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Keys to a Successful and Healthy Weight Loss

Discusses the current obesity rate and causes, defines the lifestyle change approach for weight loss, provides information on healthy eating, and offers tips on beginning and maintaining a healthy weight loss journey.

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Keys to a Successful and Healthy Weight Loss

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  1. Keys to a Successful and Healthy Weight Loss Stefanie Djuric, OSF Dietetic Intern February 9th, 2012

  2. Objectives • Discuss current obesity rate and causes • Define the lifestyle change approach for weight loss • Discuss what “healthy eating” really is • Provide information on how to begin and maintain a healthy weight loss

  3. Common, Serious, and Costly • About one-third of the U.S. population are considered obese • Obesity can cause many serious conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and some types of cancer • In 2008, medical costs associated with obesity were estimated at $147 billion 2

  4. Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 2010 (*BMI ≥30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5’ 4” person) No Data <10% 10-15% 15%–19% 20%–24% 25%–29% ≥30%

  5. What has changed to cause such a rise in obesity?

  6. Causes • Increased portion sizes • Fast food • Processed foods • Physical inactivity • Environmental factors

  7. Problem with “Going on a Diet” • Vicious Cycle • Decide you want to change • Begin to diet which decreases your calories • Weight loss • Frustration with diet • Loss of focus • Back to your old ways • Weight gain • Back to the beginning

  8. What We Prefer… • Lifestyle Change and Behavior Change • Developing habits • Setting goals • Food logging • Make a commitment • Focus

  9. Introduction to Weight Loss • How many calories in one pound? • 3,500 calories • So, in order to lose one pound per week, you would have to decrease your intake by approximately 500 calories per day • What ways could you decrease intake by 500 calories per day?

  10. Eat this, Not that Grande Cinnamon Dulce Latte with Sugar-Free Syrup 260 calories, 6 g. fat, 38 g. sugar Venti Peppermint White Mocha with Whip 660 calories, 22 g. fat, 95 g. sugar

  11. Keys to a Healthy Weight Loss • Consistent meal pattern • Low Calorie Substitutions • Appropriate portion sizes • Fiber • Choose nutrient dense foods • Avoid calorie dense foods • Variety • Find out reasons why you eat • Physical activity • SMART goals and small changes

  12. Consistent Meal Pattern • Eating at least 3 meals at the same time everyday • Skipping breakfast actually increases risk for obesity • Include a snack in between meals if you feel hungry (not out of boredom!) 1

  13. Low Calorie Substitutions • Switching from regular products to light or low fat • Drink skim milk instead of 2% or whole milk • Use cooking spray instead of oil or butter • Try egg substitute instead of eggs

  14. Portion Sizes • Use measuring cups and follow serving sizes on a food label • Using smaller plates, bowls, glasses, and serving spoons • At dinner time, put leftovers away after making your plate • Leave a little food on your plate • Youcontrol the food; it doesn’t control you

  15. Portion Sizes cont. • 1 cup of cereal = size of a baseball • 1½ oz. cheese = 4 stacked dice • 3 oz. of meat = deck of playing cards • 1 tsp. butter = one dice • 1/2 cup cooked rice, pasta, potato = size of a tennis ball • 1 oz. nuts = one small palm full • 1 medium piece of fruit = size of tennis ball • 1 cup cooked vegetables = the size of your fist

  16. Fiber • Choosing high-fiber and water-rich foods will allow you to eat the same weight of food, but feel full on fewer calories • Fiber will keep you fuller longer so you will be less likely to overeat • Include fruits, vegetables, , and whole grains at every meal

  17. Nutrient-Dense Foods • Low in fat and calories • High water content • Packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals • These foods are the best way to fight hunger; you can eat larger amounts and feel full without the excess calories • All high fiber foods, low-fat dairy products, beans and legumes, broth-based soups, lean meats and vegetarian protein

  18. Calorie-dense Foods • High in fat and calories • Low in fiber, vitamins, and minerals • Low water content • Don’t keep you full for long • Linked to causing weight gain and other diseases • Cookies, cakes, candy, pizza, high-fat meats, sugary beverages, soda, alcohol

  19. Variety • Look for COLOR when making your meals • Think of a rainbow • You will get more nutrients your body needs if you eat from all the food groups • MyPlate • www.choosemyplate.gov

  20. Find Out Reasons Why You Eat • Using food to deal with feelings other than hunger such as: • Boredom • Stress • Emotion • Try activities that keep you from eating • If you don’t find other ways to deal with these issues, over-eating will persist for coping

  21. Physical Activity • Choose a type of exercise that you enjoy doing • If already exercising, choosing different workouts may increase intensity and mix things up a bit • Exercising can help you reach your goal of weight loss by burning calories!

  22. SMART Goals • S = Specific • M = Measurable • A = Achievable • R = Realistic • T = Timely • Examples: • I will eat 3 servings of vegetables 4 days this week. • I will work out for 45 minutes 5 days this week.

  23. Food Logging • Write down the time you eat, amount, and type of food • This will show you where unnecessary calories are coming from and also hold you to becoming conscious of your eating habits • Use either a food diary or online record keeping: • www.myfitnesspal.com • www.sparkpeople.com • www.fitday.com

  24. Conclusion • The ultimate goal for weight loss is to develop habits for lifestyle change, not a restrictive diet • Eating nutrient dense foods will keep you fuller, longer and lead to weight loss • Set small goals each week • Be conscious of your eating habits using a food log

  25. References • Choose MyPlate. United States Department of Agriculture. 28 January 2012. Web. 28 January 2011. http://www.choosemyplate.gov/. • Mayo Clinic Staff. "Weight Loss Goals: 10 Tips for Success."Http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/weight-loss/WT00018. 12 Aug. 2010. Web. • "Obesity and Overweight for Professionals: Data and Statistics: U.S. Obesity Trends | DNPAO | CDC." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 28 Jan. 2012. <http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/trends.html>. • “Overweight and Obesity.” Nutrition Care Manual American Dietetic Association. Web. 29 January 2012. http://nutritiocaremanual.org/topic.cfm?ncm_toc_id=16997&ncm_heading=Nutrition%20Care>. • “Weight Control.” Medline Plus. National Institutes of Health. 8 April 2011. Web. 27 July 2011. <www.nln.nih.gov/medlineplus/weightlossdieting.html>. • “Weight Loss Tips.” Nutrition Care Manual. American Dietetic Association. Web. 18 January 2011. http://www.nutritioncaremanual.org/vault/editor/Docs/WtMgmt_WeightLossTips_FINAL.pdf.

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