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The growth of plants

The growth of plants. The growth of plants allows them to exploit their natural environment and reach the resources they need : water and salt and minerals through the roots , and CO2 and light through the leaves. The growth of plants involves two mecanisms

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The growth of plants

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The growth of plants

  2. The growth of plants allowsthem to exploit theirnaturalenvironment and reach the resourcestheyneed: water and salt and mineralsthrough the roots, and CO2 and light through the leaves.

  3. The growth of plants involvestwomecanisms • Multiplication of the number of cells • Increase of the size of cells Weshallstrive to understand how those 2 mecanismstake place

  4. I) Cellular multiplication : mitosis in root’smeristem

  5. II) Increase of the size of cells • A) The variation in size of a potatoes tuber

  6. II) Increase of the size of cells • B) The variation in size of redonioncells

  7. Understanding the osmosisphenomen http://lh5.ggpht.com/-NszBjuqRNSM/Uor7263L-RI/AAAAAAAAAZ0/CBsGMDs5FHE/s1600-h/osmosis%25255B4%25255D.gif

  8. Saccharose concentration

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