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New Teacher Orientation

New Teacher Orientation. Day 3. Review Homework Balanced Assessment Practices Questions about Unit Planning Delve into Lesson Planning with Resources Continue building our team!. Goals for Today. Energizer. You’re not alone!. Feel Like You’re Building a Plane in the Air? .

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New Teacher Orientation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. New Teacher Orientation Day 3

  2. Review Homework • Balanced Assessment Practices • Questions about Unit Planning • Delve into Lesson Planning with Resources • Continue building our team! Goals for Today

  3. Energizer

  4. You’re not alone! Feel Like You’re Building a Plane in the Air?

  5. Debrief: Unit Planning

  6. Enduring Understandings about Learner Outcomes Making learner outcomes visible to students throughout the learning process helps students make connections and be actively involved in their learning. Teaching from the outcomes and to the outcomes—and aligning instruction and assessment with the outcomes—deepens student learning.

  7. BREAK

  8. 1.Engagement “I’m in the zone” Schlechty’s 5 levels of Engagement

  9. 2. Strategic Compliance • This better be worth my time! If it is, I’ll commit, if not, I’ll quit.” Schlechty’s 5 levels of Engagement

  10. 3. Ritual Compliance • What do I have to do to get this over with and get out of here?” Schlechty’s 5 levels of Engagement

  11. 4. Retreatism • I’d rather be_______________.” “What’s the point of this?” Schlechty’s 5 levels of Engagement

  12. 5. Rebellion “ You can’t make me…!” Schlechty’s 5 levels of Engagement

  13. 1. Think back to when you were in high school. You are entering math class. Think about your teacher and your experience within that class. Rate your level of engagement. Rate Yourself

  14. 2. Think about your experience of earning your Bachelor of Education degree. Rate your level of engagement. Rate Yourself

  15. 3. You have just been given tickets to an Nickelbackconcert. What will be your level ofengagement? Rate Yourself

  16. Scenario 1 • How did you rate yourself • Move to the rating that best describes you • 2 min. discussion • Spokesperson – share 1 reason why your group rated itself the way it did. • Scenario 2 • Scenario 3 Self Assessment

  17. Thinking About What You Have Learning About 5 Levels of Engagement: • How will this information influence your teacher planning? Reflection

  18. Living in a small town • Dress • Communication- colleagues, parents, students • Other… Professionalism

  19. LUNCH

  20. 3 things to keep in mind … • How are you sharing outcomes with students? • How will you share outcomes with parents? Lesson Plans

  21. Meeting Diverse Student Needs • Link to MI Lesson Planner • Time to Navigate & Explore Resources Personalization

  22. Blackgold: http://www.blackgold.ab.ca/Resources/AISI/Great/Teacher.htm Teaching and Learning Resources: http://cesdteachtech.pbworks.com Other Sources – Professional Learning Communities resources; What’s Available in CESD http://cesdplcs.pbworks.com Websites of the Day

  23. Moodle Teacher Websites Interactive Websites Student Gmail Google for Education Web 2.0 Tools Skype Digital Citizenship What’s Available? Technology in the Classroom


  25. Don’t forget discussions from Monday (Schletchy) Many ways to engage students. Consider: What are students … Student Engagement

  26. Hearing? Touching? Using? Creating? Doing? Seeing? Feeling?

  27. Work on Lesson Plans

  28. Mentorship Summer Institute Information about Friday Exit Slip Closure:

  29. Exit Slips One thing I will take away One thing I wish we could have done..

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