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Zanele Muholi & South Africa

Zanele Muholi & South Africa. History. Known as the Cradle of Humankind, South Africa contains some of the oldest archaeological and human fossil sites in the world

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Zanele Muholi & South Africa

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  1. Zanele Muholi&South Africa

  2. History • Known as the Cradle of Humankind, South Africa contains some of the oldest archaeological and human fossil sites in the world • 1487: Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias landed in southern Africa and named the cape Cabo das Tormentas (Cape of Storms), later renamed Cabo da Boa Esperanca (Cape of Good Hope)

  3. History • 1652: Dutch East India Company establishes a “refreshment station” at the Cape of Good Hope, which would later become Cape Town • 1795: Great Britain takes over the Cape area • 1806: Great Britain annexes the Cape Colony • 1807: Global slave trade stops (Slave Trade Act of 1807) • 1833: Slavery abolished

  4. History • 1867 & 1884: Discovery of diamonds and gold intensifies European-South African subjugation of indigenous people • 1910: British Parliament creates the Union of South Africa • 1931: Union is granted independence

  5. Apartheid • The new government strengthened racial segregation that began under Dutch and British colonial rule • It classified people into four races and developed rights and limitations for each • The white minority controlled the larger black minority • Government discrimination began to dismantle in 1990

  6. Government • 1961: Country becomes a republic • Presidency remained powerless until the Constitution Act of 1983 • The Nationalist government harshly oppressed resistance movements like the African National Congress (ANC) • 1994: First universal elections; the ANC won under Nelson Mandela and has been in power ever since

  7. Economy • South Africa has a mixed economy • Unemployment is high • South Africa is ranked in the top 10 countries in the world for income inequality

  8. HIV/AIDS • An estimated 5.6 million people live with HIV, more than any other country in the world • 1.2 million “AIDS orphans”

  9. Human Rights • No hate crime legislation is in place • Corruption at the local government level contributes to the struggle to meet demands for economic and social rights • Proposed bills in Parliament could negatively affect media freedom and access to justice

  10. Gay Civil Rights • The government ignores reported murders of lesbian women in homophobic attacks • There are “conversion camps” where some LGBT young men have been tortured

  11. Bio: Zanele Muholi • Born in 1972 in Umlazi, Durban, South Africa • Photographer and Video Performance Artist • Completed Advanced Photography course at Market Photo Workshop, Newtown, 2004 • MFA in Documentary Media, Ryerson University, 2009 • Muholi considers herself a “visual activist” for LGBTQ rights. She is involved in the lesbian civil rights organization FEW (Forum for the Empowerment of Women). • Much of her work focuses on documenting the lives of black lesbian women (a group that she herself identifies with).

  12. Faces and Phases series (2006-ongoing)

  13. Being series (2007)

  14. “Massa” and Mina(h) series (2008)

  15. Queercide project (2008-ongoing)

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