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maneuvered. Man eu vered. application. appli cation. preparing. Prepar ing. appointment. appoint ment. pneumonia. Pneu monia. monies. mon ies. windowpane. window pane. allotment. allot ment. resentment. resent ment. reluctantly. re luc tant ly. immediately. Immed iately .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. maneuvered Man eu vered

  2. application appli cation

  3. preparing Prepar ing

  4. appointment appoint ment

  5. pneumonia Pneu monia

  6. monies mon ies

  7. windowpane window pane

  8. allotment allot ment

  9. resentment resent ment

  10. reluctantly re luc tant ly

  11. immediately Immed iately

  12. consulting con sult ing

  13. encouragingly encourag ingly

  14. continued con tin u ed

  15. consternation Constern ation

  16. manipulate manip ulate

  17. approvingly approv ingly

  18. generation gener ation

  19. consumptive consump tive

  20. continuously continu ously

  21. chartreuse char treuse

  22. exposure expo sure

  23. hygiene Hy giene

  24. ominous omin ous

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