the key to ranking organically online • Make sure your content follows the Customer Value Journey, and that you have content for each step of the way. • When you start to get bored is when it will start working. Don’t count on the excited motivation, because it’s fleeting.

  23. Notice what I haven’t talked about: • Facebook ads • Google ads • Specific SEO “hacks” or providers • Email marketing tools • Building a new website • YouTube advertising • These are tactics. I can’t tell you which of these is a good idea until I see the plan you are building toward and the assets you already have.

  24. Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency • If you’re at a stage where you recognize opportunities to grow your practice, look into hiring a digital marketing agency • A good digital marketing agency will: • Help you flesh out this plan by interviewing your current and past clients, researching competitors, and adding their expertise • Decide where you most need to spend money/time/energy to get the best return on your investment • Implement the things that you don’t have the time or knowledge to implement yourself • Keep everything on schedule and on budget • Provide you with detailed reporting on a regular basis so you know what’s been done and what comes next

  25. Because here’s the thing…

  26. http://clientrushmarketing.com/kcba Links to my slides, and the Google Analytics Webinar Replay Free Strategy Session – Get Clear on Your Value Journey dan@clientrushmarketing.com 206-643-5496

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