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SA-916-AERTICLE-Help Your Pets Love Bath With Natural Pet Care Products

Help Your Pets Love Bath With Natural Pet Care Products

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SA-916-AERTICLE-Help Your Pets Love Bath With Natural Pet Care Products

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  1. Help Your Pets Love Bath With Natural Pet Care Products Natural pet care products Organic essential oils Pets are our closest friends, just like companions and with them we feel happy and content. Just like us, they need food, a healthy walk, regular visits to vet doctors and giving them a bath is an essential part of good hygiene and cleanliness. These baths help remove dirt, grime and germs that are earned during outdoor walks, playing and gotten from the natural environment. In addition to these benefits, this also helps in cleaning your furry fellows coat, making it healthy and free from parasites and different other skin issues. However, bathing frequency may vary from animal to animal, with other factors considered too like breed, fur and surroundings in which the animal is. Many times it is argued that washing and bathing your pets occasionally can actually strip off the natural coat of oils and moisture from the skin, resulting in dryness, flakiness and itching. There is good news! MOOSEBERRY is providing some best natural pet care productsthat have some finest natural ingredients for your pet’s skin, avoiding any harsh chemicals in it, that can cause harm not only to the pet but is also dangerous for the environment. They’re totally lickable, which means even if it goes in their mouth it will not harm them at all. We suggest having products that have organic and natural elements in them which are safe to use. Here is a curated list of ingredients one must look for in their products and the ones you should avoid at any cost. What ingredients to look for? Your first priority must be natural pet care productsthat have organic ingredients in it because they help in a healthy, soothing and nourishing bath. Look for ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, organic essential oil, jojoba oil and many more. 1-Coconut oil One of the most obvious reasons for adding this plant-based oil is its moisturizing and healing properties. This oil is rich in fatty acids such as lauric acid that helps in betterment of skin elasticity, treats eczema and has antibacterial, antifungal, anti- inflammatory and antiviral properties. All of which are pet skin friendly and nourishing.

  2. 2-Vitamin E It is best suitable for furry animal skin coats, because it helps lock in moisture keeping it soft, smooth and supple. This ingredient is best for dry and sensitive skin, which retains natural oils plus provides softness. However, I always prefer plant based, natural sources of vitamin E oil for greater benefits. 3-Essential oils Essential oils are a concentrated form of plant extract with a vast variety of benefits and healing properties. It can help soothe, treat infections and fight with harmful bacteria too. They also promote skin health along with help in reducing stress and anxiety in these animals. Always go for organic essential oilsobtained from the right methods, safe for your pets. 4-Hemp seed oil They come from seeds of hemp plants, which must be grown and obtained organically. Rich in essential fatty acids, having a good balance of omega oils helps support healthy looking skin with a soft shiny coat, and is known as one of the best ingredients in pet washes. What ingredients to avoid? Most of the products available in the market are synthetic based with artificial fragrances and chemicals that can cause irritation and itchiness. In worst cases, it might lead to skin conditions like dermatitis and excess dryness. Avoid the following ingredients: 1-Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS) This is added in almost all body washes and soaps as a detergent base which causes a foaming reaction in wash products. However, while we enjoy that thick lather made by these washes, it actually disturbs the PH levels of pets skin and strips off the natural moisture and oils. 2-Parabens Parabens is the simplest name that actually comes at the end of many ingredients because it has many types and forms. This ingredient is least expensive, usually added as a preservative. Silicon will create a synthetic covering leaving it more moisturized and silky but it actually looks oily and unclean. 3-Fragrances

  3. Perfumes and scents are added to the washes to give it a pleasant and appealing fragrance that is refreshing after bath too, however, these fragrances are usually chemical based and often lead to different allergies in pets. 4-Colors and dyes Many colors and dyes are often absorbed by the skin which could cause great harm and result in serious health problems because they’re derived from artificial ways. Any brightly colored liquid means there are chemicals present, so be careful! Summing up Pets are our loveable friends, so we must be careful while choosing different products for their use, even if it's about their bath too. checking the ingredient lists of different products and preferring natural pet care productscan improve their overall skin well-being and can prevent potential skin flare ups too.

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