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Video G ame Trouble. By: Cheyenne Wilton, Jaime Sigler,, Jessica Andres, Colleen Dwyer, Sydney Hickmott Beth Wojciechowski !!!. Instructions.
Video Game Trouble By: Cheyenne Wilton, Jaime Sigler,, Jessica Andres, Colleen Dwyer, Sydney Hickmott Beth Wojciechowski !!!
Instructions Don’t read this story from front to back. In this story you choose your own adventure. First read the paragraph on the slide and then click the dark blue letters and they will take you to another slide that will say the words you clicked on as a title.
Introduction START START You were looking through your closet when you find your dads old video game system! So you decide to try it out. There is a big, red button that says START , but it doesn't start! You get so mad that you slam the controller on your dresser and to your surprise the world around you starts spinning. Until it comes to a stop, and your in the middle of the video games main menu. The three choices are…… Super Mario Brothers, A Million Mazes, Sherlock Holms. *Super Mario Bros. (slide 4) *A Million Mazes(slide 5) * Sherlock holms (slide 6)
SuperMarioBros. You decide to go to Super Mario Brothers. You suddenly feel shorter than before. You look down, and your startled to see your dressed as Mario. Everything is quiet until ……… “Mario! Mario! Ahhhhh!” a beautiful young woman with blond hair, eyes as blue as the ocean, eye lashes that flow with every blink, and a Cinderella pink dress with white gloves. You have no idea what to say, or what to do, and you have no idea of who she is. An odd creature stares you in the eye and gives a loud fierce laugh. She pleads for help. A man in a strange green hat similar to yours, walks up to you and says lets-a-go! A weird frog like thing stares at you as if to try to convince you to go for a ride. You can either… go for a ride or talk to the man in the green hat. Go for a Ride (slide 9) Talk to the Man in the Green Hat (slide 10)
A Million Mazes You decide to go through the door that says A Million Mazes thinking it would be simple. The door opens so you walk through. The door shuts suddenly and disappears after your completely in A Million Mazes. The first level the cornfield. There are two ways, left to the castle or right to a noise. *Left to a castle (slide 7) *Right to a noise (slide 8)
Sherlock Holmes You dash to the picture of Sherlock Holmes. All of the sudden your in the world of myster… Sherlock Holmes. You look around and see a dusty old mansion filled with old pictures whose eyes seem to follow you. Your very scared and your heart is going 100 mph. you look franticly trying to find Sherlock Holmes but he’s nowhere to be seen. You step on something and look down only to see that you are Sherlock Holmes. You decide to continue to keep walking down the hallway where there are two doors on the right you hear a scream to the left you hear the creeping of the old wooden stairs as if someone were walking down them. • Go right to the scream (slide 19) • Go left to the creaky stairs (slide 20)
Right to the Castle • You take the path to the castle. It takes you a long time to get there. You see knights sleeping. When you get there they look at you weirdly. “What are you doing here. “ you shiver and start stammering “UuuuhIm stuck here.” sweat rolls down your face, the knights move out of your way and open the castle door. You stand there confused. “well are you going to go or not.” you don’t say anything and just walk in. you look back as the knights close the door behind you.
Left to a Noise You picked to go right to a noise. When you get to the noise you see that it is a kitty cat that is so cute and desperate that you pick it up and it starts to purr. It is a gray cat. You decide to keep it as a pet. You keep going until you come across two tunnels. An Orange Tunnel( slide 17) A Blue Tunnel (slide 18)
Go for a Ride You chose to go for a ride. After hopping on to the frog like creature you learn that its name is Yoshi. You tell Yoshi to go to the castle but instead of going to the castle he just stops right where the road splits. The left road is to the castle, the right road leads to a tube sticking up through the ground. You don’t know what is beneath the tube but it might be something that can help you save the princess. • Go left to the castle (slide 11) • Go right to the tube (slide 12)
Talk to the Man in the Green Hat • You decided to pick talk to the man in the green hat. After talking to him for a little while you learn that his name is Luigi. And you also learn that he’s your brother and that you have another brother he’s always the brother that dressed in yellow. As your talking to him you noticed that he says save the princess a lot.
