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Wind Energy Technology

Wind Energy Technology. Unit 8. Use Policy. This material was developed by Timothy J. Wilhelm, P.E., Kankakee Community College, with funding from the National Science Foundation as part of ATE Grant No. 0802786.

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Wind Energy Technology

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  1. Wind Energy Technology Unit 8 Source:

  2. Use Policy • This material was developed by Timothy J. Wilhelm, P.E., Kankakee Community College, with funding from the National Science Foundation as part of ATE Grant No. 0802786. • All materials in this presentation are designed and intended for educational use, only. They may not be used for any publication or commercial purposes. Source:

  3. Author, Editors/Reviewers • Author: Timothy J. Wilhelm, P.E., Kankakee Community College • Editors/Reviewers / Modifier: • Chris Miller Heartland Community College Source:

  4. Objectives • Students will be able to describe, in very simple terms, at least three different styles of “prime mover” used to convert linear air movement (wind) into rotational shaft movement. • Students will be able to briefly describe, in very simple terms, at least two of the basic criteria for properly siting a modern wind turbine. Source:

  5. Objectives • Students will be able to describe, in very simple terms, how change in wind speed affects the output of a modern wind-driven generator. • Students will be able to describe, in very simple terms, three different size-groups of modern wind turbines and their typical applications. Source:

  6. Objectives • Students will be able to describe, in very simple terms, at least three advantages and three disadvantages, to a local community, relative to the local construction of a commercial wind farm. Source:

  7. One of the Earliest Applications of Wind Power Source: http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/energyexplained/images/WINDENERGY1.gif

  8. Wind Energy History • 5000 BC – Wind-driven sail boats were moving on the Nile River • 200 BC – Wind-powered pumps were moving water in China; • and, sail-wing windmills (with woven-reed sails) were used in Persia and the Middle East

  9. What is a mill? • Mill (noun): • a. A building equipped with machinery for grinding grain into flour or meal. • b. A device or mechanism that grinds grain. • Mill (verb): • a. To grind, pulverize, or break down into smaller particles.

  10. Driving a Mill Source: http://www.tvnet.lv/men/images/upload/04.jpg Horse-Powered vs. Wind-Powered

  11. The Term “Mill” Stuck… Wind “Mill” pumps have been used for centuries in the Netherlands.

  12. Windmills to Drive Generators • Charles Bruch – GE, Cleveland, OH • Brush Windmill – 1888 • 50’ diameter • 144 cedar blades • 12KW generator • Battery charger Source: http://centros5.pntic.mec.es/ies.victoria.kent/Rincon-C/Curiosid/rc-74/image006.jpg Source: http://ecoinventos.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/220237i1.jpg

  13. How to Divert Wind Energy • Vertical Axis Machines • Simplest • Least efficient • Horizontal Axis Machines • Requires “yaw” control – face the wind • Can be “upwind” or “downwind” • Drag-type blades – applies to both V and H • Lift-type airfoils – applies to both V and H

  14. Drag vs. Lift Linear wind PUSHES against angled surface and resulting force vectors create torque.

  15. Drag vs. Lift • Lift-type airfoils use the Bournelli Effect. • Single-sided vs. true airfoil Source: http://thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd99/ed99-0226-01/liftmovi.gif

  16. Machine Types – VA va HA Source: http://www.redriven.net/skin1/images/wtconfig.gif

  17. Vertical vs. Horizontal Axis • Vertical axis machines do not care which direction the wind is from. • Simple, but inefficient. • Unless shrouded, they fight themselves.

  18. Vertical vs. Horizontal Axis • Vertical requires yaw control and often a mechanical power transmission. • More complex. • More efficient. Source: http://www.acsaeolica.com/img/productos_torre06.jpg

  19. Savonius – Vertical Axis, Drag Source: http://www.reuk.co.uk/Savonius-Wind-Turbines.htm

  20. Darius – Vertical Axis, Lift Source: http://www.reuk.co.uk/OtherImages/darrieus-rotor.jpg

  21. Midwest Windpumper -- Drag

  22. Modern Windgennie -- Lift Source: http://i.treehugger.com/files/airx.jpg

  23. Upwind vs Downwind Source: http://hensonelectric.com/Excel.Color.jpg Source: http://thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd99/ed99-0226-01/sotovento.jpg

  24. 2-Blade vs. 3-Blade (vs. 1Blade?) Source: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_PpVQS40h-MA/R5j4vqOuD9I/AAAAAAAAAKA/F3sOpAGsZdc/s320/aerogerador%2Bmoinho%2Bvento.jpg

  25. Wind-Driven Electrical Generators • PM Field DC Generators • Smaller machines • Battery charging and inversion • PM Field AC Alternators • “Wild” AC • Rectified for battery charging and inversion • Synchronous Alternators • Larger machines • Often 3-phase • Grid-tied, only

  26. Modern Wind Generators • Horizontal axis • 3-bladed • True airfoil • Loss-of-load protection • Modern electronics • High Wind protection • Yaw control • Pitch control

  27. Modern Wind Generators Source: http://www.testek.com/images/diagram.gif

  28. High-Wind Yaw Control • High winds mechanically force the face of the turbine away from the direct force of the wind. • Some machines rotate face sideways. • Some machines tilt face back toward the sky.

  29. Pitch Control – relies on “Stall” Source: http://thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd99/ed99-0226-01/stallmov.gif PLC Control maintains constant rpm needed for AC grid-tie machines. Source: http://thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd99/ed99-0226-01/pitchmo.gif

  30. Wind Siting – Wind Speed is CRITICAL • Power is proportional to the cube of the wind speed…(wind speed)3!

  31. Wind Turbine Siting – Wind Speed Estimates Source: http://www.seps.sk/zp/fond/2002/vietor/enq2.jpg

  32. Wind Turbine Siting – Wind Maps

  33. Wind Turbine Siting – Wind Rose • Wide wedges gives the relative frequency of each of the 12 wind directions. • 2nd wedge tells how much each sector contributes to the average wind speed. • Red wedge how much each sector contributes to the energy content of the wind. Source: www.windpower.org

  34. Wind Turbine Siting – Terrain Effects • Laminar flow vs turbulent flow • Roughness and obstacles • Laminar flow (straight-line) winds are available aloft. • Rule of Thumb: • Bottom of turbine’s swept area should be 30’ to 50’ above anything within a 300’ horizontal radius. • Power-cubed – wind-speed relationship…taller tower is cheaper than heavier machine with heavier tower.

  35. Speed up effect • Hill effect

  36. Speed up effects • Tunnel effect

  37. Sizes and Applications • Small wind – residential • 10KW and less • Small wind – commercial • 100KW and less • Large wind – commercial wind farms, industrial applications

  38. Small wind issues • Suitable wind resource • Sufficient property/space • Allowed by zoning • Accepted by neighbors • Technical ability of the owner to maintain the machine • Tower types – monopole, lattice, guyed, tilt-up

  39. Tower types Source: http://www.northerntool.com/images/product/images/339987_med.gif

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