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Kerangka Kerja Akuntabilitas dan Roadmap Nasional

Kerangka Kerja Akuntabilitas dan Roadmap Nasional. Direktorat Bina Kesehatan Ibu, 25 Januari 2013. Commission on Information and Accountability (COIA). E stablished November 2010 Commission report released during the WHA , May 2011 Recommendations discussed in high level meetings

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Kerangka Kerja Akuntabilitas dan Roadmap Nasional

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  1. Kerangka Kerja Akuntabilitas dan Roadmap Nasional Direktorat Bina Kesehatan Ibu, 25 Januari 2013

  2. Commission on Information and Accountability (COIA) • Established November 2010 • Commission reportreleased during the WHA, May 2011 • Recommendations discussed in high level meetings • World Health Assembly - resolution WHA 64.12: May 2011 • G8 meeting: July 2011 • Report officially released by Dr Ban Ki-Moon, September 20, 2011

  3. Vital events:By 2015, all countries have taken significant steps to establish a system for registration of births, deaths and causes and strengthen their health information systems… Health indicators:By 2012, the same 11 indicators across the continuum of care: reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, including HIV … Innovation:By 2015, all countries have integrated the use of Information and Communication Technologies … Resource tracking:By 2015, all 74+1 countries where 98% of maternal and child deaths take place, are tracking and reporting, at a minimum, two aggregate resource indicators total health expenditure by financing source, per capita; and total reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health expenditure by financing source, per capita. Recommendation

  4. Recommendation • Country Compacts:By 2012, in order to facilitate resource tracking, “compacts” between country governments and all major development partners … • Reaching women and children: By 2015, all governments have the capacity to regularly review health spending … • National oversight:By 2012, all countries have established national accountability mechanisms that are transparent, that are inclusive of all stakeholders, and that recommend remedial action, as required. • Transparency:By 2013, all stakeholders are publicly sharing information on commitments, resources provided and results achieved annually, at both national and international levels.

  5. Recommendation Reporting aid By 2012, development partners request the OECD-DAC to agree on how to improve the Creditor Reporting System so that it can capture, in a timely manner, all reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health spending by development partners. In the interim, development partners and the OECD implement a simple method for reporting such expenditure. Global oversight Starting in 2012 and ending in 2015, an independent ‘‘Expert Review Group’’ is reporting regularly to the United Nations Secretary-General on the results and resources related to the Global Strategy and on progress in implementing this Commission’s recommendations.

  6. 10 Recommendations • Better oversight of results and resources: nationally and globally • National oversight • Transparency • Reporting aid for women’s and children’s health • Global oversight Better Information for better results • Vital events • Health indicators • Innovation Better Tracking of resources for women’s and children’s health • Resource tracking • Country compacts • Reaching women and children

  7. Langkah-Langkah Untuk Mengembangkan Kerangka Kerja Akuntabilitas Nasional • Assessment dan membuat roadmap • Proses di tingkat regional : Bangkok, September 2012 • Proses di tingkat nasional : 20 – 22 February 2013 • Pelaksanaan Kegiatan

  8. Langkah-Langkah Untuk Mengembangkan Kerangka Kerja Akuntabilitas Nasional • Assessmentdanroadmap: Mengkajimekanismenasional yang ada, (praktekmonitoring, review sertatindakan),danmengidentifikasikesenjangandankelemahandarimekanismetersebut. • Penilaiansecaraumumdanperencanaanmenggunakantoolsyang telahdikembangkan. Memfasilitasipendekatansistematisanalisissituasi,danmenentukantindakanprioritasdalampengembangan roadmap. • Dapatdigunakanuntukmenilaidanmemantaukemajuanterhadapakuntabilitasdisektorkesehatansecarakeseluruhan, denganfokuspadakesehatanibudananak-anak • Prosesditingkat regional : Bangkok, September 2012

  9. Lanjutan........ • ProsesditingkatNasional: 20 – 22 February 2013 • Orientasi stakeholder kuncitentangkonteksdanimplikasirekomendasidariKomisiInformasidanAkuntabilitasuntukKesehatanIbudanAnak • Membangunkonsensusdiantarastakeholder, khususnyadaripemangkukepentinganditingkatnasional yang lebihluas. • Mengembangkanrancanganroadmapnasionaluntukmeningkatkanakuntabilitasdengankegiatansekaligusmenghitungbiayanyauntuk 4 tahunkedepan • Membangunpemahamanbersamatentangkegiatan yang diperlukandanperansertatanggungjawabdarimasing-masingmitrauntukmelaksanakanroadmapnasional • Sumber danasebagian besarharusdatangdaridalamnegeri, darieksternal dapat diminta dariinisiatif global dalamkerangkaakuntabilitas.

  10. Pelaksanaan Kegiatan : • Tindakan yang diidentifikasi dalam roadmap nasional harus terintegrasi dan diterapkan dalam proses nasional yang telah ada, seperti rencana kerja tahunan untuk implementasi sektor kesehatan nasional, strategi MNCH dll • Bantuan teknis dapat diberikan melalui WHO dan lainnya mitra lembaga, berdasarkan identifikasi kebutuhan dalam roadmap negara.

  11. Hasil Asessment Sementara Bangkok, September 2012 • Tools : Country Accountability Framework • Tools ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penilaian dan perencanaan kegiatan terkait kerangka kerja akuntabilitas nasional untuk kesehatan terutama Ibu dan Anak.

  12. Hasil Asessment sementara Bangkok, September 2012

  13. Hasil Asessment sementara Bangkok, September 2012 • Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems • Maternal Death Surveillance and Response • Innovation and eHealth • Monitoring of resources • Review Processes • Monitoring or results • Advocacy and Outreach

  14. Civil Registration and Vital Statistic

  15. Monitoring of results

  16. Maternal Death Surveillance and Response

  17. Innovation and eHealth

  18. Monitoring of resources

  19. Review Process

  20. Advocacy and outreach

  21. Pembentukan working group • Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems • Maternal Death Surveillance & Response • Innovation and eHealth • Monitoring of resources • Review Processes • Monitoring of results • Advocacy & Outreach Fungsi dan tugas working group : • Melakukan review terhadap hasil assessment sementara dari pertemuan di Bangkok • Melakukan klarifikasi dari hasil assessment • Memberikan review dokumen apabila diperlukan sebagai bahan referensi • Melakukan identifikasi kegiatan prioritas dari groupnya masing-masing • Bertanggungjawab pada tahap pelaksanaan kegiatan prioritas yang sudah diidentifikasi

  22. Terima Kasih

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