Go left to the castle • You decided to go to the castle. You tell Yoshi to go to the castle. He starts to run at full speed. You start to get so nervouse that your hands start to sweat. You can feel the sweat dripping down your face. You see the castle ahead. You hear the girl with the blonde hair’s shrikes. You taste the salty sweat that is dripping into your mouth. You feel the smoothness of yoshi’s skin. Your nervose because you don’t know what lies ahead. You suddenly remember that your mario the guy that controlls the game, the guy that always wins. You get to the castle where you have two choices. #1 go through the door. #2 climb the ladder that you think leads to the princesses room. • #1 go through the door • #2 go through the window
Go right to the tube You choose to go to the tube. You steer Yoshi in the direction of the tube. When you get there you realize Yoshi wont fit into the tube so you have to leave him on the surface. You go down the tube and you see some kind of turtle shell and run over to it, you hop on it and next thing you know the turtle shell is on your back. This will help you in your challenge. There is another two paths, #1go left, #2 go right. Go left Go right
The Left Door You decide to go to the left door. You slowly turn the door handle. Crossing your fingers hoping nothing was there. Its pitch black, you can barely see your hand in front of your face. You ear footsteps coming from the basement. There is so much dust you can smell it. Taste the rusty old wood on the walls. Your so scared that you have cold goose bumps. You feel a lite breeze and wish you had a sweater. You start to go down the steps farther, you peak around the corner and see a little girl crying… tied to a chair, and a weird looking man. sharpening his knife. In the dime light, you see his knife. It is soooooo sharp you can feel it cutting in to you. You now feel really sad and scared. • Go farther into the basement • Go up the stairs
The Right Door • You enter the right door and are surprised to see a women lying on the floor holding out her hand as if someone took something from her. You are very worried and ask her what happened. She tells you that a man in all black took her ten year old daughter. You feel bad for the woman but don’t know weather you should help the woman find her daughter, or run back through the door to your two choices between the left door and the right door. • Run Back Through the Door (slide 15) • Help the Women(slide 16)
Run back through the door • You decide to run back through the door, but as soon as your out of the room, you fall through an old trap door. You are now in an old room that looks like it used to be an office. On a shelf in front of you there is a note that says …DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING. IF YOU DO YOU WILL UNDERSTAND WHY I WROTE THIS MESSAGE! You decide to take the note and throw it away. All of the sudden, you realize you touched something. And before you can run away a dragon flies in front of you and burns you to a crisp. • Credit Slide
Help the Woman You decide to help the woman. So you continue to walk down the hallway, hoping you won’t find anything. Your hope suddenly fails when you see a man in all black sharpening his knife, with a girl tied on to a chair next to him. You are afraid of what might happen to the girl. Right before the knife touches her skin, the man turns the knife and cuts the ropes loose. The girl runs over to you and gives you a big hug because she thinks you put some kind of spell on him to make him change his mind. She later tells you that he only wanted her because she has the power to zap you out of the game. You are confused and ask her why she didn’t zap herself out. She says because she is a character in the game and will never, ever be zapped into the real world. You decide to drop the topic. She is so happy you ‘saved’ her, he offers to zap you back into the real world. Go back to the real world (slide 3)
The Orange Tunnel You crawl through the orange tunnel and as you stand up you step on a stick and your cat starts running. You run after it and as your running you step in quick sand, and die. • Go back to A Million Mazes. (slide 5)
The Blue Tunnel • You head to the blue tunnel thinking it would be safe. So you pick up your cat and start walking again. Until you come across an old beach house, you knock. No one answers. So you open it, there is a nice bed room with a rug, a beautiful living room with a flat screen TV., bath room, and a kitchen with more than enough food in it. You decide to live the rest of your life with your cat lily, on a beach house. In the hot summer days on the lake.
Go right • You decide to go right. You turn the corner and waiting for you there is……a piranha plant. It eats you. Sorry • Credits Slide
Go Left • You go left and see a mirror. You look through the mirror and see your room. You jump through the mirror and your in your room. • Credits Slide
Go Farther into the Basement • You decide to go farther down into the basement. You hide behind a big box. You peek around the edge of the box as the man groans and walks away. You wait a little longer to see if the man comes back, but he doesn’t. you make a run for it. You run to the chair and try to untie her until you knock over a box that was by the chair. Nobody comes. You untie her and run of into the distance and were never seen again. • Credits
Go Up the Stairs • You are so scared that you run up the stairs. You see something glowing so you go after it. • go after the glowing light
Go after the glowing light • You choose to follow the light and it led you to a puppy! The puppy has a collar and it says Sky. She was stuck in a box for 2 whole days. The exact same time the little girl went missing. You decide to bring sky back to the little girl. You see the little girl by the balcony “hello I have brought your puppy, well sky back. "you whisper gently. The little girl looks back and snatches sky out of your hands and screams “you took her! YOU TOOK HER YOU NASTY HUMAN BEING!GET AWAY! She starts to cry and says “watch out please ,no! And a man dressed in black pushes you off the balcony and kills the girl puppy! Thankfully you and the puppy go back to the real world and Bella (the old Sky)is your pet forever. • Credits
Credits All clip art came from either Microsoft Clip Art Gallery or : Morguefile.com Picsforlearning.com My thanks goes to LorlenMichelle and Adlana For their Nameless Forest inspiration. Click here to read their awesome story.